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    army historian

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    Posts posted by army historian

    1. Thanks Claudius - my feelings exactly. Since this is a signal bar medal - I know who ever this belonged to was not on the S.M.S. Olga they were also entitled the the "Deutsch-Ostafrika 1888/89 bar. So this leaves only the S.M.S. Adler (crew of 128 - 20 died - 108 survivors), and the Eber (crew of 87 - 4 survivors) - supposedly only 2 known bars awarded to the ship (information ebay guides). After Rear Admiral Koehler's group this is my second favorite and rare piece. I think that who ever this is he left the Naval Service some time after the typhoon experience. The eye surgery went very well - now recuperating. It will be some weeks before the eye sight returns to normal. You take care, Cheers George.

    2. Hello all, I just acquired a group of three documents to an Otto Albert August Muller (with umlau over U). He is listed as an underofficer, and Police Sergeant in the South West African police. #1. Copy on command of His Majesty King testifies to the fuer in affairs of the Royal Prussian Orden doing so that His Majesty the A young wounded soldier (Gefreiten)Otto Albert August Müller - troops for South West Africa the military decorations to make second-class status have resumed. The certification is this witness under our Unerschrift and seal has been issued. Berlin, the February 18, 1908. #2. Document contract: Otto Müller Police Sergeant Okahandja DSWA 1/8/1908. #3. Document contract: underofficer Otto Müller 20 August 1907. I know from limited research that a Corporal Otto Muller was taken prisoner at Gibeon 27 April 1915 in South Africa. I do not have any other information on him. Any help would be appreciated. Also does anyone know where the prisoners were kept? Also when they were released - and sent back to Germany? Thanks in advanced.

    3. Hello all, I have a question on the Colonial Badge (Elephant Order). Was this badge authorized for "Foriegn" Service such as the ships S.M.S. Dresden and Karlsruhe which were not stationed in a Colony - but were on the North and South american Stations? I have a documented group to the following - Dr. George Warnecke but have not been able to get a full entitlement of awards.

      Dr. Georg Warnecke crew of 06.

      Born 04 May 1884 in Schleswig.

      Studies in Frieburg 1903. 1903/04 in Leipzig math and science, then medicine 1904 in Leipzig, 1904-1906 Jena, 1906 Marbug, 1906/07 Berlin, 1907-1909 Kiel. 18 Jan 1909 States examination

      01. Arpil 1906 one year volunteer

      01. Feb 1910 one year volunteer navy doctor

      22. Jul 1910 promoted to navy doctor

      Commissions: 28. Sep 1910 as a "Marine Assistent Arzt" 14. Oct 1911 "Marine Ober Stabs Arzt", 22. Mar 1913 commissioned Marine Stabsarzt (all three analogous to Ensign, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant )

      War Service: At the start of the war, He was the Ship's doctor of the light Cruiser S.M.S. Karlsruhe, which, after capturing or sinking 76,609 (I have 65,567) registered British tons, (exploded and) sunk at 10 degrees, 7 minutes N and 55 degrees 25 minutes W.

      Warnecke was picked up by the "Rio Negro" and returned to Germany on 6 December 1914. He was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class in December 1914. In Jan. 1915 he was assigned to the III. Battalion of the 3rd Matrosen Divison (land based sailors)(also reported as I Battalion). In Oct. 1915, he was the Ship's doctor on the light Cruiser S.M.S. Stralsund.

      In Sep 1917 He was Placed at the disposal of the senior navy doctor, working at a sanitorium near Kiel." In 1918 was living in Eppendorf.

      Promoted to Marine Oberstabsartz [Korvettenkapitan] (a slightly different rank structure than in 1914) in the Reichsmarine 1 Dec 1924.

      Promoted to Marine-Generaloberarzt (Fregattenkapitan)in the Reichsmarine 1 April 1929.


      04 May 1939-08 January 1940 Geschwaderarzt zV Dr.med. (Squadron doctor zV [Fregattenkapitan]).

      Sep. 1939 – 08 Jan. 1940 Inspection physician in the inspection of the education of the navy.

      09 Jan. 1940 – Mar. 1941 Inspection physician in the torpedo weapon and barrier weapon inspection

      01 Sep.1940 Promoted Flottenarzt zur Verfügung (z.V.) equavlent [Kapitan zur See]

      Mar.1941 - Aug.1941 Führerreserve (Leader Reserves)

      Aug.1941 - Oct.1941 Inspection physician in the torpedo weapon and barrier weapon inspection as well as the inspection of the navy artillery thing offices / navy arsenal inspection. Appears left the service in Oct 1941. Ill health?

      The old rank-designation Marine-Generaloberarzt equates to the later Flottillenarzt

      (or in the army: the later Oberfeldarzt).

      + 12.02.1942 (died 12 Feb 1942, age 57, 10 months).

      Thanks in advance

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