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    Posts posted by fjcp

    1. Whoops! Forgot to mention.... very neat with the "recycled" metal...... have you figured out what it was before it became a Partisan badge??

      Well I believe I have solved the mystery of what my badge may have been in its former life.

      My theory is that it was made from some scrap metal that was used for test strikes in the manufacture of other medals etc.

      My reason for thinking this is that the markings on my badge match perfectly with the markings of the enameled ring on the honorary medal of combat.

      I measured them and they are a perfect match. Not only the size of the pattern but also the diameter/arc of the medal is a perfect match.

      Well it's just a theory.

      My camera just died on me so please excuse the rather bad picture.


    2. Hi guys,

      The badge is indeed the Partisan badge, and not anti-partisan.

      The one in Dr B's book is a unique piece with this special "recycled" metal reverse.

      Hope this helps


      I just got my badge in and and interestingly mine also has this "recycled" reverse. The serial number is #77 and the one pictured in Dr.B's book is #89.

    3. Personnaly I don't think it's a sub-variation of J 04b.

      Either all these Badges would originally have that green color (maybe not enamel!) that with time simply vanished, at least in all pieces I've seen so far, in which case Jan got "one in a million", or none had this green color, in wich case someone maybe thinking originally there was a green color on the leaves decided to paint it on Jan's piece! :unsure:

      Just my two cents,


      You may have a point Dolf but I'm starting to think there might be more to it. My Badge is in very good condition and there is no way that the enamel just came off in that particular spot.

      I think Jan really does have a rare version of this badge because............."drumroll"

      A certain New Jersey dealer (CR) has just posted one for the very "reasonable" price of $280.

      It has the same green enamel on the right side as Jans badge.

      More than a coincidence i think.


    4. Am I losing my sanity??

      (OK, don't answer THAT.)

      Evereything we know, everything I have read, tells us that these things were issued with no number, "2", "3", and "4". Awards through "4". Fair enough.

      BUT: In evidence, the famous Choibalsan photo (Battushig p. 20). Unless I cannot count (as I tell my students, there are three kinds of historians, those who can count and those who can't), I count five (5!) OCRBs. Now, I do not see any numbers on any of them. We all know Choibalsan was, well, er, "special", but . . . ???

      I was wondering about this very issue myself. I posted a picture in another thread of a highly decorated fellow and where there is definitely something there.

      It almost looks like a Roman numeral "II" and if there is enamel surrounding the number it certainly doesn't look like the dark blue enamel we see on the known orders.

      ps. I have a slightly larger version of this picture so if you want it I'll gladly email it to you.

    5. Seems that given the rather endless variations on these one could make an entire collection of these academy badges alone! Although Ed has posted up quite a few I have not seen offered anywhere yet!!

      Nice stuff!

      This is how I caught the Mongolian bug... Since I'm a perpetual student I thought it was a rather fitting direction for my collecting to take. I have about 40 of these with of varying quality.

      I'll post the ones not on my minimalist display a little later.

    6. Hi

      I seem to recall that this is Mongolian but have forgotten what it was issued for. Could someone please let me know and if possible give me some idea as to the current value(assuming it is original)



      These usually sell for about $15 on ebay. Some dealers try to sell them for about twice that, but one has them for a very reasonable $12.

    7. That looks very familiar.............

      I bought that on Ebay and the user sent me the wrong badge with it.....Never responded to my emails either....Not very nice.

      I can do closeups if you want Vatjan.

      ps. I'm referring to the agricultural college combo.

    8. About these J 02:

      I have two mirror reverse, S/N 3344 and S/N 3345 (yes, lucky hein? ;) ) and both look like silver and both have the S/N at 8 o'clock. I don't think I've ever seen one of these with the S/N at 11 o'clock as the sample shown on Dr. Battushig's book! I wonder if the real S/N at 8 o'clock has not been erased for some reason and S/N 32 just added at 11 o'clock!

      Ed have you ever seen others with the S/N on that location?

      My other J 02 is a flatback version, S/N 4450, and in this case the S/N is at 6 o'clock.

      Will post pics later.


      I got all excited when you posted those serial numbers. I thought we had matching numbers.....now that would have been interesting.....

      My two J02s are both mirror reverse......(anybody have a spare flatback??? :off topic: ) the SNs are 3444 and 3471 and both are marked at the 8 o'clock position.

      I'm just curious about the silver or brass issue since

      I'm not sure what mine are.....

      The weight difference between a silver and a brass badge would be between 17% and 20%, excluding the weight of the enamel, screw post, and screw plate of course.

      My badges weigh 15.8grams for sn 3477 and 15.7grams for sn 3444.

      Dolf could you weigh yours?

      So does anybody know how to distinguish the two?

    9. I just did a search on Ebay.de but I couldn't find the listing anywhere...

      Would you happen to have the item number?

      I know there is one ending on the Austrian ebay in 8 hours or so... a type2 serial# 1002.

      It's at 1070 euros as I'm typing this.

      I asked the seller for better pictures but I'm still not happy about the enamel on the banner, it just looks too flat (not shiny). Might just be a bad picture though but who knows.

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