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    Posts posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. It seems to me we are really "reaching" here and forcing a pseudo-identification where one does not exist. We don't ever know the language of the legend, much less what it says. (No, there is no such language as "Islamic", any more than there is a "Christian" language.)

    2. No, nothing like this previously known from the Indian "Princes" and it "feels" wrong for them. Could be from a local zamindar, as they produced much stuff, but rarely of this quality. Anything on the reverse? Let me work on the central inscription . . . .

      I know a lot of fantasy stuff is being made up in Pakistan now and this particular dealer . . . .

    3. One of the many different and rar Mogul / Maharadsha awards.

      I feel so. But you want more or correct informations, I must look in my books and papers.

      Year is writen 1331 that?s the year from 11.12.1912 to 29.11.1913

      Sincerely Holger / germany

      What do you mean "Mogul / Maharadsha"??????????????

    4. Ed,

      Believe me, the fakers have not waited for us to explain how to spot the fakes to improve their "art".


      Thanks (again), Marc. Still, I don't like to do ANYTHING that might help "them", but, still, I want to learn. This one came as probably fake and my "gut? confirmed this and I am glad to see a detailed diagnosis. I learn. Slowly. Almost happy (?) I have been priced out of anything that does not come with a 100% solid provenence. Ed

    5. A recently (more-or-less) acquired uniform, my first Indian uniform. :D

      It presents some challenges.

      It is complete enough (pants, Sam Browne belt, and swagger stick not shown).

      The aiguillette seems to be set up on the wrong shoulder for a full general.

      It has loops for a medal bar (which I'll never be able to "represent") and for a name tag (only) on the (his) right.

      There are NO tailor's tags (alas).

      Comments, please.

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