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    Posts posted by paja

    1. Order of the Serbian Flag 2nd class - Toshio Tsunozaki former Ambassador of Japan


    2. Marshal's badge (Маршалски знак).

      I believe this badge was made in 1946 to be worn exclusively by Tito. It was designed by Antun Augustinčić and made out of platinum, gold, brilliants and rubies!


    3. Belgrade is not the only city awarded with that order, there are 8 of them. What makes Belgrade special is the fact that it was the only one who received the order during the war! Rest of them got awarded 3 decades later! And in case someone wonders why exactly 8 cities received the order the answer is quite simple, every republic had to receive one and same goes for the two autonomous provinces within Serbia (6 republics + 2 autonomous provinces = 8 orders).

      They were awarded in the following order

      1. Belgrade (Serbia) 20.10.1944.

      2. Ljubljana (Slovenia) 24.04.1970.

      3. Drvar (B&H) 17.05.1974.

      4. Cetinje (Montenegro) 07.05.1975

      5. Novi Sad (AP Vojvodina) 07.05.1975.

      6. Prilep (Macedonia) 07.05.1975.

      7. Priština (AP Kosovo & Metohija) 07.05.1975.

      8. Zagreb (Croatia) 16.09.1975.

    4. Pleased to hear that, you're welcome! I have more images of recipients, just have to find some free time to post them all.

      Now that you have mentioned those small ribbons, there are many strange things about them. First like you noticed their color is not coherent with the color of the full size ribbons.

      What's even stranger most of them are completely the same as the ones used for orders from communist era and FRY (so-called Milošević's decorations).

      For example small ribbon for the Order of the Star of Karađorđe is exactly the same as the one used for the Order of Military Merits (FPRY/SFRY) and the Order of Merits in the Fields of Defense and Security (FRY).

      Same goes for Order of Merits in Defense and Security - Order of Labor (SFRY/FNRY) and FRY's Order of Labor (that one was at least single class order).

      Even stranger Order of the White Eagle with Swords and Order of Merits for the People (FPRY/SFRY). I really don't see what's the reason for that.

      Also on orders they use stripes for different classes and on those commemorative military medals they use various metal applications. They could have done the same with all decorations, use metal applications or perhaps even those small rosettes! In my personal opinion it would have been much more elegant solution if, when it comes to orders, they used small ribbon of the same color as the full size ribbon and rosettes like in the royal era...

      And just one more thing for the end, is it me or are the ribbons for Order of the Republic and Order of Sretenje too similar. The one used for the Order of the Republic should be light blue and the one for the Order of Sretenje should be blue but in reality those colors are pretty close... If I understood well the text of the statute small ribbons for the Order of Republic should be with miniature coat of arms of Serbia, something I still didn't see on any of the pictures I found...

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