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    Robert Noss

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    Everything posted by Robert Noss

    1. Don't know if it is for a cap. Should be bavarian. Front: Back: The badge measures 3.5 x 4.5 centimetres and is solid metal, not bendable. Two long prongs, looks like it never was worn. Any ideas ? Thanks Robert
    2. The names, as far as I can read them (and I write the ranks in complete, not abbreviations): 1. Adjudant Leutnant Heinrichs 2. Oberleutnant Kompanief?hrer M.G. (machine-gunners company) Giesecke ????? 3. Oberleutnant Kompanief?hrer 2. Kompanie ????? 4. Leutnant Gro? (3.) --probably 3rd company 5. Feldwebel-Leutnant ??? ichter ??? 6. Major Ruchtl (was he the Battalions commander ?) 7. Zahlmeister 8. Hauptmann Schneider (1.) 9. Hauptmann Wirt (3.) 10. Leutnant Schie?l 11. Oberarzt Trautner 12. Leutnant Kpf. San Weinzierl (Kpf.San. ???) (4) 13. Leutnant Schaffner ???? (4) 14. Leutnant ???? (2) Photo was made by the regimental photographer Artur Butze b.t.w. My questions: 1. Can somebody re-read the names and help me on them ? 2. What Regiment was it exactly? There is only the info "officers from I. Batl. / 14., so it was the regiment 14 - but what ? Bavarian is likely, infantry ??? Thanks in advance Robert
    3. I got this photo on yesterdays fleamarket: As You can see, there are numbers and the corresponding names are on the back: .....
    4. Hello Chip, unfortunately not. He was enlisted 23.5.1918 and did see no action. He was de-mobilized in 1919. There is a passport photo of this man, certainly from after 1945. It has the stamp of "The king's royal hussars" - Intelligence Section. Does anybody know what that could mean ? Was he working for the british forces after 1945 or is it just for a "white-wash" document ? Kind regards Robert
    5. I would say 3 or even 4. The tank panther had a team of 5 men. 1 driver, 1 commander, 1 radio operator and 2 gunners ( Richt- und Ladesch?tze) Certainly we don't need a driver here. 2 gunners and a radio-operator and the commander. Maybe no commander if one of the gunners takes over his part. I dunno. Fascinating subject. Robert
    6. Doug, awesome Soldbuch You got there. Very very rare ! But just to be correct - the entry does not say Panthersturm - it says Pantherturm which means nothing more as the turret of the Panther. Panther S turm would mean the storm of a Panther (which doesn't make real sense) Very interesting thread ! Kind regards Robert
    7. Andr?, You posted this smock already in another Forum and have received the same replies like here. This smock is a well known reproduction, here in germany a so-called Br?ll-Kopie. Herr Br?ll has sold these smocks in the early 80ties as originals but for the low price of 400 DM. ( David, You came very close with the 200 Euro ). I visited Mr. Br?ll once in his shop and saw a few dozens of these smocks (don't know how many were stored in the back-rooms) Mr. Br?ll was murdered in the early 90ties (or late 80ties, can not remember the exact year) so I will not talk bad about him, but his name stood for fakes in these years. The Niemann expertise is no expertise, as Mr. Niemann clearly refuses to make an expertise on this. Andr? - if You invested a lot of money - try to get it back. This smock is a fake. Kind regards Robert
    8. Thanks a lot for the explanations. So - am I right that "Luftschiffer" soldiers had a Tschako ? I didn't know that before. I always thought Tschakos were for police and J?ger. I already presumed Luftschiffer cause of the L on their boards, but thought in this case it could mean Landespolizei. Between that lot of photos was also a soldbuch of a Luftschiffer recruit. Kind regards Robert
    9. .... 6.) Last one for today What is the meaning of the roman AND arabic numbers on the collar ? Thanks as always in advance for any comments. Hope You like the photos. I found them quite interesting. And there are many more. Kind regards Robert
    10. .... the third photo of this series All these soldiers are wearing armbands on their lower sleeves. Because of the date - do You think they are Freikorps soldiers ? Or some kind of Einwohnerwehr ? Militia ? Any reason for the ship ? Is there a historical event in 1919 when Freikorps soldiers where shipped to anywhere ? ........
    11. .... more details Some heraldic sign on the waggon ......
    12. ..... There is a "L" and a "2" on the shoulder-boards. On one photo they wear Tschakos. Are they police ? Many are wearing different collar-tabs. On the back is a very faded writing. I can read "Reinickendorf" which is a suburb of Berlin. A date could be 1.8.16 but not very sure. 3.) , 4.) , 5.) Three photos. Soldiers on a ship and in front of a building. One is dated 23.12.19 and in Hamburg ( on the ship) Details: ........
    13. I got some new photos, this time they are not from a fleamarket but out of the trash-box. Somebody has thrown them away at our local recycling-storage facility. Start with these: 1.) + 2.) What are these ? Details of uniforms and shoulder-boards ...... A puzzle for me.
    14. 6. This one's dated 1918 Possible identification of the collar sticker ? Kind regards Robert
    15. 5. Wounded soldiers at Straubing 1914 Look at this man's hand, heavy injuries from fire ? ..............
    16. Hi folks, just a couple of photos from last sunday's fleamarket. Nothing special this time. 1. Landsturm soldiers from D?sseldorf marching into war 1914 Some details of drummer, stickers and ribbons ......
    17. ...... The reason why I recall that photo, is that I got this photo yesterday: Look at the coffin, it is exactly the same coffin as in the photo before. This photo now has a photographer's stamp from Dresden. Excuse me if I ask the same question again. Who exactly is the buried royalty ? Kind regards Robert
    18. I thought I had posted that photo already, but can not find the thread anymore. Maybe in another Forum, can't remember. Anyhow. Here is a photo that I already got some months ago: It shows the funeral of a saxonian royalty, as far as I have found out. I wanted to know if these persons could be identified: .......
    19. There was no paint on the buckle, it had a metal finish, maybe a thin coat of clear enamel for protection. I was the buyer on the fleamarket and then the seller at Ebay. I do not collect 1st WW militaria. Kind regards Robert
    20. Hello Kurt, have sold it two weeks ago on german Ebay for 226.- Euro. Kind regards Robert
    21. I think I have got it now That last photo is showing the difference very clear. Well - why did the bavarians used the Borte ? And others not ? I know we are a little proud tribe at the rim of the alps and always have been a bit different to the rest of the germanic tribes up north. Kind regards Robert
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