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Series: Signs of the Zodiac (Tierkreiszeichen) 2 12 hand-painted ceramic badges (color and size variations) Aid to the winter war 1940/41 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1940/41) Reich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the RDB, the NSFK (Nationalsozialistische Flieger-Korps), the state merchants and craftsmen, the SA and the SS. Collection date: February 1 and 2, 1941. Photograph from 1941, 4cm by 6cm. A Luftwaffe pilot with two horoscope-related whw insignia. Mountain goat (Steinbock) Aquarius (Wassermann) Fish (Fische) Aries (wider) Taurus (estier) Gemini (Zwillinge) Cancer (Krebs) Leon (Löwe) Virgo (Jungfrau) Weight (Waage) Scorpion Sagittarius (Schütze)
Series: Peasant Houses (Deutsche Bauernhäuser) 12 colorful painted wood veneers , size 3,05cm x 3,09cm. Aid to the winter war 1942/43 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1942/43) Reich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the SA, SS, NSKK (Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrkorps) and NSRKB (Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund). Quantity: 55,000,000 Production location: Habelschwerdt (Silesia), as well as in home worker workshops in Erzgebirge, Vogtland and the Bavarian Forest. Collection date: November 1942 Kärnten (Carinthia) They are simple pieces, but very delicate and beautiful. ebay.de Egerland (Chebsko in the Sudetenland) Elsass (Alsace) Frisia (Frisia) Kärnten (Carinthia) Mitteldeutschland (Central Germany) Lower Rhine (Lower Rhine) Lower Saxony (Lower Saxony) Oberdonau (Upper Danube) Ostpreußen (East Prussia) Schlesien (Silesia) Schwarzwald (Black Forest) Südbayern (southern Bavaria)
Series: Police (Polizeibeamte) 8 plastic figures. There are three versions: colorful hand-painted, uniformly painted in silver gray, and uniformly painted in gold. There are also different variants of shape and thickness of the bases and differences in details and paint. Aid to the winter war 1939/40 ( Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1939/40). Street collection throughout the Reich (Reichstraßensammlung), on the occasion of German Police Day (Tag der deutschen Polizei), carried out by the Police, technical services and Firefighters. Collection date: February 1940. These elegant figures were produced in the Ostmark district of southern Westphalia, the Sudetenland and the Odenwald district. I am collecting this series, at the moment three figures. Mounted Gendarme in Paradeuniform (Berittener Gendarm in Paradeuniform) Order police in formal uniform (Ordnungspolizist in Paradeuniform) Motorcycle traffic police (Verkehrspolizist auf einem Motorrad) Gendarme in service uniform (Gendarm im Dienstanzug) Traffic police in summer uniform (Verkehrspolizist en Sommeruniform) Security police in SS uniform (Sicherheitspolizist in SS uniform) Fire Protection Police (Feuerschutzpolizist) Auxiliary police officer (Beamter der Technischen Nothilfe) ebay.de
Series: Ancient Germanic battle axes 3 (Altgermanische Kampfbeile und Streitäxte) 8 zinc badges with semi-precious stones embedded in various colors. Collection date: 19/20/ October -1940 Aid to the winter war 1940/41 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1940/41). Reich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by RLB (Reichsluftschutzbund), RdK (Reichsbund der Kinderreichen) and NSKOV (Nationalsozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung). Badges made in Idar-Oberste. 43,801,998 units were made. Its design is not realistic, it is rather a free representation. Felssteinbeil - Stone Ax Streitaxt - Battle Ax Dolchstab - Dagger Staff Steinhacke - Stone Peak Amazonenaxt - Amazonian Ax Tüllenbeil - Bronze Ax Amazonenaxt - Amazonian Ax Streitaxt - Battle Ax
Ship (Schiff - Kriegsschiff) There are many ship-related insignia within the WHW, covering many eras, types and models. Personal file In some Gaus, limited editions of metal insignia of Warships and Submarines were made. Segelschiff - Sailing ship Wikingerschiff - Viking ship Kutter - Cutter Kreuzer - Cruiser Zerstörer - Destroyer Segelschulschiff - Sailing training ship Zweimastsegler - Two-masted sailboat Raddampfer - Paddle steamer Schnelldampfer - Fast steamer Großsegler - Tall ship Barkasse - Longboat ETC.... The photograph shows an insignia of an unidentified warship, metallic, semi-hollow and with a string to be worn on clothing or uniform. There could be a version with a needle pin. The photo serves to faithfully represent what any of these insignia would look like. The best-known series with ships were these: Serie: Wehrmacht 1 (Darstellungen aus der Wehrmacht) 12 gray plastic figures, unpainted. Collection of the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) throughout the Reich. Collection date: 1940 Serie: Wehrmacht 2 (Darstellungen der Wehrmacht) 12 gray plastic figures (trolitul), unpainted Collection on the streets throughout the Reich on the occasion of Wehrmacht Day (Reichsstraßensammlung zum "Tag der Wehrmacht"), carried out by NSKOV (Nationalsozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung), NSRKB (Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund), DRK (Deutsches Rotes Keuz) and RTB (Reichstreubund ehemaliger Berufssoldaten). Collection date: March 1941. ebay.de
Series: Butterflies (Schmetterlinge) 8 porcelain butterflies, there are differences in paint and size Compilation date: Mai. 1936 Serie distributed by the organization "Mutter und Kind" ("Mother and Son") The butterfly that the girl wears seems to be from the first series, in 1936. Paper Agfa - Lupex, size 4cm x 7cm. Personal file Personal file There is a second series of porcelain butterflies: 10 colorful hand-painted porcelain badges, there are differences in paint and size Street collection throughout the Reich (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by DAF (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) Collection date: March, 1940. Phillip Militaria.
Series: Seagulls (Möwen) Gausammlungen - Gau Collection The series is distributed in the Gau Danzing, East Prussia. Aid to the winter 1936/37 (Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes 1936 / 37 ). Collection date: 16/01/1937 5 Black and white Porcelain Badges of Seagulls The use of Winterhilfswerkes insignia as brooches and decorations on clothing was common. The Porcelain badges had slight variations in size, color, etc. Personal file These Winterhilfswerkes gulls are very rare to see https://www.kunst-und-troedel.info/forum/ http://www.whw.porcelanki.net/news.php Spendenbelege des Winterhilfswerkes, Bd. IV Reinhard Tieste
Series: Coat of arms of German cities abroad (Städtewappen auslandsdeutscher Städte) 59 badge designs; including 55 sheet metal and 4 cardboard. Collection of the organization VDA - Volksbund für das Deutschem im Ausland Badges were sold in 1934-1939 The VDA (Volksbund für das Deutschem im Ausland / People's Association for Germanness Abroad) also had its own charitable collections. The VDA was originally a means for Germans living abroad to stay in touch with their country's culture. We can identify the second shield as belonging to Pettau (Ptuj, Slovenia) some shields: Riga (Riga, Latvia) Sonderburg (Sonderborg, Denmark) Cilli (Celje, Slovenia) Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) Marburg ad Drau (Maribor, Slovenia) Pleß (Pszczyna, Poland) Trübau (Moravská Třebová, Czech Republic) Danzig (Gdańsk, Poland) Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) Stadt Tarvis (Tarvisio, Italy) ebay.de
German Police Day Tag der deutschen Polizei Zinc badge. Police emblem (Polizei-Hoheitsabzeihen) Collection date: February 14 and 15, 1942. Aid to the winter war 1942/43 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1942/43). Collection on the streets throughout the Reich on the occasion of German Police Day (Reichstraßensammlung zum "Tag der Polizei"), carried out by the Police and technical services. Unterwachtmeister der Schutzpolizei Voigtländer paper brand, Postcard size. Waf Forum member Randy Flieger has identified some 62 different markings for this insignia in his magnificent collection.
Series: Germanic swords and daggers (Germainische Schwerter und Dolche) 8 light metal badges with semi-precious stones embedded in various colors. Pickup date: 4/11-5/11/1939 Aid to the winter war 1939/40 (1. Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1939/40). Eich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the SA, SS, NSKK (Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrkorps) and NSFK (Nationalsozialistische Flieger-Korps). 28,978,930 units manufactured, mainly in Idar-Oberstein, Hanau, Pforzheim, Schwäbisch-Gmünd i Jabloncu (Gablonz)
I don't know if this display is vintage... Badges produced in the state majolica factory in Karlsruhe, in Hamburg, Hannover-Ost, Gmunden, Mürzzuschlag and Vienna. Reinhard Tieste identifies two variants in the insignia of the Signs of the Zodiac (Tierkreiszeichen😞 - Preßmasseabzeichen: Pressing compound badge - Keramikabzeichen: Ceramic badge
Thank you very much for your kind words Mr.Kleinepanzerfaust ¡¡ Series: Signs of the Zodiac (Tierkreiszeichen) 12 hand-painted ceramic badges (color and size variations) Aid to the winter war 1940/41 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1940/41) Reich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the RDB, the NSFK (Nationalsozialistische Flieger-Korps), the state merchants and craftsmen, the SA and the SS. Collection date: February 1 and 2, 1941. Photograph size 9cm x 12cm Sagittarius (Schütze) Image sources Ebay.de Image sources http://www.whw.porcelanki.net/ Image sources Ebay.de Capricorn (Steinbock) Aquarius (Wassermann) Aries (wider) Taurus (estier) Gemini (Zwillinge) Cancer (Krebs) Lion (Löwe) Virgo (Jungfrau Balance (waage) Scorpion Sagittarius (Schütze) Image sources Ebay.de
Series: Animals (Tiere) 10 metal badges with semi-precious stones embedded in various colors Winter aid 1938/39 ( Winterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1938/39). Reich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the SA, SS, NSKK (Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrkorps) and NSFK (Nationalsozialistische Flieger-Korps). Collection date: February 5-6, 1939. photo size 6cm by 8cm Owl (Eule) Series: Animals (Tiere) OWL ELEPHANT DUCK RABBIT CAT FISH BIRD SQUIRREL DOG DEER "Spendenbelege des Winterhilfswerkes, Band I, Reichsstraßensammlung 1933 - 1945" Reinhard Tieste
Thank you very much for your kind words Mr.dj. Joe Series: Stylized flowers (Stilisierte Bluten) 5 metal badges with semi-precious stones embedded in different colors. Winter aid 1936/37 ( Winterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1936/37). Reich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the SA, SS and other paramilitary formations. Collection date: October 31 to November 1, 1936 In the shape of a four-leaf clover (Kleeblattform) - Cross-shaped, with sharp petals (Kreuzform mit zugespitzten Blättern) - In the shape of a four-leaf clover (Kleeblattform) - Round, with five petals (Runde Form mit fünf Blütenblättern) - Heart-shaped (Herzform) - Round, with four petals (Runde Form mit vier Blütenblättern)
The Inner Mission (German: Innere Mission, also translated as Home Mission) was and is a movement of German evangelicals, founded by Johann Hinrich Wichern in Wittenberg in 1848 based on a model by Theodor Fliedner. Like other missions, the Interior Mission sought a "rebirth" of Christianity, through the doctrine of "brotherly love" and a social program of charity (social service) and Christian education. Colección Reich Street 14 y 15 de abril de 1934 Evangelical Young Men's Associations membership badge: https://www.philipp-militaria.com/ Sheet metal badge, manufacturer Aurich / Dresden. There is a sheet metal model, without a manufacturer and with a different pin system. https://reibert.info/ Wikipedia.
Series: German architectural monuments (Deutsche Baudenkmäler) 16 glass plates made of colored glass, various colors and shades. There are various colors and shades of glass, such as: white, blue, brown, green, amber, red, orange, gray and purple. 59,000,000 pieces were manufactured . Aid to the winter war 1942/43 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1942/43). Street collection throughout the Reich (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the NSRL (Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen). Collection Date: September / 1942 We can see that the Infantry Assault Badge (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen IAB ) is seen through the glass of the WHW piece. Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Aachen Rathaus Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Berg Isel Denkmal Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Garnisionskirche Potsdam Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Hermannsdenkmal Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Holstentor Lübeck Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Brandenburger Tor Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Mahnmal München Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Marienburg Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Karlstein bei Prag Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Prinz Eugen Denkmal Wien Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Straßburger Münster Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Stephansdom Wien Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Völkerschlacht – Denkmal Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Reichsehrenmal Berlin Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Tannenberg - Denkmal Deutsche Baudenkmäler, Glasabzeichen, verschiedene Farben am Lager, Wawel Krakau The soldier wears the Crystal insignia upside down, because these pieces had a string at the bottom. If we turn the image over, we can identify the insignia of the "Brandenburger Tor" The cord of these pieces was at the bottom.
Thanks for the kind comments,Mr LarryT ¡¡¡ Series: Traffic signs 2 (Verkehrszeichen) 10 painted zinc plates, approximate size 25 mm. Winter aid 1940/41 ( Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1940/41). Street collection throughout the Reich (Reichstraßensammlung) on the occasion of German Police Day (Reichstraßensammlung zum "Tag der Polizei), carried out by the Police and technical services. Collection date: February 15-16, 1941 Einbahnstraße (one-way street) Stop, Vorfahrt der Hauptstraße achten (stop and yield to traffic on the main road) Halteverbot (non-stop) Parkplatz (parking area) Parkverbot (parking ban) Ring - oder Sammelstraßen für Fernverkehr (crossing sign) Unbeschrankter Eisenbahnübergang (barrier-free railway crossing) Verbot einer Fahrtrichtung oder Einfahrt (prohibition of direction of travel or entry) Verkehrsverbot für Krafträder (motorcycle prohibition) Verkehrsverbot für Kraftwagen (no entry of cars)
Thank you very much for your kind words, Mr. TracA. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ I have more photographs, but I would like to get the whw badge to show them together. Series: Dwarves, angels and children (Zwerge, Engel und die Kinder) 10 wooden veneers, also used as an ornament for the Christmas tree, hand painted. Winter aid 1936/37 (Winterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1936/37). Street collection throughout the Reich (Reichstraßensammlung) carried out by the Hitlerjugend (HJ). Collection date: 18 to 21-12 - 1936 Photograph size 11cm x 9cm, Agfa Lupex paper
Series: Germanic swords and daggers (Germainische Schwerter und Dolche) 8 light metal badges with semi-precious stones embedded in various colors. Pickup date: 4/11-5/11/1939 Aid to the winter war 1939/40 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1939/40). Eich-wide street collection (Reichstraßensammlung), carried out by the SA, SS, NSKK (Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrkorps) and NSFK (Nationalsozialistische Flieger-Korps). 28,978,930 units manufactured, mainly in Idar-Oberstein, Hanau, Pforzheim, Schwäbisch-Gmünd i Jabloncu (Gablonz) A - 5 vertical lines on the handle B - 3 points on the handle C - 6 horizontal lines on the handle D - 8 points on the handle E - No decoration on the handle F - Honeycomb pattern on the handle G - 2 horizontal lines on the handle H - 13 points on the handle
Thanks for the kind comments ¡¡¡ Series: Flags and Banners (Fahnen und Standarten) 20 painted plastic badges Aid to the winter war 1939/40 (Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1939/40). Collection on the streets throughout the Reich on the occasion of Wehrmacht Day (Reichsstraßensammlung zum Tag der Wehrmacht), carried out by NSKOV (Nationalsozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung), DRK (Deutsches Rotes Keuz), NSRKB (Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund) and RTB (Reichstreubund ehemaliger Berufssoldaten) . Collection date: 03/16-03/17/1940 The soldier wears the Infantry Flag "Tag der Wehrmacht" on the 16th and 17th of March 1940. Fahr- und Kraftfahreinheiten Artillerie Aufklärungsabteilungen Fahr- und Kraftfahreinheiten Flak-Artillerie Fliegertruppe Führer-Begleitbattalion Infanterie Jäger Kavallerie Kraftfahrkampftruppe Kriegsmarine/Marineteile an Land Luftnachrichtentruppe Nachrichtentruppe Nebeltruppe Pioniere Pioniere (Mot.) Regiment General Göring Reichskriegsflagge Schützen und Kraftschützen Trageflagge der Kriegsschiffe https://www.gettyimages.es/
Series: Germanic shields (Germainische Schilde) 7 zinc badges with semi-precious stones embedded in various colors. Collection date: 10/25-10/26/1941 Aid to the winter war 1941/42 ( Kriegswinterhilfswerk des deutschen Volkes 1941/42). Street collection throughout the Reich (Reichstraßensammlung). 1- West Germanic 2 - Thuringian 3 - German 4 - Old Germanic 5 - Norman 6 - Serbia 7 - Old Swedish t