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    Posts posted by fjcp

    1. :cheeky:

      I made him an offer, but unfortunately it was an offer that he COULD refuse... I admit, I ehmm lowballed just for the fun of it :cheers:

      Too bad he didn't accept....

      Keep making him offers in $5 increments!!! :cheeky:

      Another thing that worries me...."Yu Ren Duo "

      Doesn't sound like any Mongolian name I've heard of....

      And I've seen a lot of them, granted that doesn't mean it's not possible but I've got my doubts.

      Sounds Korean more than anything...



    2. ebay Item number: 250418436595

      "4 Orders identical people obtain. Mongolian senior general, Yu Ren Duo "

      Hmmm.... :unsure:

      Please pardon my French!!

      What a steaming pile of horse ^#$^%!!!

      He's been trying to sell those orders for years and we know that the serial numbers of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th awards all fall OUTSIDE of the awarded range....

      The seller is getting creative!!


      ps. sorry, done ranting!

    3. Look look look! :speechless1::jumping::cheers: on the san giorgio aste auction

      a documented one! :jumping:

      Bob, thanks for posting this!!!

      That looks like an amazing specimen and the documents are very very exciting!!!


      I don't see the serial number on either one of the two documents and I'm guessing it should be on there somewhere.....

      I just had a quick look I'lll have a better look tomorrow...



    4. Actually, I just sent off an e-mail to try to find out.

      Keeping my fingers crossed....

      I'm getting in a piece that I would LOVE!!! to get research on....if it's even possible!, got the tracking number and it's on the way.....


    5. Are this Chinese stuff you mentioned fakes?

      I'm not an expert on Chinese ODM but item D 6764 makes me think something isn't quite right..

      I didn't mean to sound as negative as I may have in my first post, but those three medals don't look right to me...

      There must be somebody here who can shed more light on them.

      If I am wrong I apologize in advance...



    6. Hi Rich,

      Thanks for your insight!!

      I must confess I too am a little entranced with the whole concept of Manchukuo.

      Not sure why, but we like what we like!!!

      I must say I am rather happy to hear that these are genuine, the colourful enamels don't hurt either.

      I don't think I'll be bidding on this one since I've been a bad boy these last few months but the next time I'll be very tempted...



    7. I was browsing at ebay as I sometimes do, and I came across this Manchu medal.

      I've seen it a few times now, the first time I saw this medal was about year or so ago and then it sold for well over $1000....

      The last two have been coming down in price, and the last one was 150-250 IIRC.

      So here is the question, is this the real deal, or not?



      Here is the item (140312468394)

      manchu medal

      ps. I just remembered that all of the examples were in perfect condition.. I find this remarkable since the entire front is enameled and it's 75 years old

    8. I know this is old, just can't help expessing my displeasure at seeing someone copy one of my pictures and paste it in this forum without my permission, then see the phrase "E$cam at its best!!!" attached to it. I assure you I've never scammed anyone. And a large portion of those "real" dealers you hold in such high esteem are buying their merchandise from me, so keep buying from them, it keeps us all in business. I appreciate those who stuck up for me in this forum.

      Since I started this thread I'll comment!

      I wasn't suggesting that you were scamming anybody.

      You listed the item and people bid.....fair is fair, it was just unusually high for the item in question.

      I too have bought from you and I couldn't be happier and my feedback was always very positive!

      E$cam is just a term that's been "lovingly" used for ebay, and to some degree, for good reasons.

      I've been screwed out of at least $600-700 over the years and so have others here.

      As for the picture , I linked to your listing and just used the same picture that was in the listing.

      I didn't pass it off as something else and I think it's reasonable that we as collectors should be able to discuss the wares on offer, otherwise we are going to get some very cryptic posts here...

      "Did you see medal X on site Y for $xxx????"

      Without intending to sound rude, it just seems you to have misread the intention of this thread.

      I was merely expressing my disbelief at the bidders eagerness(I'm being polite) and nothing else.

      I assure you this was not an attack on you!



    9. Hi Paul,

      This is quite true. But I think that we have enough people out there that will share their bits of information with you. Perhaps once YOU have all of this data YOU may come up with some rhyme or reason for these marks. I have some old Japanese books on the Osaka mint that I will dig up for you.

      Believe me, you will have a lot of support from people, including myself, to help you in your project.

      Best Regards,


      Just wondering....

      I've seen marks on many many medals and sacred treasures etc.

      Have any of you ever seen a mark on a Golden kite?

      I've got several and I've seen/looked at dozens and I don't recall ever seeing one....

      Any thoughts?


    10. They probably used Latin letters back then for the same reason they do today...It's "cool." Foreign and exotic = prestige and exclusivity. I guess...

      I've got a sacred treasure 6th I think, with a mintmark that looks exactly like a " t "

      I posted pictures on here somewhere...lemme look.



    11. Thanks Ed,

      That picture gave me a good chuckle!!

      What can I say, I was young and foolish!! :rolleyes:

      I assure you, it was posted purely for a better understanding of this complex field of ours...

      It is rather funny to imagine that people as different as that young lady and choibalsan should both be of interest to us.

      They both have their strong points I guess!!


      JC :cheers:

    12. Fair enough (again), but place names -- like personal names -- should escape mechanical and literal translation. Would we really want to talk about the "Order of Ax Hero"?!

      Fair enough ( once more), but since none of us actually speak Mongolian, I thought I would contribute as best I could....

      I shall refrain in future from contributing to threads such as these, to save you the collective bother of having to post corrections.


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