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    J Temple-West

    Senior Moderator
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    Posts posted by J Temple-West

    1. Hi Robert, Firstly?Welcome to the Club! :beer:

      Not of much help in naming the officials but this picture, from ?In the service of the Reich? shows the same official (the one on the right of the two you?re enquiring about) greeting Boris on, what I take to be, the same visit.

      Caption reads ?High grade career official in grade A 2 c?. greets King Boris 7 June 1941.?

      Perhaps having his rank and the year of the visit will help in identifying him.

      BTW, nice photo?s?. is there any chance of seeing a few more from the album?

    2. Thanks, once again, for the pix, Steve. What I'd give to have this piece in my hands for a couple of days!

      Well, what to make of it! First Impression... I think we have a very important find. In short, I would say that you have IMME/JMME's attempt at a (pre-Juncker) 1st pattern PB. It compares well with the 2nd pattern birds that were produced in conjunction with Juncker's early 2nd pattern wreath.

      Looking at a side by side comparison of the two badges, I can see why IMME then started using Junker parts...not particularly pretty!

      Just a few early thoughts?. I'll be doing some serious study on this badge and will post some comparisons of the badges in due course.

      Steve, if at all possible, could you let me have some dimensions? height and width of wreath, width of eagle (wig tip to wing tip).

      In the meantime, I?d be very interested to hear what the other members think. I bet Kurt will be interested in this one, seeing that he has one of the 2nd pattern examples!

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