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The Order of Merit is the highest ranking Order (if we except the Order of Compagnon of the Revolution). The Order of Merit was created by decree N° 59/54 INT/AG from 25 February 1959. At the beginning the Order of Merit had only 3 grades (Knight Officer & Commander).A second decree N° 127/59 from 6 July 1959 institute a Grand Cross for exceptionnal merit and a Collar for the head of Government. Keep in mind that on july 1959 the Congo is still part of the Union Française and has not yet a President,but only a Prime Minister. A decree N° 59/239 from 27 Novembre 1959 establish the highest Order of Congo as the Legion of Honour (the french Legion of Honour).Keep in mind the Independence will only comes on 15 August 1960.The decree N° 59/226 from 31 October 1959 establish the shape of the insignia. It is now a classic 5 Classes Order + Collar for the President who is Grand Master of the Order of Merit. Here you can see the insignia of Grand Officer of the Order of Merit. Emmanuel
Hello Gentlemen,here I will began the topic on the Republic of Congo (not Zaire),but the ex french colonie of Congo,also known as Congo Brazzaville (the name of the capital). You can read for more info : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_the_Congo The highest Order of the Republic of Congo is the Order of the Companions of the Revolution. This Order has only been awarded twice. (Source : Nicolas de Roffignac ) As an illustration I have only a stamp to show (Source : A.Prieto) Emmanuel
François Tombalbaye was the first President of Tchad,he was assasinated by a putsh of the army in 1975. Sorry but it the onliest picture of him with the sash of the National Order I have been able to found. If anybody here can help he's most welcome. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Tombalbaye Emmanuel
And the last award of the Republic of Tchad for which we have some reference is the Militant Star or " Etoile du Militant " in french. It seems it is mostly a political award. Emmanuel
The only purely military award of Tchad is the Cross of Military Merit. It was instituted by decree N° 265/PR-CM of 12 December 1966. This decoration can be awarded with citation to the Nation, then a golden palm is worn on the ribbon. This decoration can also be awarded with citation to the Army,then a golden star is worn on ribbon. This decoration can also be awarded with citation to the Regiment,then a silver star is worn on ribbon. On the reverse is the Seal of the Army of Tchad. Many french Officers & N.C.O who have been on duty in Tchad from the late 60ies till nowdays have been awarded this cross. Emmanuel
The third ranking Order is the Order of Agricultural Merit.It is a 3 classes Order : Knight - Officer & Commander. It was instituted by decree N° 130/PG of 18 July 1961 & modify by decree N° 149/PR of 14 August 1963. Nominations & promotions within the Order are made on 28 November. You need to be aged of minimum 25 years to be awarded Knight of the Agricultural Merit,then you have to wait 5 years minimum to get promotion to a higher grade of the Order. Here the insignia of Officer of the Agricultural Merit of Tchad. The reverse is blank. Emmanuel
The 2nd ranking Order of Tchad is the Order of Civic MeritIt is a 3 classes Order : Knight - Officer & Commander. It was instituted by decree N° 147/PR of 14 August 1963 and later modified by decree N° 347/PR-CM-69 of 22 December 1969. Nominations & promotions within the Order are made on 28 November. You need to be aged of minimum 30 years to be nominated Knight and prove at least 10 years of service in Tchad (not overseas).To be promoted you need to wait minimum 5 years. Here is insignia of an Officer of the Civic Merit Order. The reverse is blank. Even if bought as an Officer,it seems it is a Knight badge (silvered) worn with a rosette ribbon. Emmanuel
Here a very rare award document of Grand Officer of the National Order of Tchad to Maurice Couve de Murville , Minister of Foreign Affair of France from 1958 till 1968 and then Prime Minister from 1968 till 1969. This document and the Grand Officer insignia came from an auction in London in april 2006 Emmanuel
If you believe all insignia are the same,it is not,the first manufactured specimen had the elephant suspension with his rear-back. You can comapre the size,both officer & commander are exactly the same size. Emmanuel
Hello Gentlemen,here I will introduce about a country that does have less Orders & Medals than some others,it is Republic of Tchad (or sometimes Chad in english). The Tchad got its Independence from FRance on 11 August 1960 and instituted his senior award by decree N°71 from 12 april 1960,later modified by decree N°148/PR of 14 August 1963 & decree N°348/PR of 22 December 1969. It's a 5 classes Order (Knight,Officer;Commander,Grand Officer & Grand Cross). The President of Tchad is sole Grand Master of the Order and wear the Collar of the Order. To be nominated in the National Order,citizen needs to be of minimum age 40 and to justify of at least 15 years of service.Promotions have to wait 5 years for Officer & 5 years for Commander,then 3 years for Grand Officer & 2 years for Grand Cross.Of course as ever these promotions are not automatic.The number of Grand Cross can never exceed 20. Here you can see the insignia of a Grand Officer of the National Order of Tchad. Emmanuel
Hello Gentlemen,as ever african awards document are scarce to find. Here such an award for Officer of the National Order of Mali to general Bonnefous, Directeur de Cabinet du Grand Chancellier de la Légion d'Honneur. Watch date of award in 1972 and the number under which the paper is registered : N° 87. Nine years after its institution only 87 Officers had been nominated. Emmanuel
Hello Gentlemen,always keep in mind that award document from african countries are not easy to found. Here a award document for Commander of the National Order of Sénégal. Emmanuel
A non wearable 70 millimeters medal was struck for the proclamation of the Empire on 4 December 1976. The Coronation Ceremony was to be held exactly one year later. Emmanuel
On this picture taken in the 70ies Jean Bedel Bokassa is wearing 18 breast star....!!! He's side by side with Idi Amin Dada from Uganda who just wear his ribbon bar. Emmanuel
Here are some pictures taken shortly after the Coronation itself and during the banquet. On the left picture you can see the Collar of the Order of Operation Bokassa.Unfortunately I haven't being able to found a better picture. Emmanuel
Because it is part of modern history,I cannot resist to post some of the picture of the Coronation Ceremony held in Bangui on 4 December 1977. On this pictures Bokassa is wearing the Collar of Operation Bokassa with as Grand Master Collar Badge a crown added to the badge. Here a link in french made by one of the grand son of Bokassa who live in France : http://www.abidjantalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7584 It is in french,but there is also a lot of pictures from the coronation ceremony. Emmanuel
The current President of Centrafrique ,François Bozizé only display the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit & the Grand Master Collar of the Order of Merit. In english : http://en.wikipedia....ois_Boziz%C3%A9 In french : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Boziz%C3%A9 Emmanuel
Jean Bedel Bokassa liked very much to wear all (or the maximum) of breast star he could wear.Here are some exemple of picture taken from the net.The second picture is taken in Vatican,when Président Bokassa was going to met Pope Paul VI in 1970. He's wearing 12 breast star on his right chest !!! In english : http://en.wikipedia....3%A9del_Bokassa In french : http://fr.wikipedia....n-Bedel_Bokassa Here a lot of pictures : http://mysite.verizon.net/respzyir/jean-bedel-bokassa/index.html
I have also to mention the Medal of Honour for the Mothers created on 3 June 1966. This award is a 3 classes medals ,bronze,silver & gold for being awarded to mothers of respectively 7,10 & 13 children. There was 80 bronze & 50 silver medal to be given per year ,with no limit for the gold medal. Jean Bedel Bokassa knew about women very much.During his life he had married 19 women and had 40 children that were recognised by him.Read the following link (I invented nothing). http://mysite.verizon.net/respzyir/jean-bedel-bokassa/id9.html Below you can see such a Gold Medal for Mothers.That one was awarded during the Empire (1976-1979). The reverse is blank. Emmanuel
Here a close-up on the Bronze Medal of Labour,this one from the era of the Centrafrican Empire ( 1976-1979 ). Emmanuel