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    Posts posted by GeorgeCL

    1. The braid is then cut into two equal pieces and a template is used on the backside to sew a bullion insignia to the board. This template is used for accuracy in sewing as well as for strength and durability. A fake board will have the bullion sewing of insignias sewn directly to the braid itself. The insignia will show up as sloppy sewing with not much accuracy and detail. Often, the braid will become loose and distorted. The examples shown here are :

      Major General - 2nd Turkistan Army Corps

      Rear Admiral

      Major General - 47th Siberian Rifle Regiment

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    2. Great cuff.

      Here are some more of Gregs boards..

      I wish they were mine. :love:

      Here are some raw stock.

      Braid came in long strips long enough to make a pair of shoulder boards. These were packaged in celophane plastic and were supplied to officers in the field for replacements.

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    3. Hi Chuck,

      These groupings a terrific.. :beer:

      Thanks to collectors like you these pieces of history are kept from the dumpster..

      Keep digging thes up for us to enjoy here..

      This must be a RARE award for a soldier..

      All my reference states award for women.

      There were both Gold and siver awards but both in medal form and hung from red ribbon bow.



    4. Here are some Original Pagoni..These belong to a friend, and has allowed me to post for him..Thank you Greg.

      Honorary Colonel-en-Chief,

      4th Guard Rifle Regiment of the Imperial Family,

      Adjutant Aide-de-Camp to Alexander II and Alexander III,

      Czar Nicholas II.

      Worn exclusively between 1914-1917 on his daily gymnastorka. The Tzars own.

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    5. Heres a piece My lovely sister picked up for me yesterday..

      Rare White Russian Grad badge.

      Description out of reference.

      Bronze crowned double headed eagle on a black enamel Maltese cross.

      Between the arms of the cross are crossed swords with hitls down. In the center a yellow enamel epaulet of the school and on the base in gold on a black enamel background, the roman numerals XVI standing for the 16th Graduating Class..

      Emigrees have told the author quite a few junior officers saw active service in the White forces during the civil war..The Institution was located in the Caucausus.


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    6. Heres a piece I have and dont know what it is or its country of origin. Both sides are the same, no markings that I can find. Ribbon is purple and the damaged enamel is the same purple. Looks blue in scan but its purple/cerise..




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