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    Posts posted by Nack

    1. The one and only TR qualification badge I've ever bought is this one.  Came with a original DD Luft helmet that the seller believed came from the same vet.  I've spent countless hours reading threads on these things and comparing my badge to the pics I've found, but I'm still unsure whether this is good or not.  


      From what I gather, there seems to be some controversy as to whether this maker made observer badges (I think most say yes), and if they did, whether the badges were only marked "JMME" as opposed to "JMME&Sohn..."


      I'd love some feedback on this.  I'm primarily a US Army Air Force collector and really a novice at best in this area.  Thanks for any thoughts anyone has! 




    2. well, the EK looks wonderful- I love the original ribbon. I'd snap it up in a heartbeat. It is magnetic?

      The hat seems to be a standard army cap with the Bavarian cockade sewn. I know zero about hats. sorry.

      Thanks! I thought it was pretty nice, with some character. I'm not sure if it's magnetic or not - I'll check that out.

      From my limited surfing about the internet, it looks like the hat may be a mine service or railroad hat? This is wayyy outside my sphere of knowledge.

    3. Hey Gents -

      I've been away for awhile, and living in the US-collecting arena. I recently decided, though, to add a couple German items to the collection to serve as bringback items in my displays. I picked up this hat and have no idea what outfit it relates to. Also, an Iron Cross, which I hope is good. Any thoughts appreciated!

    4. Nack,

      Somehow, I had previously missed this thread. Having a close and careful look at your NKVD cap, I must say that I am far from enthused with it. It has all the trademarks of local workshop production. Compare with the one RussiaMilitaria has just posted, the differences are glaring.

      Would this cap come from a "reputable dealer" located in NJ?


      Not to drag ths out any further, but since I'm still working to educate myself (and maybe some others can benefit from my questions), are the differences you are talking about between the caps in the shape? I see that the top of my cap is smaller and tighter, if you will, and RussiaMilitaria's is bigger and more floppy. The materials seriously look pretty much exactly the same to me.

    5. well, since i am being talked about by an "expert" located in Russia (who seems to know a lot about everything; must be nice), who likes to declare this cap a repro, i feel i should respond..the cap was sold to Nack as real, but postwar, with a very questionable stamp...I do not really post here but since something i sold is being questioned by someone who has never had the cap in their hands, i felt the need to respond. The cap is NOT one of the current junkers being made, as detailed in the 'other' forum. It was sold years ago as a good postwar cap to use on display, is real (as others here have even stated), but probably had the stamp added to make it look war time.

      The "reputable" guy in NJ.

      Yes -- the cap was sold to me as post-war, and as I stated in about every post, I wasn't concered about authenticity. I was, however, fishing to see what others thought of the date of the stamp. Ok, the stamp is wierd, I agree. But, the date looks like 1948, and it seems pointless to fake a stamp that isnt wartime (maybe though it was intended to be somewhat ambiguous so you could argue it is wartime, but now we are getting into the realm of a conspiracy theory...) .Anyway, the wear on the cap is rather genuine-looking, and considering we aren't talking about a marshal's cap or anything, it seems to me that this is a 40s'50s cap that maybe has a spurious stamp. In any event, it fits the part it was intended to play.

    6. Nack,

      Somehow, I had previously missed this thread. Having a close and careful look at your NKVD cap, I must say that I am far from enthused with it. It has all the trademarks of local workshop production. Compare with the one RussiaMilitaria has just posted, the differences are glaring.

      Would this cap come from a "reputable dealer" located in NJ?


      Marc -- the cap indeed traveled from NJ, not Tenafly NJ though. There is very convincing wear both to the visor and sweatband. Are you of the opinion it was artificially aged?


    7. Hi Nack thanks!! I have some cap badges running around so when I find them and am near the caps again I'll drop you a message so that you can help me match the proper badges. I will hope to sell them eventually just to get rid of them as they are in boxes for many years now and its a pity. I am not at all surprised that there are mismatched items - As I said.... if it was militaria it was good at the time!!! :blush:

      Jim :cheers:

      I've got a bunch of mismatched parts caps too -- I had the same disease :)

    8. Ah, I've got some of these at home too :) 1970s-80s stuff. It looks like there are several caps with mismatched parts though. The first one is an armor officer service cap. The second is a rifles officer parade cap, but with the wrong chinstrap. The third is police ("militsia"). The fourth and fifth are navy, and I'm not sure if the chinstrap on the navy visor is right. Then an army office's field cap. The piped pilotka is an infantry officer, but has the wrong cocade. I think they remaining stuff is correct.

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