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    Great Dane

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    Posts posted by Great Dane

    1. No, I can't think of any places that would have pictures of him (and believe me, I have been giving it a lot of thoughts...). I have never heard of a painting.

      One place you could try is 'Ordenskapitlet'. Any Knight (or higher) were invited to send a description of their life when the order was awarded.

      I don't know what the exact policy is concerning public inspection of these, but you can always try to ask - maybe he attached pictures to his description.

      The address is:


      Christian VIIIs Pal?


      1257 Copenhagen K


    2. Singles were/are normally attached with a safety pin (i.e. not on a metal bar), so no loops would be necessary.

      But your guess is as good as mine... :)

      Yes, shifting the Crosses/Stars to the right side when a sash was worn does make sense...

      But still - out of curiosity - are there any more loops higher on that side? What about ones just covered by the 'fold over' (near the buttons)?


    3. Hi Mark,

      I see your point, but instead of making a button hole in the last medal ribbon maybe he just mounted the last medal as a single. That way he could push the end of the medal bar under the button and do the same with the last ribbon. At least that is the way I would do it if I was wearing his medals :P

      I don't know how much attention you should give the uniform in the photo. Obviously it must be another uniform since yours doesn't have any loops where he's wearing the Dannebrog GC Star. Or am I wrong?

      Another thing that keeps 'irritating' me is the position of the loops down the right side - why are they placed so low? Why not between the upper buttons along the side?

      They look more like loops for Crosses/Stars, but that doesn't make much sense... :unsure:

      Are you sure you found all the loops on your uniform?


    4. Oh, I just saw your other thread where the RAO was mentioned...

      I do see your point: Maybe he was wearing his first 5 awards on the medal bar. That would make the last one the Russian Order of St. Anne - but I have great difficulties in identifying the 4th as an Anhalt Albrecht the Bear... (and it doesn't help there's a button in the way :P )

      And the ribbon for the last award doesn't really match a St. Anne ribbon...


      I'm not sure I understand Jacky's point about Commander 1st. Class versus Grand Officer...

      Normally these class names are used to refer to the same class (just like Knight 1. class equals Officer)


    5. The width of the ribbon is 27mm (has varied over time between 25 and 30mm but my mounted bars from the 1920s are 27mm).

      I have measured some dimensions shown below. The total length of the ribbon (measured while mounted) is 230mm, but you may want to experiment with, say, a paper ribbon before you start ordering ribbons.

      It is important to make the fold on the reverse (see picture). Without it you can't get a horizontal top (try it and see for yourself).

      Also note that the back vertical (double layered) part of the ribbon goes all the way down because the hook is mounted on this part.

      Let me know if you want more measures.


    6. Actually, I don't know what the rules are (if any) for which Commander badge goes where (apart from the Dannebrog going around the neck), so that's an open question...

      Another thing: Koefoed was also awarded the Netherlands Oranje-Nassau order (Commander grade), and he is wearing it with swords on his right chest beside the Swedish Order of the Sword.

      So that confirms what Jacky said (not that I doubted it though... :D )


    7. Weather is cloudy today, so no more ogling... :P

      These two gentlemen are the best I could find.

      First one is Major-General (Artillery) Ejvind Koefoed and the other is Navy officer Hans Peter Holm.

      As you can see, Koefoed has mounted his Commander badges on a trifold ribbon while Holm is using a more 'neck type' style (no, don't ask me how they are actually attached because I have no idea... :) ).

      Although regulations recommend that no more than two Commander badges should be worn around the neck at a time, 99% of the photos I looked at had only one. If wearing two badges around the neck and Dannebrog being one of them, Dannebrog should be on top according to regulations.

      Also, on all the photos I've checked no more than 2 Commander badges are worn on the top right side of the tunic - the rest is mounted down the side like on Holm's photo (note that a Navy tunic's buttons are closer together than on an Army tunic, but I think you get the idea)


    8. I was following this eBay auction out of curiosity. Just wanted to check how it ended and almost fell from my chair...!

      What makes this photo worth more than $500?

      Is it 'just' the inflated prices we see on everything Russian these days or is there a better explanation? :unsure:

      Is this guy famous?

      The auction is here

      Here is the photo for reference:


    9. Mark,

      If you're looking for an official cross for Nyholm, then these two models were both in use at the time Nyholm became Commander 1. class:

      Note the faceted interior and the two different rims. Also note the standardized lettering and crown (also seen on the privately purchased type you posted) which is typical for Michelsen.

      P.S: The cross at the right is for sale by a dealer (but has a small enamel damage in the upper left corner)


    10. Probably made by Michelsen (is there a 'AM' hallmark on it?).

      This type is not so unusual to find.

      A privately made Cross most likely from the beginning of the 20th century (embroidered crosses were in use until 1909 - anyone who wanted a metal piece had to have one made by a jeweler and many chose Michelsen who would later become the supplier of the official metal crosses).


    11. OK, I spent some hours at the library and this is what I came up with...

      Note that the month/year heading of each section is not the date of the award but indicates how his award list looked at that specific time.

      (each new section only lists additions or changes to the previous section)

      September 1901:

      • Denmark, Order of Dannebrog (Knight) (18. Sept. 1901)
      • Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Greifen Orden (Knight)
      • Sweden, Order of the Sword (Knight 1. class)
      January 1908:
      • Anhalt, Albrecht der B?r (Knight 1. class)
      • Russia, Order of St, Anne (3. class)
      January 1909:
      • Denmark, Order of Dannebrog, Silver Merit Cross (14. Jan. 1909)
      • Sweden, Order of Vasa (Commander)
      January 1913:
      • Oldenburg, House- and Merit Order ('Offizierskreuz')
      April 1919:
      • Denmark, Order of Dannebrog (-> Commander) (18. April 1919)
      April 1922:
      • France, Legion d'Honneur (Commander)
      April 1925:
      • Italy, Order of the Crown (Commander 1. class)
      • Netherland, Oranje-Nassau Order (Commander 1. class)
      September 1928:
      • Denmark, Order of Dannebrog (-> Grand Cross) (26. Sept. 1928)
      • Belgium, Order of the Crown (Grand Cross)
      • Finland, Order of the White Rose (Commander 1. class)
      • Finland, "Skyddsk?rernas F?rtj?nstkors"

      So his Oldenburg Cross was awarded before WWI so no wartime award (it was awarded in the second half of 1912), but you still have to find out if swords were added for military recipients. :unsure:

      The same goes for the Anhalt award and the Russian St. Anne, doesn't it? Furthermore, we don't know if his St. Anne cross was awarded with bows or crowns or whatever they use over there... :)

      But I would say an educated guess would be a standard St. Anne with or without swords...

      NB! NB! NB! A note about the some of the orders and their classes:

      The lists I use to check his awards are not exactly easy to interpret.

      In a list from 1903 the possible Mecklenburg Greifen Order awards are plainly listed as:

      M.Gr. 1, 21, 22, 3, 4, 5 (no indication of what the classes are called)

      In this volume he is listed as having a M.Gr.4

      In a list from 1922, the Greifen Order is listed as:

      M.Gr. 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3*, 3 = Grosskreuz, Grosskomtur, Komtur, Ehrenkreuz, Ritterkreuz mit Krone, Ritter.

      In that volume he is listed as having a M.Gr.3 = Knight without crown.

      I guess 'Ehrenkreuz' is the same as Offiziersteckkreuz. At least that would get it in sync with my Nimmergut list.

      For the Anhalt award, the list from 1908 shows:

      A.A.B. 1, 21, 22, 31, 32 = Grosskreuz, Komtur mit Stern, Komtur, Ritter 1. klasse, Ritter.

      In this volume he is listed as having a A.A.B.31 = Knight 1. class.

      His Oldenburg Order is the Offizierskreuz (listed very specifically...).

      The Russian Order of St.Anne is listed as:

      R.St.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 = 1., 2., 3., and 4. class.

      He is listed as having a R.St.A.3 = 3. class.

      I hope this clears things up a bit regarding some of the orders (I was getting a bit confused myself...)

      The other awards should be precise.


    12. Of the Christian VIII new type, the few I have seen on the market cost $3500-$5000 for a Knight Cross (I have never seen a Commander badge).

      The old type... hmm... hard to say...

      I own one of the two known pieces (there could be more of course), so do the math :)


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