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    Posts posted by Freiwillige

    1. Here I'd like to share with you some WW2 portraits from my collection that had been hand-colorized nearly 70 years ago. These are originals not colorized nowadays using modern PC programs. The technique used at that time looks a bit naive but it was a considerable step forward in bringing soldiers' memories back home to their loved ones.

      No.1 Luftwaffe Fähnrich in the rank of Unterfeldwebel. Note the "KS" Latin letters on the shoulder boards that stand for Luftkriegsschulen.

    2. Thank you very much, Gordon, for the valuable info provided! I really appreciate any help regarding Stahlhelmbund insignia as all information I have is just collected together odds and ends from various sources. Could you please provide me with a Gau numerals? And secondly, could you please recommend any online resource where I could find as complete as possible info regarding Stahlhelmbund insignia?

    3. Freiwillige,

      The badges on the side of the cap are usually commemorative badges.  Some were authorized to be worn there and some were not but were worn anyway.  I'll post some fotos of hats with badges on the side tomorrow when I can get better pictures of them.  These are really wonderful pictures of Stahlhelm men.  Thanks very much for posting them.

      As for the colour of the uniforms, feldgrau covers a multitude of different colours of grey.

      Regards, Gordon

      Many thanks for the info and kind words, Gordon! By the way do you have any idea regarding that "3" device on the collar patches of that Stahlhelmbund member?

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