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    Christian Zulus

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    Posts posted by Christian Zulus

    1. YU-Hero documents of our Admiral


      an interesting fact:

      Some time ago, a (tombac) YU-Hero + document had been offered at e-Bay:


      Well, the tombac-medal is not correct, but maybe the document :unsure: ?

      Igor doesn't have such a document in his offered group :jumping: :

      My humble theory: The Admiral's Hero-document might be authentic, but the tombac YU-Hero is not :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


    2. So Christian is this one another bargain in your opinions. No HSU, no Lenins in that group for 175 K ... ?

      Dear Bryan,

      well, we have to calculate: Uzhakov 2cl, RB #4, + and, and, and ...

      The really heavy weight in the price tag seems to be the Uzhakov ... :rolleyes:

      I don't know, if that group is another super-bargain for our (super-rich) collectors in Moscow or St. Petersburg :unsure: .

      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: We (normal collectors) have the choice: Either a nice home for our family, or that "Danube-WW II-group" ;) .

    3. Dear Frank,

      congratulations to your victory #9 :cheers: .

      You are THE DDR-expert :D .

      After finishing your "framing-job" we are waiting eagerly for your question #151 :love: .

      Best regards :beer:



      I think we are talking about Mr. Adam Kellett- Long from Reuters

      He wrote it on Friday Aug. 11. 1961

      Mr Konev arrived on Thursday 10. to take over command

      Adam sent his report to reuters on Sunday 13. ( He found out that Border was closed late evening 12.

      His car which belonged to Reuters was a red Wartburg ( Unfortunately I do not know the number of the license plate it is weekend and the police station closed)

      Bonus 2 I cannot answer because I cannot ask Mr Ulbricht

      Bonus 3 I cannot answer because I have not Mr Kelletts telefone number but I guess he was happy about a livetime story knowing he was the first to tell the world that the border is closed.


      Frank :cheers::cheers:

      This Question nearly killed me because I had to answer it and I have still 256 Soviet Posters to Frtame until tomorrow

    4. Gentlemen,

      the - faked - YU-Hero of our comrade Admiral had been offered a time ago: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17666 - also some nice photographs of that Admiral at GMIC-YU :D .

      Well, it seems, that some of the really big US-collectors are making cash - or have to make cash, due to some real estate loans in the USA ;) .

      Outstanding group for a museum, but the Military Museum in Belgrade doesen't have that budget for new items :( .

      Best regards :beer:


    5. I think we need an active moderator on the Yugoslavian board to make some cleaning of the double posting and so on. If we had an active moderator that could make some cleaning on this section, that would be very nice! :rolleyes:

      Dear Bryan,

      you brought the problem to the point :cheers: .

      The fact is, that GMIC-YU produced a bit of a mess in some topics :( .

      It might be a good job for us (and for you) to become our CLUB HOST :love: .

      Best regards :beer:


    6. :jumping:GMIC-YU already #3 at the Communist-Era-Section at GMIC :jumping:


      Yugoslavia is not only the fastest growing section at GMIC, but already #3 - in terms of postings - at the Communist-Era-Section at GMIC :D .

      Yugoslavia just surpassed the DDR-section (GDR) and is now #3 behind Mongolia and the Soviet Union.

      In my opinion, that "ranking" represents also the "phaleristic" quality of orders & medals from these 3 states of the past, as I already mentioned at some other threads: CCCP offers the most interesting items and groups (and the most expensive ones :( ), then I would rank Mongolia, due to the sheer beauty of the majority of their awards and on third place I would rank Yugoslavia. That is now also documented by the interest of the GMIC-members, if you take the number of postings into account.

      Best regards :beer:


    7. Update at "Mir Nagrad" of Gnitientko's correct s/n. for his Glory 1cl :jumping:


      the staff of "Mir Nagrad" http://www.mirnagrad.ru/cgi-bin/index.cgi , a website, which has a comprehensive listing of all full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, already updated Gnitienko's correct 1965 s/n. for his Glory 1cl:


      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: I sent all the documents to them :D .

    8. What makes this group special and worth the money in my eyes is the Nakhimov :jumping: I seem to remember Collect Russia had a Nakhimov for not much less than the total of this group :unsure:

      BTW realy nice group Christian :cheers:

      Dear Vic,

      many thanks for your compliments concerning my own Kandybin group :cheers: .

      I think you are right: It's the Nakhimov, which boosts the price tag :D .

      So, this group might be again one of Igor's recent "bargains" for the rich collector ... :rolleyes:

      Best regards :beer:


    9. Brigade Commander & Rear Admiral


      in the citations of a Soviet Navy group Igor offers now at his website for mere USD 78.000,- http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=211553 , it is noted twice, that Brigade Commanders had the rank of a Rear Admiral. Also Vice Admiral Georgiy Stepanov, whose group is it, got his command over a naval brigade as a Captain 1st rank and promoted after some years to the rank of a Rear Admiral.

      So, what had been the reason, that Ivan Kandybin didn't promote to an Admiral's rank :unsure: ?

      - Did he retire too soon :unsure: ?

      - Had been the command of a coastal defense brigade, despite the large number of boats and the strategic importance of just that harbour in Latvia, too less important :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


    10. Just spotted this on Collect Russia, http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=17888 I think this group takes some beating for the price :jumping:

      Order of Victory

      Nice and interesting group, but according to the "heroic content" and the career of our comrade, it seems a bit overpriced.

      Problems: The Motherland 3cl seems to be "unresearchable" and some (important) badges are missing (+ their docs) :rolleyes: .

      I paid for my complete & researched Soviet naval group, from a comrade with a rather similar career (he retired too soon, so he didn't promote - as a brigade commander (!) - to the rank of a Rear Admiral :( ), in spring 2002 mere USD 400,- . O.K., without Nakhimov ... ;) : http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11948

      USD 78.000,- for merits in minesweeping during the GPW are a bit heavy - that's my humble opinion :D .

      But it is a Soviet Navy group and will be sold soon ....

      Best regards :beer:


    11. Does anybody know where is that sign now?


      at least one of the two items should be in Belgrade, in that museum: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16820 .

      But who knows, maybe Tito's Soviet "Order of Victory", Suvorov 1cl, "Order of Freedom" + the 2 YU-Marshal-Stars are already at some flats our houses of Tito's children or grand-children in Zagreb - or a collector in Moscow is happy about having Tito's orders .... :rolleyes:

      According to old YU-Law, Tito's order might be his private property - and the property of his heirs :D .

      It might be, that the museum in Belgrade shows only copies of Tito's awards :unsure: .

      Best regards :beer:


    12. By important personality, I mean someone who played a significant role in the process. This was not the case of Johnson.

      This important personality arrived on 10 August 1961.

      Dear Christophe,

      o.k., then it hadn't been General Clay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucius_D._Clay either, because he arrived together with Johnson :( .

      Did the important personality play a role in the Eastern or Western sector of Berlin :unsure: ?

      Might the journalist have been Annamarie Doherr (1909 - 1974) working for the "Frankfurter Rundschau" :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


    13. unfortuntaly due to a unexpected bill il have to sell at least one of them which is bloody typical! :banger::(

      Dear Paddy,

      offer your Partisan 1cl to Igor http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showuser=1007 , he has only a 2cl in his partisan-section on his website to offer and he might be maybe happy, to get a fine and good preserved 1cl: http://www.collectrussia.com/showcat.htm?cat=Partisan . For his Partisan 2cl he is asking USD 740,-.

      Best regards :beer:


    14. Dmitri Timofeyevich Yazov - the last Marshal of the Soviet Union


      our GPW-veteran & last Marshal of the Soviet Union had been fully rehabilitated after his bold attempt to rescue to CCCP in august 1999 with some (completly!) drunken friends:

      President Putin decorated former coup plotter Marshal Dmitri Yazov in the Kremlin on November 17, 2004. Yazov was awarded Russia's Order of Merit for "high achievements in useful, societal activities." Marshal Yazov works also as a consultant to President Putin ... :rolleyes:



      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: As far, as I can remember, Igor or Dimitry offered years ago the complete diaries of Yazov, he wrote in prison, for sale at a rather moderate price (+ a wide range of more documents and ID-cards, but no orders or medals).

    15. Ed presented a researched "Crimean" Glory 3cl of Gnitienko's comrade from the 55th Rifle Corps


      Ed Haynes showed us the research of the Glory 3cl of Private Netsenko - also an Ukrainian soldier :D -, who got his Glory 3cl also for heroic deeds during the liberation of the Crimean peninsula in spring 1944 - 12th of may:


      Also with a really great citation :jumping: .

      Best regards :beer:


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