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    Posts posted by GeorgeCL

    1. Heres a group of society badges.


      IPB Image

      top center badgeRewarding badge of the imp.Rus.Fire service

      center is the monogram of Grand duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, honorary Chairman of the society.

      Left, badge for members of the railway fire brigades came in bronze and silver grades. see full eagle on top.

      right, and lower center and mini, Imperial russian fire society. crown on top

      came in three grades

      gold silver and bronze.

      Gold, Honorary members and donators

      silver lifelong members-competitors

      bronze, the right to wear this badge was givin to some full time members of the society as well as to personnel os fire brgades.

      worn on the left chest.

    2. Hi Rick,

      I do not think Tsarist russia wore ribbon bars. They are 1 inch across each.

      I have a couple of pics of white officers wearing bars, but only after 1918.

      IPB Image

      I also thought the St George would be first.

      I was guessing this was put together by the officers wife after 1920 and he just used it as is.?

      emigre wear?

      Who knows



      IPB Image

    3. Out of curiosity, would he be of the same family as the late Tsar Nicholas II? Another great place to find Russian books is at this website: http://www.uuu.ru. Use a translation service. They have tons of books and they speak english. I have ordered from them in the past.

      Hi Danny,

      Yes he is a direct descendant of Tzar Nicolas 1.

      Thanks for the link

      I'll look into it..


    4. Heres a ribbon bar I picked up a little while ago.

      Shows wear and looks to be original, ie not messed with.

      Could this combination order be correct.

      2 st annas w/swords, St stauslas w/swords and the st george ribbon

      Could it be a White Russian post 1918 set up?

      made very much as the germans did..



      IPB Image

      IPB Image

    5. This one always makes me think of the scene in Doctor Zhivago where the elderly retread leads the cadet school boys into the Red machine guns--


      although it bears a Berlin-Charlottenburg Photo Atelier origin on back, it was mailed "In Russia" by a member of the 83rd Infantry Division the first week of Aprl 1916, making no comment on the image-- just a useful postcard sized piece of paper... and leaving us to wonder when and where it was taken, of whom, and how it came into the possession of private Richard Jungmann of IR329....

      I stole this from another site

      Military Order No. 106 (March 9, 1913) stated that, except Cavalry, almost all Line units would wear a removable plastron for winter parade dress. Color of plastron and piping were to be as follows:

      General officers:

      - Infantry : red

      - Artillery, Engineers, etc: black (velvet/officers) , red piping

      General Staff: black (velvet/officers), red piping

      Grenadier regiments: yellow with piping according to division: 1st: red, 2nd: blue, 3rd: white; 4th: yellow.

      1st Nevsky Infantry regiment: red with white piping

      2nd Sofiisky Infantry regiment: light blue with white piping

      Other Infantry regiments:

      - 1st regiment of division: red (no piping)

      - 2nd reg.: blue

      - 3rd reg.: white

      - 4th reg: dark green or black; red piping

      Rifle regiments: raspberry

      Artillery, Engineers, Railway, Aviation: black (velvet/officers), red piping

      Most other units wore dark green with red piping.

      So he was a Grenadier Reg officer before ww1 1913 era


    6. Nice collection of books. Which one would you suggest that covers all the awards, not just the badges, and preferable in english. Thanks

      Hi Danny,

      None of them cover it all..

      Reg badges I like

      " Chest Regiment badges or Russia"

      its in russian german and english..

      for orders, general info.

      "The orders of Russia"

      by V.A.Durov

      and if you can find it

      "badges of Imperial russia"

      in english by Sergie Andolenko

      trans by Robert Werlich

      You can sometimes find on ebay..

      or here at collect russia.com



    7. Hi Rick,

      I may be mistaken..

      My understanding of Reg. badges is that they were authorized at the 100 yr anniversary, or more.

      I think em and officers were allowed wear. usually Officers had silver/gold and enamel examples and em were not enameled..and made of brass.

      I think the wearer had to purchase there own..not awarded.


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