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    Mark M

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    Posts posted by Mark M

    1. GREAT photography! :cheers: I've tried with my sword collecting friend Ted's things (some down in the edged weapons forum) but have only done good on hilts. The blades are real tough-- you've done a fantastic job with the damascus.

      have you researched the names? I love identified names. :rolleyes:

      Too many von der Deckens to be sure (without being able to compare Leutnant commissioning dates from a 1900 or 1901 Rank List) which one--non-artillery, gave that :love: to Nieter. Nieter (unique names are such good research fortune!) was ernannt Oberleutnant 22.4.02 with final Patent of 12.9.02 F5f in Field Artillery Regiment 16, was an instructor at the Artillery & Engineer School in 1905, but by 1907 had passed into the Reserves in his regiment, going into WW1 as a Hauptmann dR with the Prussian XX "LD1" (and 1897 Centenary Medal, having been a regular then).

      I don't find any regular Leutnants to match up Stoye, Weidling, and Siebers as of 1912-- what have you got on them?

      What about the OTHER named blades?

      Wups, simultaneous typing/posting:

      Von Schleicher & von Krohn:

      As Abitur holders, both were vorpatentiert on commissioning in 1912:

      Sword presenter von Schleicher in Garde Sch?tzen Bataillon Lt 23.8.10 V (Oberleutnant 27.1.16 N6n, serving in 1st Marine Infantry Regiment, then as Orderly Officer of the 1st Marine Brigade-- receiving SA3bX 23.9.17, and final wartime service as 2nd Adjutant of the 3rd Marine Division before being demobilized between 1920-23 as a char. Rittmeister (!!!) aD in the early Reichsheer)

      Sword recipient von Krohn was vorpatentiert Leutnant 23.8.10 C6c in Feldartillerie Regiment 10 (Oberleutnant 27.1.16 F10f, charakterisiert Huptmann aD 1920, died 8 June 1924)


      Thank you. On the Glogau sword - Stone was a Lt assigned to grenadier Regiment Nr. 6 with an appointment date of 18.8.12, Weidling was a Lt with the Luft Batallion 1 with an appointment date of 23.8.10, and the Sieber was the Saxon receipent. He was assigned to the Saxon 11th Infantry Regiment Nr. 139. I am not quite sure why his name has the "s" on the presentation but not in the rank lists.


    2. I'm curious if there are any other Imperial German sword collectors out there. So, I will post some of my collection in hopes of others posting theirs.

      First off is an artillery grosser sized lionhead. This sword is one of the largest I have ever seen. The sword must weigh close to 10 pounds! The blade is engraved and dated to 1893. The langet is also unique in that it has a lions head and paws above the crossed cannons.


    3. Stephen

      Very beautiful work! I had a couple questions for you. Do you paint your wing lozenge or use decals? If decals, whose do you find to be the most accurate? I do a lot with 1/72nd scale but I can never find good figures to go with them. Can you recommend a source for any ground crew/flight personel in either 1/72nd or 28mm?


    4. I have another Prussian IOD 89 that I am hoping someone can help me with. This is an honor presentation sword to a Major Caspari of Infantry Regiment von Voigts Rhetz (3 Hannoversches) No. 79 in 1891. I have been able to compile the following on his carerr:

      1875 - Hauptmann with Schleswigsches Infantry Regiment No. 84

      1885 to 1887 - Same Regiment only as a Major - 1st Company

      1888 - Major with Konigs Grenadier Regiment (2 Westpreussisches) No. 7 - 3rd Compnay

      1889 - 1890 - Major with 3rd Hannoveresches Infantry Regiment No. 79 - 3rd Company

      1891 (date of sword presentation) - Major with Infantry Regiment von Voigrs Rhetz (3r Hannoversches) No. 79 - 3rd Company

      1892 - Major (Commanding Officer) Pommersches Jager Batallion No 2

      1893 - Oberst Lt (Commanding Officer) Pommersches Jager Batallion No 2

      1895 - Oberst (Commanding Officer) Infantry Regiment Freiherr von Sparr

      1897 - Oberst (Commanding Officer) Infantry Regiemtn Freiherr von Sparr (3 Westfalisches) No. 16

      Can anyone fill in any of the missing details? Also, what would the chances be of finding a photo of this officer?

      Thanks in advance,




    5. Hi This is my first post as a member so please excuse any mistakes if I have posted incorrectly.

      I am a collector of Imperial German swords and was wondering if anyone can help ID an officer on a presentation sword . The sword is a model 89 in a beautiful state of presentation. The blade is triple engraved with a blued and gilted presentation panel to a Hauptmann Kempf. Unfortunately there is no regiment reference or date to narrow down this officer. The sword is a presentation from what I believe is a veterans organization in Wissener, which I can not find on any maps of Germany.

      Does anybody have any suggestions?


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