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    Everything posted by HenkWillem

    1. So far, all except the first one are identified: 1) ??? 2) Kreistag Amerland 3-4 Juni 1936 3) Reichsparteitag 1939 4) Tag der Deutschen Seefahrt 1935 5) Wehrkampftage 1939 6) 1939 Sommer-Sonnenwende Gau Weser-Ems 7) Deutsches Jugendfest 1936 8) NSBO (National Sozialistische Betriebszellen-Organisation) Tag der Deutschen Arbeit 9) Wehrkampftage 1939
    2. Thanks a lot. Just a few more to confirm/identify.
    3. Thanks! I will look into that possibility.
    4. Hi all, German pins are not my speciality. However, a colleague asked me if I could help him identify some pins he inherited. I attached an image. From the text on the pins I can already assume some, but I would like to check whether there are official names or so. 1) ?? 2) Amerland Juni 193x 3) ?? 4) Tag der Deutschen Seefahrt 1935 5) Wehrkampf Tage 1939 6) ?? 7) Deutsches Jugen..... 1936 8) Tag der Deutschen Arbeit (any year?) 9) Wehrkampf Tage 1939 (different one then listed in 5?) Thanks a lot for your help!
    5. Thanks a lot!
    6. Hi all, Does somebody know what the enclosed miniature is? The only clue I got from somebody is that it can be from an African kingdom like Swaziland, Lesotho, Zululand, Burundi or Rwanda. For the rest I am clueless. Thank you all in advance. PS. if it is not from Africa, then I would like to ask the admin to replace this topic. The general identification topic is closed, so I had to put it somewhere.
    7. Dear all, I recently obtained a Nichan al Iftikhar order: The cypher appears to be the one of Mohamed Sadok, but only rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. Did this occur more often? It is a locally made order and I am pretty sure they did not always carefully made them according to designs. And does somebody recognizes the mark on the back? Thank you in advance!
    8. thank you Owain!
    9. Ah, ok, that republic. Is it possible to date such a medal? And were they awarded with a ribbon?
    10. Dear Owain, thank you very much! You wrote "I think the award continued into the Republic of Yemen." Do you mean that this piece is from before 1962? Thank you in advance!
    11. Hi all, I recently got a bag filled with Arab medals. So far I identified all except one. Can somebody help me with this one? Many thanks in advance!
    12. Now I am 100% sure that it is Masonic. I contacted the Altschottischer Obermeister (Oldscottish Headmaster) of the Grand National Motherlodge of Germany and he replied: ---start quote--- the information you got is right. The Rectified Scottish Rite which you find in Switzerland and Belgium are reated to The Allgemeine Altschottische Loge. During the centuries only parts of the RSR had survived in Germany. The Pictures show the Members Jewel of AASL. It is the 4th Degree of Große National Mutterloge „Zu den 3 Weltkugeln“. Grand National Motherlodge of the three globes. ---end quote---
    13. Thank you Hermann. I made a pretty good deal. The lot contained around 10 Freemason decorations and I paid less than 180 euro About the badge. A quick Google search showed this image: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gro%C3%9Fe_National-Mutterloge_%E2%80%9EZu_den_drei_Weltkugeln%E2%80%9C#/media/File:F-Hochgr-gruen.jpg It is not a clear picture, but I think it is 99% sure that it is the same badge. Apparently it is the badge for the "Schottenmeister der GNML (3WK)". The price of 180 euro is not really that trustworthy. It was also for sale for 98 euro: http://www.ma-shops.com/mueller/item.php5?id=15292&lang=en
    14. Ok, thank you. So it is not masonic. The question remains: what is it?
    15. Hello all, I have this neck badge, but I have only minor information about it. It is some sort of badge of the Turkish Yükseliş lodge (lodge # 12), which is established in the Ankara region on the 24th of June 1950. It had approximately 120 members. I believe the lodge does not exist anymore, since all information I have found dates before 2004. The last grand master of the lodge (Ufuk BULUT) had this position in the years 2003-2004. All information I have is from this website: http://masonlocasi.blogspot.com/2015/04/yukselis-muhterem-locas.html, which I translated with Google Translate. Can somebody tell me more about this badge? When was it introduced, who worn it, how many are there produced, did it have a particular function, etc? and the backside: Thanking you in advance for the information!
    16. Hello Nick, Thank you. Interesting to know that there are only 821 crosses awarded. Why in heaven's sake would a forger put such a high number on the cross... But one thing is sure, those forgers are good in letting something "feel" like old.
    17. Dear all, Last week I had to do a quick buy. I was offered this St. George cross 3rd class for non-Christians. The guy who sold it had "no idea" what is was. The only thing he could tell me is that he "dug this piece of metal up in Poland", after finding it with his metal detector. This was the only medal he was selling, all the other stuff were other findings he dug up. The price was really nice, so I had to act fast. I have no idea about Russian Imperial medals, so I want to ask you all what do you think of this cross? Is it a valid one? And if so, is there a possibility to research the number (2065)? How many are there in total awarded? I would like to thank you in advance for your time and effort and I am looking forward to an experts opinion!
    18. So far I have only found this bit of information (no clue if it is correct): http://www.ebay.de/itm/original-Orden-Freimaurer-vor-1900-Stern-gold-N-F-/311012605039 The advertisement implies that it is a German Freemason decoration from before 1900. More information is really appreciated!
    19. Hi all, Recently I bought a lot with different masonic medals from the Netherlands, Turkey, and England. In this lot, there is also one star I cannot identify. Does somebody here recognize it? Thank you very much in advance!
    20. Hi guys, You have a good point. I never thought of a Dutch key. Like I said, I have no knowledge about these keys, and I know that they are used a lot in Germany, so I assumed this one should also be German. A quick search on "kamerherensleutel" (the Dutch word for it) showed me this: http://www.ambtskostuums.nl/ambtskostuums/koninklijkhuis/sleutel.htm Thank you both for your help!!!
    21. Nobody that has knowledge about this topic?
    22. Hello all, I've tried to identify this kammerherrenschlüssel, but without any success (I have no knowledge in this area). The box is not the original box, but just one to store it in. Can somebody with more knowledge about this area identify it? Many thanks in advance!
    23. Thank you guys! Luckely I didn't buy it. Somebody wanted to sell it to me, but since I'm not collecting daggers or German stuff, I rejected the offer. But I became curious about its origin. And that problem is now solved. Again, Thank you both!!
    24. Hello all, I recently came across this german dagger. I've seen a lot of different daggers, but this one is new to me (my interest is not into daggers). Can somebody tell me more about this model and originality? All your help is very much appreciated!
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