Guys, Here are a few of the ones that I have. The Zeppellin even has a microscopic swastika on the tailfin. Also note the lower left 39 Parteitag. Great thread. I very rarely look at these. Some of the art and symbolism is incredible. Have a nice weekend. Robert
Don, It makes sense that the pin attaching device would get smashed down quickly. I've just done a quick check of my other enamels with similar set-ups and this one is by far the highest. Maybe a replacement. Take a look. P.S. Still searching for the maker's name with the cicle S. (Reichskolinialbund) Robert PSS It is the lapel size pin.
Don, I have only one of thses beautiful badges. I especially like the superior red enameling on the eagle. By the way, are yours made by Alois Klammer? Also, do you notice a higher attaching pin than normally found? What I mean to say is how far it rises from the revrse of the badge. This one is a little grubby but I don't want to clean it. Thank You. Robert
Thank You Don, I just wanted to add that with my less-than-perfect interpretation Herr Baumeister came from a long line of metalsmiths. If I'm not mistaken Baumeister basically means master builder and schlosser is a metal worker or something of that sort. I notice also that John's Karte has the membership number written and mine is stamped. John, what years of dues stamps are in yours? Mine goes from 1938 thru 1940 with one stamp standing alone different than all the rest with a big capital A in the center. Thanks Again for posting for me Don! Robert
John, I just wanted to add my pins for comparison. The pin-back has the cicle S and the miniature a totally diferent mark. Would anyone know what that one is? I will also show my membership book if that is OK. If I am posting too much let me know and I will stop for a few days and only browse. Happy New Year! Robert
Gentlemen, I have been wondering about this for quite a long time. Should a red flag be raised if the pin attachment and keeper are not in the 9 and 3 o'clock position in the horizontal style? I feel this is an original badge and it doesn't appear that the attachment pinand keeper have been replaced. Do you think it could be particular to the maker or a manufacuring error? Your opinions and input a greatly appreciated and thank you for your time and courtesy. Robert
Very Sorry, What I wanted to add is that I hope the fakers never get that cream enamelling right like the originals. Thank you all and you Don especially. Happy New Year! Robert
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