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    Posts posted by paja

    1. Greetings and welcome to GMIC,

      Hat badge was introduced in 1939 and it was worn by officers, it's not chetnik badge per se but it was worn by chetniks during the war.

      I do not recognize the uniform from the picture but it definitely is not related to NDH because of the Serbian (Yugoslav) two-headed eagle.

      Could it perhaps be that he was one of the Yugoslav volunteers of the Allied Forces? That could explain the "strange" uniform with Royal Yugoslav insignia.

      By the way even though that place is today in Croatia before the Breakup of Yugoslavia it's population was 98% Serbian.

      Best regards.

    2. Greetings,

      Your translation is OK, it is written: "БРАЋА З. ПОПОВИЋ БЕОГРАД." Popović (Popovich) Z. Brothers Belgrade.

      Around: "К .С. ДВОР. ЧАСОВНИЧАРИ и ЈУВЕЛИРИ." - Serbian Royal Court Watchmakers and Jewelers.

      Nice catch, thanks for sharing it with us.

    3. Looks like you have a bigger archive :)

      I have photos of I think 12 different orders, and on all of them the placement is like I said before. Those two are the only examples (now) known to me that are different.

      By the way Is that also piece from ebay? I remember one like that got sold last year, I was foolish enough not to save photos of it.

      Can we outline the possibility that it is the same order?

    4. I have to choose my words more carefully, I misspoken, not even the photo helped :)

      You kind of said what I meant in the other part of your reply, that particular woman is placed either on the southeastern or southwestern position, never southern, at least I never saw something like that...

    5. I wrote my last reply based on the photos of that decoration from my archive, which is pretty humble. I did some research in meanwhile and found one more numbered piece, with the same type of number, both are under 20! And both look like they were engraved not stamped.

      About the arrow, that was just a guess, all in all that's very unusual detail and it always points to the upper part (at least to my knowledge).

      About the "Women in folk costumes", there are two ways of their placement to correct myself, ebay piece is still different.

      Let me illustrate, it's easier. Take for example woman I marked in the photo bellow.

      Here she's pointing to the south, on the other examples I saw so far she is either pointing to the south east (older variants?) or to the south west.

    6. Another Serbian recipient :)

      Royal Guard colonel Ljubomir Lešjanin (Љубомир Лешјанин) son of the famous general Milojko Lešjanin (Милојко Лешјанин).

      By the way is that Order of the Zähringer Lion just above the Romanian crown? If so that would be the first Serb I saw so far wearing that decoration!

    7. So far I saw just one order with number on the back and it was very unusual (the number), not like any other we can see on Yugoslav decorations...

      It is interesting that on the round central part of the back side of some examples one can see arrow I suppose meaning this side up.

      Also on this particular ebay piece placement of women wearing folk costumes is different that usual. Something I also noticed just once before.

    8. Yes, the seller himself describes that the large stones were removed and he replaced the missing ones. I don't think the central stones were changed.

      Other than that: too expensive for this damaged unnumbered version.

      You are absolutely right! I just checked the photos didn't even bother to see the description with (long) explanation, my bad!

      I made the assumption that the small stones were changed based on the glue under the big ones, not because they look suspicious so you are probably right about that as well.

      Perhaps the central part was somehow separated from the order itself and then glued back with that white stuff we can see inside the small holes...

    9. Greetings,

      I am not an expert but the order does not look like fake to me. On the other hand there are some very suspicious details on the back side.

      Behind every big stone there are traces of what looks like glue or silicone. This is something you don't see on normal piece in fact that is something that you should not see on any decoration at all. Also take a look at rivets...

      My theory is that someone took out the real stones and put something else in their place. Also perhaps the central part was taken off so that all of the small stones could be changed as well, that way the rivets were damaged.

      Anyway that's my opinion, I would like to hear what some other forum members think of this.

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