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    Posts posted by medalnet

    1. Les, I absolutely agree, there is nothing that does not exisit when it comes to collecting medals. Decorations have been to often repaired, modified or upgraded by the recipient. If you would see the picture, you would certinaly agree. The Crown device looks more like something from a German Shooting Society's price. Yet, it still be possible that this one is one of those modified after 1945 by the Ordensgemeinschaft.
    2. As good or as bad as the Nimmergut may be one has to know that he used a lot of photoshoped pictures in there as much as known fakes and fabrications.

      The crown and oak leaf devise has nothing to do with anything sanctioned by the orders chancellery before 1918, but could certainly be something given by the "Ordensgemeinschaft" long after the wars.

    3. It actually looks as if an SA3aX would have fit there very nicely for a Hauptmann/Rittmeister dR/dL

      I agree. Especially since this is a bar made after 1934. The soldier was already awarded with the albert with crown.

      But keep in mind that the crown was awarded in larger number to the likes of a Major rank during WWI. Mostly for retirement during the war. Hence the combination is possible. I used to own a similar bar with the addition of a Griffin order knight.

    4. I have not paid much attention to this topic, but remembered the Eagle of the Knights. It is actually pictured in Thies's 22.Auction page 36 #75:

      "Adler der Ritter, vergoldet und emailiert. Am Originalband. im Originaletui des Juweliers Gebr. Godet, Berlin.

      Schoenes einwandfreies Original aus dem Exil in Doorn. in dieser Ausfuehrung extrem selten.

      Zustand 2. 400"

    5. Saschaw thanks for making us aware, really disgusting :mad: somebody is taking 4th class examples and turning them into 3rd class, destroying the badge in the process. Can any member post an orginal gilded 3rd class piece so the newer collectors don't get burned.

      This may help: two MVO's on medal bars. Both 4th class with crown and swords in silver gilt:


      left MVO 3 Silver gilt - right MVO 4 with gold center


      MVO 3 Silver gilt
    6. Wilhelm issued a new decree on January 18, 1865, as follows:

      The stars of the Red Eagle- and the Crown Order 1st class will not be worn simultaneously. The star of the Red Eagle Order 1st class will not be worn anymore if somebody has newly been awarded the Crown Order 1st class. In this case a ribbon in the colors of the Red Eagle Order made of enamel will be put around the tips of the Crown Order star and around the cross arms of the insignia itself. The Red Eagle Order 1st class cross has to be worn around the neck. Same was ordered to be done in case the Red Eagle Order 1st class was awarded after somebody had received the Crown Order 1st class. It gets even more complicated with swords, swords on ring and the oak leaf of the Red Eagle Order.

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