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    Posts posted by Biber

    1. Hi,

      I really enjoy your pictures of the Berghof area, as I have pictures from my father's visit to the Berghof site in 1950. It was apparently a very popular place for GIs to visit while on leave (my dad was with the seventh army stationed at Vaihingen Kaserne near Stuttgart).

      I find it so very unfortunate that, because society has been so reviled (rightly so, certainly) by Hitler and the deeds of the third Reich, all traces of such sites have been destroyed. Would that they remained available, as do other more "acceptable" historical sites, for historians and others to visit and to actually see, touch, and study as a piece of history. I know there are risks - pilgrimage sites for wackos etc. - but as a historian myself I feel that they are outweighed by the benefits. Just my opinion for now. I'm sure it'll probably change as I continue to learn and mature.


    2. Hi folks,

      Does anybody know anything about this cross? my brother gave it to me when I was about 12. It was stuffed in a frame and labeled as an iron cross that was affixed to coffins. It's fairly light gray metal (color of lead) with black paint. There is evidence that there was once a ring on the 12 o'clock arm. Please forgive the picture quality.






    3. Thanks for posting these, Guy; I love the Arts et Lettres design :beer:



      Indeed, what a clever and beautiful design. Would that I could get one awarded to me.


    4. Just finished reading Brown & Seaton's Christmas Truce. Utterly fantastic that something like that geniunely took place! While I understand the dynamics that brought it all about, and why it was only short lived, I cannot help but wonder what the course of following decades would have been had the truce become so widespread and effective as to force a political solution to the war rather than a military one.


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