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    Posts posted by Luftmensch

    1. Here are some better pictures of Loerzer's "personal cut-out pilot's badge."


      and some of the other insignia he wore when he went riding on his Harley!

      This is the fake that we saw circulate several years ago, with the depiction of an engraved PLM and award date on the back of a handful of repro cut-out pilots to famous aces. There is a thread in which Stogie condemns them.


    2. Let's do a probability analysis, since the photo simply isn't clear...

      In decreasing order of probability:

      1. Pilot in shadow.

      2. Pilot tarnished.

      3. Commemorative

      4. Pilot cut-out.

      I ascribe probability based on numbers in existence, i.e. I've seen thousands of number 1, but never seen a real number 4.

      Mike Stacey was a researcher and writer for Cross and Cockade. He claims based on period charters that criteria for a Commem. Pilot badge DID NOT require loss of flying status. Does anyone have docs to the contrary? I'm trying to get photocopies backing up his assertion from him in the mean time--he's not computer savvy.


      PS I dimly remember a photo of a Pilot and Comm. Pilot's badge worn together. Stogie?

    3. Yup, the problem is definitely what we don't know we don't know. Mike Stacey of C and C was telling me at SOS that we've got it all wrong about the so-called Retired Pilot's badge, that it was in fact given out after so much time in service, and it was up to you what you wore--most army pilots evidently preferring the plane to the fat bird. I have seen two Urkunden to pilots in the summer and fall of 1918 awarding this badge while they were still in the service, but I have no other personal details. I now think (how many times have I reversed myself?) that it was just as unsoldierly to step out with a sloppy tarnished badge as it was to take a can-opener to it and alter its appearance.

      So Occam's Razor tells me its the shadow caused by UFOs crossing at that precise moment in front of the sun...or a "Retired" Pilot.



    4. Where's Les with his arrows when you need him...

      Look at the upper curve on your blow-up which would be made by the bird's left wing curving back to the right. There's nothing like that on the pilot's badge. Just the propeller...

      Was he transferred temporarily, or discharged with wounds until he recuperated? I think Stogie's saying no other picture of a complete cut-out is known. So odds are it's the known retired pilot. Simplest explanation and all that...

    5. WOW--eagle-eyed spot...sure looks like you're right. A couple years ago we had a thread on these cut-outs, and I think Stogie pulled an amazing photo out of thin air showing the upper portion of a pilot's badge removed. We were talking about the latest exotic fake badges that had a PLM and personal dedication to a high-scorer all engraved on the back, and the Taube was meticulously cut-out. People were paying up to $2500 for these hump-ups. Amazing that one of these may have existed, given that it is pretty blatantly non-reg., in fact butchery of a reg badge. I think we hypothesised before that this may only have been possible post-Armistice. But then your pic seems to refute that! :unsure:



    6. I'm not sure about the heroin analogy. It's yours legally (for the duration) if you have a bill of sale pre-dating Pres Burning Bush's signing into law for all items over $500 in value, I read somewhere. I think the only legal way to dispose of these upon death is to chuck them over the White House fence, or maybe find the memorial on the Mall that corresponds to your time period of your medals and DROP THEM IN THE RECEPTACLE PROVIDED!!!

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