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    Posts posted by paja

    1. Newest addition, Yugoslav 1st type IKOM with pretty low number 10848, 2nd lowest I've seen so far. I said before that I suspect they started from 10K.

      Notice the soldering on the suspension ring (2nd photo).


    2. Apart from the fact that it was awarded to Vukašin Šećerović none. Šećerović was a diplomat so that could be the answer behind the question how did he receive that particular decoration.

      But it is not that strange that Ottoman order was awarded to a Serb, I've seen a lot of them on photos, and not only on our diplomats but also worn by officers and the cultural elite.

      I'll try to dig up some examples.

    3. Hmm are you sure that is Huguenin, the Blue dot in the center of the Crown isn't the top one? Or maybe the angle is a bit off :S

      I think it is the top one, also the case is Huguenin's. But that doesn't have to mean anything considering that there is also one Albanian Retreat Medal in the blue box for the Order of Saint Sava :)

      One more problem with those dots is that Sorlini used both combinations, top one blue with the one below it red and the other way around.

      Original size.

    4. Couple of days ago exhibition "Hidden treasure from the Home of Jevrem Grujić" (Скривенo благo Дома Јеврема Грујића) ended.

      Text in Serbian about it: http://www.rts.rs/page/stories/sr/story/16/Kultura/1521576/Skriveno+blago+Doma+Jevrema+Gruji%C4%87a.html

      Some photos I took the last day.

      First decorations, unfortunately most of the names were incomplete (described as the order of that and that ruler) and some were completely wrong, for example Greek Order of the Phoenix was described as Order of Polonia Restituta.

    5. To be honest the order looks genuine to me, the only question I have was it originally with swords or not. I can't think of reason why would someone take them off but who knows.

      Perhaps someone made a mistake during the process of production...

      Also one Bertrand's example of the Order of the Star of Karađorđe with Swords 4th class with "ЗА ХРАБРОСТ" inscription on both sides is shown in the Car&Muhić book.

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