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    Posts posted by 2dresq

    1. Justin for the Jaguar check out Andre' H.'s site think there is still one there for you........... nice T-Boot Tallies

      the R. Beitzen and K. Emden are now in my hot little hands, Metall und Baumwoll

      Glad to hear. The Jaguar on Andre's Site was for the Artillery school boat Jaguar http://www.huesken.com/cgi-bin/cat-art-index.pl?art_no=48966&rubrik=850006&lang=e&kat=1

      Thanks for the update though. I have purchased some tallies from Andre before. Very easy to do business with.




    2. I went scanning through the 3 book series "The Kriegsmarine: Uniforms and Traditions" By John Angolia. I did not see any reference to any such specification for badges. It is an interesting thing.

      I would guess it could be obvious if we had some photos of lets say E-Boat men who were early on getting the destroyer badge and then later got the 1st model E-boat badge and see if there is a pattern and remained with the Schnellboot service.

      Seems like several LW members converted to the KM. Wonder how many members of the KM went to other branches such as the army.

      Battle at Narvik, maybe some of those Maat's and such had their fill of getting sunk and moved on to the Gebrigsjaeger. :)



    3. Very nice photos. Always interesting to get peoples family pictures as well. :)

      Question: Is there a regulation on badge precidence and what badge should be worn and in what order. IE. If that LW Observer medal should be worn above the current assignment badge of a Uboat or HSF badge. If a recipient received the U-boat clasp and also has a long-range bomber clasp. I can't imagine them wearing both. But, what takes precident. The Sailor with the U-boat abzeichen badge and below the HSF. He qualified for both. I guess what I am trying to ask is that during the war, several people qualified for several badges. Can you look at a photo and figure out what type of unit the sailor served on currently for the picture? Upper badge being the current and lower badge being previous awards?

      Hope that makes sense.




    4. Those are some magnificent tallies. I love those schnellboot tallies. I hope to one day have them added to my collection.

      These schnellboot tallies seem to be quite scarce. I lucked out with the Schnellbootsflottille 1 version.

      I have been able to secure the torpedoboots. I am getting the Wolf, Tiger and Grief tallies and a new Moewe tally. That will do it for the torpedoboots. :)

      Just working on the destroyers, and unterseebootsflottilles/tenders.




    5. Justin,

      Looks like you're building a FLEET. Nice tallies to be sure! Continued success!


      That is the eventual plan. Gotta get some more destroyers, I am working on the Sub fleet, Trying my hand at the torpedoboots, like to get the two schnellboot tenders as well as Schnellbootsflottille 2.

      Appreciate the complements! I have been extremely fortunate with obtaining such nice and rare examples. :)




    6. This brings up a good point with value and what something is worth. This is a field that we all take an interest in. There are different reasons why we have chosen to pursue this hobby; something compels us to put a value on these items.

      There are several guesses when people are asking a question on what something costs. Looking at a Krimschild, the price was still on it and it was going for 1.60Reichsmarks. Now it goes for around 200-400USD. Why? It is demand, rarity, all these things factor in.

      Internet auctions are just like gambling, They can be very addictive. There are several people here that I know that get the thrill of the hunt for the items.

      Everything about this hobby is driven on demand and what people perceive the value to be. It would be interesting to see in an anonymous poll, what and why members collect.... Is it to pass on their collection to their future generations and pass on a love for a specific event, is it seen as a financial investment, is the reason unknown, is it for the social glory for having that ultra rare award and receiving recognition for such a prestigious or mint award? Who knows.

      The bottom line is, that as a collecting group, we set the prices, we have complete control of this. I always find it amazing to see a hunk of zinc in the shape of a SS skull fetch so much money or a Collar tab of the SS fetch so much as well. But, I think it was a bargain to find the Graf Spee.

      To each their own.

      Wonder what the future will hold. One would think that eventually, the market would peak and prices would remain pretty much leveled out from a point on. Could you really see a set of Oakleafs going for much more than what they can now. I couldn't? What is the estimated value, around 20K? :(

      Can it get higher?

      If the demand is there, and someone with the cash. Yes! :)

      Regards and Happy New Year!


    7. My bottom two tallies are Reichsmarine. Before the Gothic script. Yes I saw the Torpedoboot wolf and the seller was correct, this was a pre Kriegsmarine and Reichsmarine period tally. Those are the only imperial tallies I have at the moment. I displayed them before I got too much involved with tallies. Now, it is my obsession. :)

      Gordon Williamson, one of the moderators of this forum has put together a tally script and grammar for the tallies. They can be tricky. The Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial) and the Reichsmarine (post WW1, pre WW2) both used latin script for their tallies as well as the later tallies in the Bundesmarine. The gothic script is Kriegsmarine period with exception to some possible post war Bundesmarine/Volksmarine tallies that held on to the gothic script before returning to the Latin Script tallies. He covers this quite well and is worth the look.

      The Torpedoboot Wolf is a correct example of a Reichsmarine period tally. So the Torpedoboot wolf had two tallies depending on the period of issue.

      Remember, the tallies were discontinued in 1939 and all went to the standard issue Kriegsmarine gothic script. The only ship that has a post war issued tally that is considered to be authentic is the Kreuzer Prinz Eugen.

      Hope that helps a bit.

      If you get a chance, there has been some wonderful topics recently covering the tallies/muetzenbands. Well worth the read.




    8. Not sure if this will work, never put a video on a post before.

      There is a trad. badge shown on this short film, it's 32seconds into the film which is only 2:35 long anyway.

      Not sure which badge, but it's a good clear shot.




      Looks like a jumping Devil although It doesn't look exactly like E.Topp's Red Devil.

      Thanks for posting Uboatlied. Never saw that done on the forums yet. Pretty cool! :cheers:



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