Guys, thanks a lot for your answers
I´m posting here some close ups of the photo:
If you think you could give a name to some other officers pictured here, please telle me and if you need a close up I´ll post it
Thank you guys.
#3 could be General der Infanterie Kuno von Steuben?
The Headquarter of the Army moved to Prilep on 5 October 1916 until the retreat to Hungary in September 1918.
In That period of time Gen. von Steuben was Commander of the Army (from 5 June 1917)
By the way, I found another officer as a Regimental Adjutant, Otto von SCHULTZENDORFF. Could you confirm ?
Walter LUYKEN, was Adjutant from Oktober 1916 to the end of war. Was Schultzendorff Acting as Adjutant before or after him? Or may be was adjutant of the 2.Garde-Feldartillerie-Brigade?
Anybody has this book?
Written by our Walter Luyken
Guys, just to complicate a little our identification: I have a portrait of an officer of 2. Garde FAR named WALTER (not Ernst) Luyken, Leutnant der Reserve. It could be the same or a relative of him? There was another LUYKEN in the ranks?
Thanks a lot Glenn and Prussian!
Any further datas on #3 and #5?
About #2: If I read correctly, it said that his career continues in Husaren Rgt. 12 in Torgau.
Any Idea when?
Hi guys, some years ago, I've took from the net this really interesting photos. Apologizes if any of you is the owner.
There's a lot of names of Officers on it. Any datas on them?
Many thanks once more
Yes, it make sense.
just tell me, the same von Kunheim in 1.Garde-Drag.Rgt in the list of 70/71 EK owners, could be one of the two Kunheim listed in the ranklist 1869, in Cavalry of 7.Ostpreuß. Landwehr-Rgt.Nr.44. At the start of the war, he was activated and transferred to the 1.Garde-Drag.Rgt, until the end of the conflict and awarded with a EK II klasse. Is it right?
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