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    Posts posted by RobW

    1. And here is the corrected picture, provided by Bison showing the mark of L, an anchor, C.

      On reflection it was immediately noticeable once I observed the medal from a different angle under a strong light. Sometimes it is all that it takes to make a positive identification. Again my thanks go to Bison for pointing this out.



    2. Hello all,

      While there is currently a thread in this same area on French makers marks / hallmarks and guarantee stamps I thought it relevant to start a specific thread on the many different varieties of the French medal commemorating the Great War.

      The other thread can capture all the myriad French makers marks but I think it is a good idea to highlight all the different varieties of this very striking and yet simple medal.

      As far as available records show the medal was produced by at least 5 different French manufacturers, with a US produced model as well. In addition there is the differently design model by C.Charles and the accepted design with a different suspender by Arthus Bertrand. Such variety with a single commemorative medal makes for an interesting collecting field.

      I will post pics of all the varieties in my collection as I manage to locate them. The format will be the same with a general pic, followed by close-up pics where appropriate. It would be good if others could post theirs as well.



    3. Hello Tim and all,

      Thanks for the re-direction. Something that always fascinates me about French awards is the multitude of manufacturers and variations that are to be found. It is certainly, as others have said, a large minefield to enter but then this is what also makes it so interesting. :D

      It is a pity that such miniature groups are not attributed as I'm sure there would be a story to tell. Being primarily a vic collector I am seemingly forever being sidetracked when I come across French items and groups. The diversity catches the attention.



    4. Unusual combination - impossible if complete entitlement??

      The C de G is not on the Vichy ribbon (which was black and green), but on the French Republic ribbon and without emblem. Presumably he served 1939-40 with the French forces, in which case he should also have the WW2 commemorative (and presumably explains presence of military Valour Cross.

      Hello Rich,

      Thanks for the clarification. I had worked out that the CdG was not on the Vichy ribbon as I mentioned in the initial post. I just found it odd that it was a Vichy CdG on the normal ribbon.

      You mention that it is an impossible group if complete entitlement. Other than the WW2 Commemorative medal what other awards would be considered correct? biggrin.gif



    5. To all,

      Here is an interesting recent pickup of a group of French mini's, consisting of:

      * Médaille Militaire, 3rd Republic, 1870-1951 type

      * Croix du Guerre, 1939-1940 dated reverse

      * Médaille de la Résistance

      * Croix du Combattant Volontaire Resistance

      * Croix du Combattant Volontaire 1914-1918

      * Croix du Combattant

      * Médaille des Blessés Militaire, 2nd Type

      * Médaille Coloniale

      What is interesting to me is that the Croix de Guerre 1939-1940 is a Vichy issue on a 1939 ribbon. Is it possible that someone who received a Vichy Croix de Guerre then subsequently joined the Resistance would still wear it at a later date ?

      I would appreciate any and all thoughts and opinions on this group as it is an area I have little knowledge.



    6. Don't want to hijack the thread here, but I was wondering if anyone already has the Binet publication shown a few messages back? How does it compare to the (impossibly expensive) Hass book where contents are concerned? (the Binet sells for about 40 €)



      Edited: Never mind, found the other thread a little before this one with the link to the publisher's website. Even has a few samplepages there. Looks good!

      Hello there,

      I picked this book up, on the recommendation of another collector. It is probably one of the best books I have, and is remarkable in dealing with the myriad of manufacturer variations and their mintmarks. It is a very handy reference. Not having the Hass book I can't compare but I think it was well worth the €40.



    7. Here is a close-up of the makers mark. It appears under a loupe to be a square, with a central cross, surrounded by a number of letters but they are not distinguishable. Happy for any thoughts on this.



    8. To all,

      To continue with the wound medals here are some mini's of different designs.

      The first one is 13.7 mm in diameter and has a very nice dark enamel with a thicker weave ribbon.



    9. To all,

      Things seem a bit quiet around here at the moment.

      Here is a nicely detailed later issue French vic mini. It is part of a larger group of 9 which includes an Orient medal, Verdun (Vernier model) and Wound medal.

      The vic is quite detailed given its small diameter of 11.7 mm and it even has the Paris Mint cornucopia mark and BR on the reverse. The accompanying Combattant Cross and Commemorative War medal also have the Paris mint cornucopia and BR marks.

      It would be good if other vic collectors could also post their mini's as they are as much an interesting collecting field as their full size counterparts.

      Close-ups to follow.



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