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    J Temple-West

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    Posts posted by J Temple-West

    1. I have my doubts about this one also. Again, better pics are required showing details, markings etc...


      I am sorry Pat, I agree with Don. I have never seen that construction techinque used on ANY original.

      I agree?. Better photos are needed.

      As far as judging the badge on ?construction techniques??? We have the hinge recess, solder covering up the catch area and the pin has been pushed through to the obverse, which would suggest, if this badge is original, a field repair has been made after the loss of the reverse setup, not that this badge was originally made this way?. I?ve come across far worse field repairs. As to the badge, the crimping for the backing plate looks good, the overall obverse detail is sharp, but the only way to be sure that it?s not a casting is to have those larger pictures.

    2. Well what a great story, dan

      There are at least three types of zinc Assmann Observers, each having different wreath styles and reverse set-ups. Assmann are well known for using their earlier dies (originally used for tombak/aluminium badges) in the manufacture of their late zinc series. Early zinc examples will be found with a thin, well detailed wreath and hinge attached by means of a hinge plate. The second type, and a little later in the proceedings,

      has the heavier, slightly less detailed wreath with a one-piece sheet metal hinge, and the last in the series will be found with a one piece wreath/cast-in hinge.

      Going on the marks left by the hinge/catch, I would say that your badge is the # 2 type with sheet metal hinge.

      Even though the badge has seen better days, it?s absolutely right for a late zincker and still a nice piece of history.

      As far as restoration goes? leave it as you found it.

    3. Hi Ibrahim

      I?m afraid my ?S?tterlin Schrift? is pretty poor, but let?s see if we can give you some information on this nice early document.

      Presented to; Gefreiter Karl L?wenstein for, what I take to be, outstanding service.

      Born; 16th Feb? 1915 in D?sseldorf.

      Served in the 1. batterie, Flaklehrregiment (1st Battery.Anti-aircraft training regiment) from 1st Oct 1936- 27th Oct 1938.

      I?ll do a bit of research and see if I can track down a little more information on this unit.

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