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    Posts posted by paja

    1. As far as I know all of them were made out of precious metals, the main difference are the stones, on some pieces they are natural on other synthetic.

      Considering that this was one of the top orders and that only 114 of them were awarded (until 1986) I do not believe that there were tombak types.

      Like you both noticed some of the details are not as good as on other known examples which makes this particular order suspicious, without more images I would definitely pass it.

    2. Second thing "enamel dots", even though it's not that unusual to notice them on these orders, it is, in my personal opinion, unusual to see order with that many of them. I don't remember seeing one with the similar amount of "dots".

      And finally the stars, Rogi thanks for pointing this out, I didn't notice before that some of the orders are with orange stars... Just wasn't paying that much attention to that detail. Based on your story I would not completely rule out that at least some of those orange stars were re-enameled. Also couple of orders from we all know where that had orange stars had pieces of enamel outside of the star - could be nothing but could also support your story. One more thing even those red ones can be different, some of them are "semi-transparent", others are not.


      And how about this one? There's something orange around the stars, can't really say what...


    3. I am bit late with my reply but I would just like to point out couple of things and write down my conclusions. Before that let me just thank you all for a very interesting and in my opinion very useful discussion.

      When it comes to production material it seems to me that the first type (5 torches) was made out of silver while the second type was made both out of silver and some other metal, probably bronze. I am pretty certain that in some cases orders are silver even if without hallmarks. Those are orders with smooth and shinny surface on the back side. I wrote all of this before but now I also want to show couple of examples.

      First type.


      Second type, variant with "small holes".


      Example of a non-silver 6 torches type with "large holes". By the way I can not say if all of those are non-silver but certainly looks that way, I was not able to find a single example of a order of that variant that hasn't got a different surface on the back side compared to silver orders. Also I believe that this is the last variant of the order, I know for sure that they were awarded throughout the '80s but can't say when were they first introduced.


    4. By the way there is an US uniform of the Yugoslav volunteer on ebay right now, but the crowns on it are different, one looks like British the other one similar to yours.

      Also I am not sure what are the "stars" supposed to look like, the ones on that particular uniform are the same as the one used for generals and which were sewn onto sleeves.

      I could be wrong but my guess is that officers used same stars as before...


    5. During WW2 crowns as a part of the rank insignia were worn by senior officers of the Yugoslav volunteers of the Allied Forces. I am not sure how did those crowns looked like, I can't find more information in the literature, were they the same as the ones worn by the British or perhaps like the ones on your photos.

      Example of a uniform like that can be seen here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/57613-decorations-from-the-collections-of-the-serbian-museums/?p=545507

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