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    Posts posted by fjcp

    1. If anyone has a scale handy could they post some weights on these please?

      (I have to get a scale...)

      Which type are you looking for?

      A type 3 weighs about 45g without the screw plate.

      A pinback silver type 4 weighs more at around 57g.

      There are a lot of weight fluctuations with these things so these are just two I had handy!

      Hope that helps.


    2. C 06 -- Choibalsan's Best Shooter

      These have been well discussed on and off in isolated threads. This is the Type 1 badge (angled rifle);I don't have a Type 2 (horizontal rifle) yet.

      After buying three (type 2s) and getting the wrong one

      (type 1s) twice I finally got one last month!


    3. Too late again :speechless:

      Now I had to run off and buy something else again...

      I should have noticed the warning on Alexei's website the first time I entered ;)

      It makes you wonder though, how many collectors of shockworker badges from the exotic country of Mongolia exist? And why aren't they all on this forum!

      Hi there Bob,

      There I was complaining about somebody who got an item before me and there I've done that very thing to you!!

      Sorry bob :blush:

      I got that bronze Udarnik Alexei had a month or two ago.

      So what did you buy?


    4. Yes!! Agreed. They aren't my pictures, from Mongolian TV after all.

      Read the translation - seems "interesting" for the rock treatment of these sentiments!

      I think "Mr. Jewelery" is the chap behind the apparently GREAT rock opera (yes!) on Chengiz Khan (yes yes!!). Wasn't able to get tickets when I was in UB. Sold out. :(

      Despite being in the music field myself, I can't imagine what that would be like.

      I'm not passing judgement but I think I might let a chuckle or two slip at the wrong time.

      Here is a picture of a Mongolian military man with his ribbon bar, not his actual medals but still interesting.

      For those too lazy to look it up, here are what the first five ribbons are for:

      1: Order of combat valour

      2:Honorary medal of combat

      3: Polar star (interesting that the combat medal is mounted before the PS, is this right?)

      4:40 years of the MPR

      5:50 years MPR

      6:??? (possibly another medal of combat, but why would it be mounted there?)



      Also what's the guy on the left have? Looks American, which really isn't my field.


    5. Image Anthem 4b

      OK, better. (Ignoring cleavage!)

      Title of Merit (B A8) on the right // ??? / maybe Outstanding Worker of Culture (B S 03)?

      I have to agree with your ID but why ignore the cleavage????

      I guess it's the uniform! :P

      Now back to the topic at hand I think that the old gentleman has a red banner of labour nestled between his polarstars.

      My guess would be that they were awarded in that order ps/rbl/ps. I guess order of precedence didn't matter that much.

      I suspect that this gentleman may have been a teacher of some sort I'll post the picture that led me to that conclusion in a minute.


    6. OK, I finally found it, for some reason I was distracted. Would guess it is MRYL Badge (B V02).

      What do I win? I already have the badge :P

      Wow I didn't even see that, I guess I was distracted too! :blush:

      I guess like in many other countries, at the end of the days broadcast the national anthem is played on TV, so here is the Mongolian anthem with lots of goodies for us to enjoy!


      Mongolian anthem

      ps. I don't think we'll be able to ID them all but there are a few obvious ones.




      A few titles of merit

      and I believe an S03

    7. The Bulgarian MVO is not on the correct ribbon, right?...

      Had this been issued during war time it would have had the ribbon of the Military Order for Bravery which is a light blueish gray colour.

      So it's correct if it's a peace time issue, which looks likely since it doesn't have the wartime "wreath" either.

      Is this a flatback variation? or is the rear also enameled


    8. I don't think these pictures do it justice, but the quality of the enamel is phenomenal for such a relatively unimportant badge. I dare say it is almost on par with that of the deputat badges.

      Here is one of my favourite mongolian items, a serial numbered RO2!

      The badge is also beautifully curved, to conform to human contours perhaps? :blush:


    9. Last ones for now!

      Both NIBs. The first one has what looks like an atom symbol with electrons and all, so probably for a nuclear physics degree, or is that Nucular?? :P

      On second thoughts it's probably a religious institute badge like R82, but da nucular thing is funnier!


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