Robert Noss
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Thank You Chris, that makes sense, cause the letters and the card was in this programm of the 1932 international flight competition: I looked through the programm but the name Dybwad is not in there. Thanks again, Hals und Beinbruch - I could not read that, what a strange handwriting. Kind regards Robert
But when I compare the belt-buckles of the men in the last photo, they seem to wear the same buckles as the men with the austrian style cap. Except ONE is wearing a Jungvolk buckle !!!!! Very strange !!!! And the last photo was made in N?rtingen, which is W?rttemberg Now - what are they ??? German license plate, german sport badges, german photographer - makes me believe they are german, hmm. ? Any help is highly appreciated, as always. Robert
...... 4.) Another letter to Dybwad, dated 1934 Page 1 Page 2 " Lieber Dybwad ! Von Oberstleutnant (abbreviated) Volkmann werden Sie bereits die Antwort auf Ihren Brief erhalten haben. Sie werden wissen, da? Sie, wie mir der Chef des Personalamts es gestern noch einmal vortrug, auf Grund Ihrer Teilnahme an den .......... (Page 2) ........ in Leipzig Ihrem Offiziersberuf treu bleiben k?nnen. ........ ....... ...... Ihrem alten Regiments Kommandeur (abbreviated). Mit freundlichen Gr??en Ihr Frhr. vFritsch " 5.) Last one is another letter, not from Fritsch, but to Frau Dybwad. I almost can read nothing here, but the place and date in the corner - is that "Kriegsminst. " ????? I would be very happy if somebody could help me with the missing words. Who was Dybwad ??? Before some of You ask me - Yes, I will be selling these papers again, cause I only collect photographs. As I do not really have a clue what to ask for these, I will put them on Ebay and see what they sell for. If somebody is interested and has a good offer, email me - but do not see this as a hidden sales offer - it is not. Kind regards Robert
...... 3.) Handwritten letter to somebody who's name was "Dybwad" ?????, dated 1929 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Now I could need some help: Who was Dybwad ??? From the text I presume he was a former comrade of von Fritsch. I can not read every word, even for me it is difficult to read old german handwritings, but I here's what I think Fritsch has written: " Lieber Dybwad ! ....... ........ ich Ihre Meldung ?ber Ihr Ausscheiden aus dem Regiment. Ich hoffe, da? Sie mit mir der gleichen Ansicht sind, da? .... nur ein durch die ....... bedingte Formsache ist. ..... .... sich aber .... .... .... zum Regiment geh?rig betrachten, wie wir Sie auch k?nftig (Page 2) zu den Unseren z?hlen. Jedenfalls, wenn Sie einmal in schwieriger Lage sind, oder .... nicht .... .... .... .... ...., wie es immer einmal im Leben vorkommen kann, dann kommen Sie zu mir oder schreiben Sie mir. Ich werde stets .... sein, Ihnen zu helfen, so gut es geht. Auch sonst hoffe ich, da? Sie ab und zu (Page 3) einmal von sich h?ren lassen werden. F?r Ihre ........... w?nsche ich Ihnen .... und ..... frohe Stunden und ..... ......... Mit freundlichen Gr??en Ihr Frhr. vFritsch " .......................
This is an almost unbelievable fleamarket find from today's trip to bavarian fleamarkets around Munich. I could not believe it myself, cause the man who was selling that to me, did not know what he had there. Needless to say that I only paid a few Euros. Here is what I got: 1.) This one speaks for itself: Close-up of the original signature, ink, no print: 2.) Memorial sheet about his death, 4 pages with the speech of Feldbischof Dohrmann, only the front is pictured here: ........
.... Together with the postcard above came this portrait: What a strange cap. It looks like a button on the collar has been removed. Is he german ? There is a group of more artillery photos. One is this: Quite interesting is the caption on the back: " Hidden 24cm Long barrel gun from "Panzerkreuzer Prinz Heinrich" , may 1917 " What I noticed is the soldier in the leather jacket......
Thanks for the infos about von Knoch, so I did read the name right. Chip, You are of course right, the CDV is not showing a real Leiber. Sometimes I think all crowns are Leibers. Anyway it's a nice shot. May I post some more questions ? After examining most of the stuff I got yesterday, I found some more photos that make me wonder. First is this one: More details: And the back: Aren't these french artillery troops ? The german writing says that they are in the barracks at St.Mihiel, well. But the postcard was printed by a german publisher in Dresden. A pre-war postcard, written by a german soldier during the war. .....