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    Posts posted by medalnet

    1. I believ it should be said, too, that despite the fact that pieces are selling in auction for very high $ amounts, the payment of those pieces can drag on for month and years after the auction. Some pieces were sold last year and are pooping up at last auction due to some fine new customers not paying for them. So yes, high, but what does really sell in the end?

      I had something in one of those auctions and had to wait for almost a year for payment.

      Maybe the German auction houses should do a better job in screeing their clients, but then there is greed....

    2. Well, I just received the group pictured below and would like to ask for some help identifying the man who did wear it:

      Lt. Col. W. E. Manhard DSO 5th FLD. CO. C. E.

      (engraved on the rim of the Colonial Auxiliary foce Long Service medal)

      All medals are engraved except the DSO itdelf.

      I was wondering if somebody has something on his bio and reasons for all those medals being awarded to him?

      Any help is greatly appreciated.



    3. I believe somebody asked about a double award for the same medal on a combatant and Non-combatant ribbon. no explanation was found. Now it is on Ebay:


      The same person gets in 1871 the Steel Commemorative Medal on the combatent ribbon, then in 1872 the same medal on the non-combatant ribbon !!!

      Urkunde f?r den Seconde-Lieutenant Paul Hennige zur Kriegsdenkm?nze von STAHL am COMBATTANTEN-Bande, vom 1.November 1871

      Urkunde f?r den Rittergutsbesitzer Paul Hennige zur Kriegsdenkm?nze von STAHL am NICHT-COMBATTANTEN-Bande, vom 18.August 1872

    4. this IS the africa-clasp for the SEHO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no other possibility with these two shown medal bars, both before ww1, it must be the africa-clasp!!! Great to see this one in wear.... are there better scans of these pictures possible Andreas?

      It is indeed true. I just got another Email with the wedding date being: May 15, 2007 !!!!!

      The picture of the 2 ribbon bar is from the wedding already pictured above:

      He also added the following info:

      "The regimental history from 1904 lists him as one of 40 volunteers. It also says:" wounded was Unteroffizier Koslowsky at Gross-Nabas receiving soots into his right arm and his left shoulder." It also says:"The following received the Militaerehrenzeichen2nd class...Unteroffiziere Koslowsky, ...""

      This is quite amazing. It seems to be the very first picture of somebody wearing the Africa bar !!!!!

    5. Gentlemen,

      I was asked for help, but was not quite up to the task. I was given a name and several photographs with the question what Adolf Koslowsky is wearing on his two medal bars shown below:

      His beginning:


      initial medal bar:


      later being a "Leutnant" rank in his career:


      And his last medal bar shown on his field gray WWI picture:


      ...and the full picture:

      any help will be appreciated! What medals was he awarded with?

      My best guess is:

      a) Militaerehrenzeichen 2.Klasse (OK this one I was told: Wachtmeister at the Th?ringschen Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 6 and recived for his participation in the Deutsch-S?dwest the Milit?r-Ehrenzeichen 2. Klasse in 1906)

      b) Long Service ?

      c) Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Military Merit Medal with sword bar, but what year? Or maybe even the Africa bar!?

      d) South West Commemorative Medal with 4 bars, but which ones?

    6. Does cross-hatching mean post-war?


      I do not think that cross hatching means neccessarily post war. My theory is all along that the tooling was refurbished and refurbished with its time of use. If indeed the detailing was worn out of the tooling, Wagner for sure tried to freshen it up.

      One has to draw the line between cast and coined.

      Some of those shown here are definetly cast.

    7. Hello,

      these roman numberals you can often find on Prussian breast start. Usually the pin, the corpus, the medaillon in the centre and sometimes the ring around the medaillon are signed with the same roman numeral.

      Probably these marks were made for the differentiation of parts of different stars, while producing small series.

      Best regards


      This statement is correct. Almost all decorations were made in a batch process and needed indentification on which parts matched together. You will find those makrings not only on Prussian orders, but on a variety of state orders and decorations.

    8. Maybe I'm just old & blind... it appears to my eyes that the "crosshatching" on the necks and bodies of the eagles shown by Mike's cross are hand-applied with a file. I don't think you'll see that on any example of known, issued crosses of any period, including post 1918 production.

      Thank you!!!!! It looks indeed like someone would do to enhance a form for casting new PlM's.

      May I add a blow up of the real coined eagle:

      This may it clear that there is/was a necissity to work the form before casting a glop of eagle. You will find similar ones on ebay - lately.

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