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    Posts posted by QSAMIKE

    1. 18 minutes ago, Claudius said:

      ???!   Who was it?  Where was the gentleman; Murmansk or Archangel?  Any patches or insignia in the lot?

      This was about 2 or 3 years ago and I am sorry but I don't remember his name.....  I do remember that there were 5, 4 Ft x 8 Ft tables covered with his items, weapons, uniforms, badges, boxes of papers (official and newspaper cuttings)......  I am sure that it was Murmansk, I remember the story..... 

      Some members of the Russian Royal Family or Aristocrats were trapped on their way to Murmansk, the troops 1/2 Russian and 1/2 British or Canadian took an armoured train to go and get them.....  They had no major  problems on the way out but the Reds had blocked the track on the way back.....  The Canadian officer had a cow catcher type implement made and attached to the front of the train which had a flat car, they mounted some machine guns on the flat car  and the two officers both rode up front on the flat car......  They were able to ram through the barricade after a couple of tries, firing all the way.....  They lost nearly 1/2 of their men but got the Aristocrats to safety.....  One of the framed items was a certificate signed by all the Russians that were on the train.....   

      The odd thing is that about 2 weeks after I won some money on the Lotto and could have bought  the medals and a large number of the other items...... 



    2. Thank You Gentlemen......

      They came out of an estate of a Canadian who won an MC and a Russian Decoration for services in North Russia....  Could not afford the medals as they sold for over $6500.00 and all the swords, daggers and Canadian, British and Russian uniforms went very high even his photo album.....  So I wondered why I was able to obtain them at what I thought was a reasonable price......



    3. On ‎2008‎-‎07‎-‎12 at 18:28, Bear said:



      These medals are reproductions that can be purchased on Ebay. I doubt that I would be able to find any originals so these will have to do. These were my grandfathers.


      It also comes with a nice book on the medals.


      Just going through some old threads......

      Take a look here......



    4. Good Morning Everyone......

      Boy am I way out of my field.....  I have found the following Russian Badges and do not know if they are real/good or not......  Can anyone please advise.....  They all have screw backs one is missing the dome and one had the post broken.....  The silver cross I have cleaned because it was as black as the ace of spades.....  Normally I would not ask but is there any value......

      Thanks in advance.....









      "Government Gazette Extraordinary,"
      Pretoria, October 22, 1900
      No. 24 of 1900.


      Organization of South African Constabulary

      Whereas it is expedient to organize, establish, and regulate a force for the better protection of life and property in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, to be called the "South African Constabulary."

      Now therefore, I, Frederick Sleigh, Baron Roberts of Kandahar and Waterford, K.P., G.C.B.,G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., V.C., Field Marshal, Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Forces in South Africa do proclaim, declare and make known:

      1. An armed and mounted force shall be established in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, and known as the "South African Constabulary."

      2. The members of the said force shall be sworn before a Justice of the Peace, or Officer empowered by the Inspector-General to administer the oath, to act as a police in and throughout the Transvaal and Orange River Colony for preserving the peace and preventing crimes, and apprehending offenders against the peace; and also as a military force for the defence of the Colonies. In addition to their ordinary duties in the Transvaal or Orange River Colony, the members of the force may be called upon to serve as a military or police force in any part of South Africa.

      3. The said force shall be under the command of Field Officers, to be styled Lieutenant-Colonel, and other Officers to be styled Major, Captain, and Lieutenant respectively, to be from time to time appointed as herinafter provided; and all such Officers shall be under and subject to, the orders and command of the Inspector-General of the said Constabulary, to whom such Field Officers shall from time to time, as occasion may require, or whenever they shall be called upon so to do by the said Inspector-General, report on the condition of the force under their command, and on all matters of importance connected therewith, and shall consult and be guided by the advice of the said Inspector-General in respect of the subjects of such reports. It shall be competent for the Inspector-General to appoint one or more of the Field Officers of the force to be Assistant Inspector-General

      4. The Governor, Administrator, or other person for the time being responsible for the administration of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony (hereinafter call the Governor) shall, by warrant under his hand, appoint the Field Officers in the preceding section mentioned, and such other Officers as he may deem expedient for the general superintendence and management of the said force, and may from time to time displace and remove such Officers and appoint other in their places to him shall seem meet: provided that no officer so appointed shall be promoted to any higher grade than that to which he was first nominated without passing the satisfactory examination in such subjects as the Governor shall from time to time settle and appoint, and before such examiners as the Governor shall from time to time nominate.

      5. The Inspector-General shall from time to time make such regulations respecting the enlistment, discipline, discharge, training, arms and accoutrements, clothing and equipment, of such force, and respecting all other matters connected therewith as may be required for promoting the discipline and efficiency thereof, and shall also direct the employment and distribution of the said force, within or without the boundaries of the Transvaal or Orange River Colony, as to him shall seem meet, under the direction of the Governor.

      6. It shall be the duty of the Field and other Officers of the said force to suppress all tumults, riots and affrays, or breaches of the piece in any part of the Transvaal or Orange River Colony where they may be on duty, and to assist in the defence of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, and to discharge military duties in connection therewith when called upon so to do.

      7. The members of the said force so sworn as aforsaid throughout the Transvaal and Orange River Colony shall have such powers and privileges and shall be liable to all such duties and responsibilities as and Police Officers or Constables may by law have, or be liable to and shall obey all lawful directions touching the execution of their office which they may from time to time receive from their officers.


      8. Any member of the force who may be charged with the offence of contravening any regulation which may be made, under and by virtue of this Proclamation, or any of the offenses in the schedule hereto, may be tried by and before: -

      1.A. Any of the superior Courts of Law in the Transvaal or Orange River Colony within the jurisdiction of which such offence shall have been committed.

      2.B The Court of the Magistrate of the district in which such offence has been committed; or

      3.C A board of Officers as hereinafter mentioned. And shall, upon conviction, be liable to be punished as follows:--

      1. If the conviction shall be before any of the said superior Courts such Court may sentence the offender to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding five years, or to pay a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds and in default of payment thereof, to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding one year; or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

      2. If the conviction shall be before a Court of Magistrate, such Court may sentence the offender to pay a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, and in default of payment thereof, to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding six months; or to be imprisoned as aforesaid without the infliction of any fine; or both such fine and such imprisonment.

      3. If the conviction shall be by a Board of Officers, such Board may sentence the offender as mentioned in the last preceding paragraph.

      9. In case any non-commissioned officer or private shall offend against any such regulation as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for any officer commanding a troop, or any officer commanding a detachment of the said force, to stop from the pay of such offender any sum not exceeding five pounds, or sentence him to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding fourteen days, or to sentence him to such punishment as may be provided on that behalf in any such regulation as aforesaid, or such officer may take proceedings for the purpose of such offender being tried under the eighth section of this proclamation: Provided that any officer who shall try any offender under the provisions of this section shall forthwith after such trial forward the proceedings in, and full particulars of, the case to the field officer commanding the wing in which such offender is serving.

      10. Upon any member of the force being charged with having committed any of the offenses in this proclamation mentioned, the charge, in case the offence shall not have been summarily dealt with under the last preceding section, shall be forthwith reported to the officer in command of the troop or detachment to which such offender is then attached, who shall thereupon forth with report the particulars of the case to the field officer of his wing of the force, who shall, having regard to the said particulars and the nature and magnitude of the offence, direct whether the offender shall be proceeded against before a Board of Officers as aforesaid, before the Court of Magistrate having jurisdiction in the case, or (as to offenses in the eighth section thereof mentioned) before a superior Court as aforesaid: Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the said officer or the field officer from ordering the discharge of any prisoner in case it appears to him that there are not sufficient grounds for putting such prisoner upon his trial; and if the proceedings are directed to be before a superior Court, or before a Court of Magistrate, they shall be the same in all respects as in the case of an ordinary offender or supposed offender against the law, and the said offender shall be in the same plight and condition as any other person charged with criminal offence.

      11. The Board of Officers hereinbefore mentioned shall consist of not less than three officers of the said force, of whom the field officer commanding the wing in which the accused is serving may be one; and the said officers shall be selected and summoned by the field officer. The said field officer, if present, and if not, the senior officer present, shall be the President of such Board, and the decision of the majority of the members of such Board shall be deemed to be the decision of such Board: Provided that, in case the members of the said Board shall be equally divided in opinion, the decision of the President shall be deemed to be the decision of the Board.

      12. The proceedings before and at any trial by a Board of Officers shall, except as otherwise herein mentioned, as near as may be, be the same as those prescribed for criminal proceedings before the Lower Courts; and all the evidence which maybe given before such Board shall be taken down in writing by the President or by order of the said President by a shorthand writer duly sworn by the said President, who shall extend the same in ordinary writing, and his testimony shall at some time thereafter be read over to the witness and signed by him; the said President shall also swear the witnesses, and any person so sworn who shall wilfully and corruptly give false evidence before any such Board shall be deemed to be guilty of the crime of perjury, and upon conviction thereof shall suffer any punishment by Law provided for that crime.

      13. Every person who may be required to give or produce evidence in any case pending before any such Board shall be summoned in writing, by any officer of the said force ; and all witnesses so duly summoned, who shall not attend, or attending shall refuse to be sworn, or being sworn shall refuse to give evidence, or not produce the documents under their power or control required to be produced by them, or to answer all such questions as the said Board may legally demand of them, shall be liable to be dealt with by such Board in like manner as if such witness had been a witness duly summoned to appear before a Magistrate in a criminal case pending in the Court of such Magistrate.

      14. When and as often as any such Board as aforesaid shall sentence any offender under this Proclamation to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any period exceeding fourteen days, or to pay a fine exceeding one pound, the President of such Board shall forthwith, after pronouncing such sentence, transmit the original proceedings in the case, together with such remarks, if any, as he may desire to append, to the Commandant-General.

      15. All offenders arrested for any offence under this Proclamation, and all offenders sentenced to imprisonment by any officer or Board of Officers as aforesaid, may be imprisoned in any building set apart as a guard room or police prison by order of the field officer commanding : Provided that, in case the sentence shall exceed fourteen days' imprisonment, with or without hard labour, the person convicted shall be removed to the nearest public gaol, there to undergo such sentence, and when so removed he shall be in the same plight and condition as if the sentence had been a sentence of one of the ordinary Courts of Law of the Transvaal or Orange River Colony : And provided also, that so long as any man shall be imprisoned in any guard-room or prison as aforesaid, the same shall as to such offender be deemed to be a public gaol, but every Board of Officers aforesaid and the Magistrate of the district shall have the like jurisdiction and powers as to offenses committed by any such prisoner while imprisoned in any such guardroom or prison as are given to the Magistrate of the district, as to the public goals within his district.

      16. No period during which any offender shall be imprisoned for any offence for which he shall be afterwards convicted, or during which he shall be imprisoned under a sentence of any Court or Board as aforesaid, shall be reckoned for any purpose as part of the period of service of such offender unless the Court or Board aforesaid ordering such imprisonment shall otherwise direct.

      17. Nothing in this Proclamation contained shall prevent any offender from being prosecuted otherwise than under the provisions of the Proclamation in all cases in which he would by law, without this Proclamation, be liable to such prosecution ; but no member of the said force acquitted or convicted of any crime or offence under the provisions of this Proclamation, shall be liable to be again tried for the same crime or offence : Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent a member of the said force who has been convicted from being dismissed from the said force or reduced in rank therein by an officer empowered to dismiss.

      18. It shall be lawful for the said field officers, respectively, to suspend, degrade, or dismiss from his employment any non-commissioned officer or private whom he shall think remiss or negligent in the execution of his duty, or otherwise unfit for the same; and when any such non-commissioned officer or private shall be so dismissed, or shall otherwise cease to belong to the said force, all powers and authorities vested in him by virtue of this Proclamation shall cease and determine: Provided, however, that no sentence of dismissal shall take effect unless and until the same be confirmed by the Inspector-General of the South African Constabulary or officer acting for the time being in that capacity.


      19. If any licensed or unlicensed dealer in wines and spirits, or any intoxicating liquors shall knowingly harbour or entertain any man belonging to the said force, or permit such man to abide or remain in his house, shop, room or other place, during any part of the time appointed for his being on duty elsewhere, every such dealer shall for a first offence, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding ten pounds, to be recovered in a summary way; and for a second or subsequent offence shall be liable, beside such penalty, to imprisonment for any period not exceeding one month, with or without hard labour.

      20. If any person shall, in consequence of any sale, pledge or other disposition made by any member of the said force, in contravention of paragraph No.17 of the schedule to this Proclamation, knowingly receive or have any animal, article, matter or thing in the said section mentioned, such person shall incur and be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, and in default of payment thereof, shall be liable to be kept imprisoned and kept at hard labour for any period not exceeding three months unless such fine be sooner paid.

      21. No animal, article, matter, or thing mentioned in paragraph seventeen in the schedule to this Proclamation, and therein forbidden to be sold pledges, or otherwise disposed of, shall be capable of being seized or attached by or under writ of execution which may be sued out against any member of the said force, nor shall the same pass by or under any order made for the sequestration of the estate of any such member.

      22. It shall be lawful for the Governor to award to any of the men belonging to the said force, such sum of money as to him shall seem meet, as a reward for extraordinary diligence or exertion, or as a compensation for wounds or severe injuries received in the performance of their duty, or as an allowance to such of them as shall be disabled by bodily injury received, or shall by worn out by length of service.

      23. For the protection of persons acting in the execution of this Proclamation, all actions and prosecutions to be commenced against any person for anything done in pursuance of the Proclamation shall be commenced within four calendar months after the cause of the action shall have arisen, or offence be committed, and not otherwise; and notice in writing of such action and of the cause thereof, shall be given to the defendant one calendar month, at least, before the commencement of the action; and if a verdict shall be given for the defendant, or the plaintiff be non-suited, or discontinue any such action after issue joined, or if, upon exception, or otherwise, judgment shall be given against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover his full costs and between attorney and client.

      24. Any Officer, Non-Commissioned Officer or Member of the South African Constabulary who, by his negligence, causes any loss or damage to Government property under his charge or control, shall be liable to make good such damage or loss, over and above any penalty imposed by this Proclamation, or by any regulation thereunder framed. If the loss amounts to five pounds, or less, the matter may be investigated by any officer commanding a troop or detachment, who may impose a fine to the amount of five pounds, or sentence him to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding fourteen days; but if the loss amounts to more than five pounds but less than twenty pounds it must be dealt with by a Magistrate or Board of Officers, who can impose a fine to the amount of the loss, or sentence him to a term of imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding six months; and if the loss be more than twenty pounds it must be dealt with by a Superior Court, which can impose a fine to the extent of the loss, or sentence him to a term of imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding one year.


      1. Beginning or inciting, causing or joining in any mutiny or sedition.

      2. Being present at any mutiny or sedition, and not using his utmost endeavour to suppress the same.

      3. Conspiring with any persons to cause mutiny or sedition.

      4. Knowing or any mutiny or sedition, and not without delay giving information thereof to his immediate commanding officer.

      5. Striking or offering violence, or using threatening or insubordinate language to a superior officer in the force, being in the execution of his duty.

      6. Disobeying the lawful command of a superior officer in the force.

      7. During the period for which he shall have engaged to serve in the said force deserting from the same or refusing to serve therein or advising or persuading any other member said force to desert from the same, or knowingly receiving or entertaining any deserter, and not immediately on discovery giving information to his commanding officer, or taking other means to cause such deserter to be apprehended.

      8. Misbehaving before the enemy, or shamefully abandoning or delivering up any fort, post, camp, station or guard committed to his charge, or which it was his duty to defend, or inciting any other person to do so.

      9. Discharging any fire-arms, making any signal, or by other means whatsoever, intentionally occasioning false alarm in action, camp or quarters.

      10. Casting away his arms in the presence of an enemy.

      11. Being, while a sentinel, found sleeping on his post, or leaving the same before being regularly relieved.

      12. Disclosing, verbally or in writing, the numbers, position or preparations of the force or forces to which he is attached and by such disclosure, producing effects injurious to the service to which he belongs.

      13. Being in the command of a guard, picquet or patrol, and without proper authority releasing any prisoner committed to his charge, or suffering him to escape.
      14. Drunkenness.
      15. Malingering, deigning or producing disease or infirmity or wilfully maiming or injuring himself or another member of the force, whether at the instance of such other member or not or causing himself to be maimed or injured by any other person, with intent thereby to render himself or such other member, unfit for service.

      16. Taking any bribe or gratuity whatever with reference to any duty, imposed upon him, or wilfully neglecting to execute any warrant entrusted to him.

      17. Selling, pledging or otherwise disposing of any horse, saddle, bridle, gun, clothing, ammunition or other article of equipment, which by the regulations of the said force for the time being he shall be required to keep and possess.

      18. Conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline

      Given under my Hand and Sea at Pretoria this Twenty-Second day of October, One Thousand Nine Hundred,


      Commanding-in-Chief, South Africa


      Enclosure B in No. 24 of 1900




      1. A permanent local Mounted Force will be formed for the maintenance of order and public security in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony.

      2. The Force will be styled the South African Constabulary.

      3. It will have its headquarters in Pretoria, and will act as District Mounted Police in times of peace, and as a Military Force in times of war. It will be available for service in any part of British South Africa. Candidates who are N.C.O.'s or men of the Imperial Regular Forces must have completed their Colours Service.

      4. The term or engagement on full pay will be for three years, with the possibility for N.C.O.'s and men of re-engaging on increased pay, or of retiring to the Constabulary Reserve at the end of that period. (for particulars see "Conditions of Service," etc).

      5. The rates of pay will be liberal, so that a superior class of men will find it worth while to engage.

      6. Promotion will be by merit. Commissions will be obtainable from the ranks.


      7. Engagement for not less than three years. Officers from the Imperial Army will be temporarily employed with the force on probation for three months, after which, if satisfactory, application will be made for them to be seconded from their regiment. Other candidates for Commissions will not be definitely appointed till they have served for three months to the satisfaction of the Inspector-General.


      8. Colonel Commanding Division............................1,200 per annum

      Lieutenant Colonel...............................................1,000 per annum

      Major (according to importance of post)...............750 to 900 per annum

      Captain (ditto-ditto)...............................................510 to 600 per annum

      Lieutenant.............................................................23s to 25s per diem

      2nd Lieutenant......................................................20s per diem

      9. Office and Contingent Allowances included in above rates. Travel allowances, 15s a day when on duty out of district.

      10. Officers will find their own uniform, arms and equipment. Medical attendance, rations, and forage will be provided by the Government. Officers below the rank of Field Officer will be entitled to one Government horse free. Other Officers may purchase Government horses by instalments.


      11. Officers will subscribe to the "Mess and Band Funds" on the principles laid down in Army Regulations.

      12. Promotion will be by selection. A knowledge of colloquial Dutch will count in an Officer's favour when he is being considered for promotion.


      13. Candidates must not be under 20 or over 35 years of age.

      PAY:- /s/d

      14. Superintendent Warrant officers...........15 0 per diem

      Sergeant-Major (Staff Sergt).................10 0 per diem

      Sergeant (1st Class Sergeant)............. 9 0 per diem

      2nd Class Sergeant.............................. 8 0 per diem

      Corporal................................................ 7 6 per diem

      1st Class Trooper.................................. 7 0 per diem

      2nd Class Trooper................................. 6 0 per diem

      3rd Class Trooper.................................. 5 0 per diem

      15. In addition to above rates, an allowance will be granted to compensate for extra high market prices to all N.C.O.'s and men while stationed north of the Vaal river, within a radius of 50 miles from Johannesburg. The amount of such allowance will be subject to revision every six months. It is provisionally fixed at two shillings per diem. In exceptional cases where rations cannot be supplied, a ration allowance will be made of 2s per diem. Travelling allowances from 5s a day when travelling on duty out of district.


      16. Pay as well as promotion, will be largely according to a man's efficiency and behaviour, troopers being divided into three classes, and N.C.O.'s into four, for this purpose. Promotion from one class to another among troopers depends on their qualifying in Constabulary duties, musketry, signalling, language, and other tests, and on their continuing, efficient in these subjects. Men of all grades will enter at the lowest pay for their grade. Promotion in the N.C.O.'s ranks will, as a general rule, only be granted to those who qualify in colloquial Dutch.


      17. A limited number of Army Reservists will be allowed to engage in the Corps. Such appointments will, by preference, be given to artificers, such as farriers, wheelers, armourers, saddlers, saddle-tree makers, pioneers, R.E. masons and carpenters, telegraphists, signallers, gunners, N.C.O.'s and others. Should they be on the married roll, their wives and families will be brought out free, but application for this privilege must be made within six weeks of engaging in the Corps. When a wife or family has thus been brought out, Government will not undertake to take them or the man home again.

      18. On completion of the first three year's service, a man if approved by the O.C. Division, re-engage for a further term at 3d. a day extra pay for two years. On completion of this (five years), he may re-engage for a further service by the year, if the O.C. Division approves, at 6d. a day for every additional year until the total increase of pay for re-engagement shall have reached 2s per diem.


      19. Rations, horse, forage, clothing, equipment, arms, quarters, medical attendance &c., are supplied free.

      20. A N.C.O. or man may be discharged at any time by order of the O.C. Division with or without gratuity. A discharge may be purchased with the consent of the O.C. Division at j 20 during the first year, or j 15 during the second year of service, j 10 during the third.


      21. Any N.C.O. Or trooper may, with the approval of his C.O., Be transferred to the Constabulary Reserve, providing that there is a vacancy for him at the end of his first engagement, or if he re-engages, at the end of any period or re-engagement up to the completion of five years from his first entry into the service. Every man transferred to the Constabulary Reserve shall remain in it, and have his permanent residence in the Orange River Colony or Transvaal, unless discharged, up to the end of seven years from the date of his first entry into the service. A man wishing to purchase his discharge from the Constabulary Reserve my do so on payment of 12 at any period of his service in the Reserve. He will receive, while in the Constabulary Reserve, pay at the rate of j 1 per month. He will be liable to be called out annually for a short period of training and will be liable to be called out for active service at any time, by proclamation of the Administrator, Governor, or Colony, declaring the existence of a state of war or of such serious menace to the peace as to render mobilization necessary. While in training, or on active service, he will receive full pat at the same rate which he was enjoying when transferred to the Constabulary Reserve.

      22. In addition to their pay, Constabulary Reservists, if they desire to settle on the land, will receive special consideration in any Government aided scheme of settlement. Proposals are at present under consideration whereby suitable settlers may be assisted to acquire land and be aided at starting by Government advances, the purchase price and capital advanced being re-payable by instalments on easy terms. If any plan of this kind is found practicable, a certain number of farms annually will be offered, in the first instance, to members of the South African Constabulary who, having borne a good character, may be desirous of being transferred to the Constabulary Reserve with a view to actually settling on the land as farmers.

      Similar privileges will be extended to N.C.O.'s and men who may quit the South African Constabulary after five or more years' continuous service, being a good character. Any man having served at least five years continuously in the South African Constabulary (not including Constabulary Reserve Service), with a good character, will be entitled on retiring to a gratuity of one months pay for every year of service.

      23. Men on the Constabulary Reserves may, with approval of Officer Commanding Division, be taken on to full pay again at any time for a term of two years at 3d a day extra pay.

      23A. Men desirous of marrying while in the South African Constabulary must first obtain the sanction of the O.C. Division to their doing so. They will then be entitled to an allowance to cover lodging and other expenses, such as fuel, light, rations &c., at the consolidated rate of 3s a day.

      24. Men must, as far as possible, be good riders and good shots, strictly sober, and actually recommended by their C.O.'s or Employers and medically fit.

      26. Where a number of men join from one corps or place, they will be squadded as far as possible together in the South African Constabulary.

      27. They will be engaged under Proclamation No. 24 of 22nd October, 1900 and the above condition of service.


      29. Leave of absence will, where possible, be granted to all ranks for one month in each year cumulative, on full pay; special conditions ruling shooting leave and leave to England or out of South Africa. After four years without leave, six months' full pay will be granted.


      Inspector-General South African Constabulary

      Pretoria, 20th October, 1901



      Captain P. Fall, Lord Strathcona's Horse, who was to be appointed to the Constabulary, was sent from South Africa to pass the men. It was the intention that Lieutenant-Colonel S. B. Steele, M.V.O., C.B., who commanded Lord Strathcona's Horse, and was also to receive an appointment in the Constabulary, should be in charge of all recruiting in Canada, and Captain Fall was to await Lieutenant-Colonel Steele's arrival before proceeding with the work. As Lieutenant-Colonel Steele did not leave South Africa until January 20, authority was given by the Colonial Office, on January 29, to proceed with the recruiting pending his arrival. This permission was received most opportunely as applications were by this time pouring in from all parts of the Dominion and even from the United States. Instructions were issued on February 8, the recruiting to commence in British Columbia, the North-west Territories, and Manitoba on February 21; in Ontario, March 4, and in Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, March 7 and 8. Candidates had already been informed, in the orders issued on January 15, that they were to make application for enlistment to the Adjutant General, Ottawa, using one of the printed forms provided for the purpose. In due time the applications were passed upon by Captain Fall, who arrived in Ottawa about February 1, the order of preference being, provided the candidate was eligible as regards age, standard, medical fitness, &c. as follows :—

      1. Men who had already served in South Africa.

      2. Men who had served in the mounted branches of the Permanent Corps or the North-west Mounted Police

      3. Men who had performed three consecutive years training in the Cavalry or Field Artillery of the Active Militia.

      4. Men who had served in the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry.

      5. Men who had served in the Infantry and Garrison Artillery of the Active Militia.

      6. Other applicants.


      I, do hereby contract, promise and agree to serve His Majesty King Edward VII., His Heirs and Successors, in the South African Constabulary, established and constituted under and by virtue of the proclamation of Field Marshal Lord Roberts, Commander-in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in South Africa, dated at Pretoria on the 22nd day of October, 1900, under the terms and conditions, and at the rates of pay and allowance mentioned and set out in the circular of the Inspector General of the said Constabulary dated at Pretoria, the 20 h day of October, 1900, for a term of three years or until sooner lawfully discharged there from, and I agree to place myself under and to be subject to the orders and direction of the officer or officers detailed to transport me from the place of enlistment to the enlistment depot of the corps in South Africa and do promise and undertake to obey the same. And I do further agree while enroute from my place of enlistment or attestation to South Africa to submit myself to and to be bound by the disciplinary clauses contained in the said proclamation of Lord Roberts before mentioned. In the event of my being adjudged guilty of any misbehaviour at any period or portion of the journey from the place of my enlistment to the depot -in South Africa, I acknowledge that I render myself liable at the option of the Inspector General not to be accepted for the corps, and I agree that no right or claim for compensation or for any transport or other expenses shall accrue to me if rejected in consequence of such misbehaviour.

      Witness:…………………………} Signature:……………………………..

      Dated………..........the…………..day of…………………….. A.D. 190 .



      I, ________________ do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Edward VII, His Heirs and Successors, as lawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, dependent on and belonging to the said Kingdom, and that I will defend Him to the utmost of my power against all traitorous conspiracies or attempts whatever which shall be made against His Person, Crown and Dignity, and that I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors all treasons and traitorous conspiracies and attempts which I shall know to be against Him or any of them, and all this I do swear without any equivocation, mental evasion or secret reservation. So help me God.

      Sworn before me at this………… day of…………….A.D. 190 .


      I, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully, diligently and impartially execute and perform the duties required of me as a member of the South African Constabulary and will well and truly obey and perform all lawful orders and instructions which I shall receive as such without fear, favour or affection of or towards any person or party whomsoever. So help me God.

      Sworn before me at this………… day of………….A.D. 190 .


      All men enlisted in Ottawa or at any point to the west thereof were concentrated at Ottawa. Men enlisted in or east of Montreal were concentrated at Halifax.


      The applications for Commissions in this force were submitted to His Excellency the Governor General, who personally selected the 30 successful applicants, at the request of the Imperial authorities. The names of the candidates selected were notified on March 18. They were as follows:—

      To be Captains:

      Capt. H. E. Burstall, R. C. A.

      Major C. C. Bennett, 6th Rifles.

      Capt. F. W. L. Moore, 4th Regt., C. A

      Capt. W. T. Lawless, The G.G.F.G.

      Capt. T. O. Critchley, 3rd Batt., R.C.R.

      Capt. A. H. Powell, RL.D.G.

      Inspector W. H. Scarth, N.W.M.P.

      Edward Reading, Sergt-Major R.C.D.

      Capt. H. R. Poussctte, 26th Rcgt

      Lieut. G. S. Beer, Rocky Mountain Rangers

      W. L. McGiverin, late Pte. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      *Captain A. E. Swift, 8th Royal Rifles.

      To be Lieutenants:

      Lieut. J. C. Oland, 63rd Regt.

      Lieut. A. B. Irvine, 90th "

      C. P. Ermatinger, late Pte. C.M.R.

      D. A. O'Meara, late Pte. 2nd Batt. R.C.R.

      J. French, late Pte. C.M.R.

      W. D. McCarthy, late Pte. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      Veterinary Capt. W. J. Morgan, 5th Field Battery.

      Capt. J. F. Foulkes, 5th Regt., C.A.

      H A. C. Machin, late Sergt. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      G. Hampson, 5th " Royal Scots."

      R. B. Eaton, late Corp. C.M.R.

      Cadet K. C. Folger, Cadet R.M.C.

      R. R. Thompson, late Pte. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      F. W. Burritt, late Pte. R.C.D.

      Cadet C. R. E. Willetts, Cadet R.M.C.

      F. T. St. George, D. of Y. R. C. Hussars.

      J. R L Atwater, late Pte. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      Lieut. G. R. Lightbound, 3rd Regt. Victoiia Rifles.

      *Sergeant A. W. R. Wilby, Lord Strathcona's Horse, was selected for a Captaincy, but being unable to join in time to proceed with the Contingent, Captain A. E. Swift, 8th Royal Rifles, was appointed in his place.



      On March 26 the force concentrated at Ottawa, consisting of Captain Fall, 21 officers and 903 other ranks, entrained for Halifax. The whole force embarked at Halifax on March 28, on the transport Montfort for Capetown, where it arrived on April 25. Lieutenant Colonel Steele did not arrive in Canada until March 8, and by the time Lord Strathcona's Horse had been paid off and disbanded, recruiting for the Constabulary was completed and the organization of the contingent well advanced. Lieutenant-Colonel Steele did not take over the command of the contingent, and it proceeded to South Africa under the command of Captain Fall, who was given the temporary rank of Major in the Militia.


      The greatest care was taken in recruiting for this force. Candidates, in the first place, were required to make application in writing, using an authorized form. This form embodied a medical certificate. If the application showed that the man was not up to the standard, or medically unfit, or if it was not accompanied by testimonials from two responsible persons and complete in information in other respects, it was rejected. The candidates whose applications appeared to be satisfactory were notified to present themselves to the recruiting officer at the nearest station, and their applications were forwarded from Headquarters to the Recruiting Officers concerned.

      There were forwarded, with the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph, a copy of Militia Order 32, containing orders governing the recruiting, also a copy of Field Marshal Lord Roberts' Proclamation for the organization of the Constabulary, dated October 22, 1900, and a copy of the conditions of service published by Major-General Baden Powell, dated October 20, 1900. When the candidates presented themselves at the recruiting station they were, if there appeared to be the slightest doubt as to their bring medically fit, required to undergo another medical examination, and were also tested in riding and shooting. If not at least fair riders and fair shots, or if they seemed unfit in any particular, they were not accepted. In addition to being subjected to these tests the enlistment was not complete until Captain Fall had passed upon the men after concentration. A force composed of men enlisted after such care had been taken in their selection might be expected to be a good one, and the following telegram from the High Commissioner for South Africa shows that the Canadian Contingent was such an one:-

      London, May 9, 1901.

      His Majesty's Government has received with much pleasure following message from High Commissioner for South Africa. Inspector General of South African Constabulary reports most favourably on Canadian recruits, average physique of men is splendid and they seem to be particularly well fitted for their duties. Regret that owing to my departure have not yet had time to see them myself.

      (Sgd.) Chamberlain

      2-3 EDWARD VII. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35a A. 1903, p.7-20.


      PART I.

      Department of Militia and Defence,

      Ottawa, November 2, 1902.

      To the Honourable

      Sir Frederick Borden, K.C.M.G.,

      Minister of Militia and Defence.

      Sir,—I have the honour to submit a further supplementary report on the contingents organized in Canada for service in the late war in South Africa. The supplementary report issued in 1900 dealt, up to the date of its publication, with the organization, equipment, despatch and service in the field of Canadian contingents, save that of the South African constabulary. Recruiting in Canada for the last named force had been completed and the contingent had embarked for South Africa before the report of 1900 was sent to the printer, but as the constabulary is a permanent force for the purpose of maintaining order and public security in the Orange River colony and the Transvaal, to act as mounted police in time of peace and as a military force in time of war, it was considered that there was no necessity to refer to it in that report. As, however, owing to the continuation of the war to a period much beyond v/hat was then expected, the constabulary has acted as a military force for more than a year, advantage will be taken of the publication of this report to place on record particulars respecting the enrolment of the 1,200 men in Canada, the casualties sustained during the continuance of the war, and such other information as may be available.


      On November 30, 1900, the General Officer Commanding the Militia reported the receipt of numerous applications from men desirous of joining the South African Constabulary and inquired whether the Imperial Government would accept recruits for that force and provide transportation to South Africa. A communication was accordingly addressed to the Military Secretary to His Excellency the Governor General, with a view to His Excellency being moved to ascertain what were the wishes of the Imperial Government. His Excellency forwarded a despatch on December 4, and on December 20, the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies replied that Her Majesty’s Government learned with satisfaction that recruits were coming forward in Canada for the South African Constabulary, and would have much pleasure in accepting up to 1,000, if so many were available, and that in the event of that number being enrolled, 10 captaincies and 15 lieutenancies in the force would be given to Canadian officers on His Excellency’s recommendation.

      There were actually enrolled 1,208 men, which entitled His Excellency to nominate 12 captains and 18 lieutenants.

      "Government Gazette Extraordinary,"
      Pretoria, October 22, 1900
      No. 24 of 1900.


      Organization of South African Constabulary

      Whereas it is expedient to organize, establish, and regulate a force for the better protection of life and property in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, to be called the "South African Constabulary."

      Now therefore, I, Frederick Sleigh, Baron Roberts of Kandahar and Waterford, K.P., G.C.B.,G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., V.C., Field Marshal, Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Forces in South Africa do proclaim, declare and make known:

      1. An armed and mounted force shall be established in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, and known as the "South African Constabulary."

      2. The members of the said force shall be sworn before a Justice of the Peace, or Officer empowered by the Inspector-General to administer the oath, to act as a police in and throughout the Transvaal and Orange River Colony for preserving the peace and preventing crimes, and apprehending offenders against the peace; and also as a military force for the defence of the Colonies. In addition to their ordinary duties in the Transvaal or Orange River Colony, the members of the force may be called upon to serve as a military or police force in any part of South Africa.

      3. The said force shall be under the command of Field Officers, to be styled Lieutenant-Colonel, and other Officers to be styled Major, Captain, and Lieutenant respectively, to be from time to time appointed as herinafter provided; and all such Officers shall be under and subject to, the orders and command of the Inspector-General of the said Constabulary, to whom such Field Officers shall from time to time, as occasion may require, or whenever they shall be called upon so to do by the said Inspector-General, report on the condition of the force under their command, and on all matters of importance connected therewith, and shall consult and be guided by the advice of the said Inspector-General in respect of the subjects of such reports. It shall be competent for the Inspector-General to appoint one or more of the Field Officers of the force to be Assistant Inspector-General

      4. The Governor, Administrator, or other person for the time being responsible for the administration of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony (hereinafter call the Governor) shall, by warrant under his hand, appoint the Field Officers in the preceding section mentioned, and such other Officers as he may deem expedient for the general superintendence and management of the said force, and may from time to time displace and remove such Officers and appoint other in their places to him shall seem meet: provided that no officer so appointed shall be promoted to any higher grade than that to which he was first nominated without passing the satisfactory examination in such subjects as the Governor shall from time to time settle and appoint, and before such examiners as the Governor shall from time to time nominate.

      5. The Inspector-General shall from time to time make such regulations respecting the enlistment, discipline, discharge, training, arms and accoutrements, clothing and equipment, of such force, and respecting all other matters connected therewith as may be required for promoting the discipline and efficiency thereof, and shall also direct the employment and distribution of the said force, within or without the boundaries of the Transvaal or Orange River Colony, as to him shall seem meet, under the direction of the Governor.

      6. It shall be the duty of the Field and other Officers of the said force to suppress all tumults, riots and affrays, or breaches of the piece in any part of the Transvaal or Orange River Colony where they may be on duty, and to assist in the defence of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, and to discharge military duties in connection therewith when called upon so to do.

      7. The members of the said force so sworn as aforsaid throughout the Transvaal and Orange River Colony shall have such powers and privileges and shall be liable to all such duties and responsibilities as and Police Officers or Constables may by law have, or be liable to and shall obey all lawful directions touching the execution of their office which they may from time to time receive from their officers.


      8. Any member of the force who may be charged with the offence of contravening any regulation which may be made, under and by virtue of this Proclamation, or any of the offenses in the schedule hereto, may be tried by and before: -

      1.A. Any of the superior Courts of Law in the Transvaal or Orange River Colony within the jurisdiction of which such offence shall have been committed.

      2.B The Court of the Magistrate of the district in which such offence has been committed; or

      3.C A board of Officers as hereinafter mentioned. And shall, upon conviction, be liable to be punished as follows:--

      1. If the conviction shall be before any of the said superior Courts such Court may sentence the offender to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding five years, or to pay a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds and in default of payment thereof, to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding one year; or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

      2. If the conviction shall be before a Court of Magistrate, such Court may sentence the offender to pay a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, and in default of payment thereof, to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding six months; or to be imprisoned as aforesaid without the infliction of any fine; or both such fine and such imprisonment.

      3. If the conviction shall be by a Board of Officers, such Board may sentence the offender as mentioned in the last preceding paragraph.

      9. In case any non-commissioned officer or private shall offend against any such regulation as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for any officer commanding a troop, or any officer commanding a detachment of the said force, to stop from the pay of such offender any sum not exceeding five pounds, or sentence him to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding fourteen days, or to sentence him to such punishment as may be provided on that behalf in any such regulation as aforesaid, or such officer may take proceedings for the purpose of such offender being tried under the eighth section of this proclamation: Provided that any officer who shall try any offender under the provisions of this section shall forthwith after such trial forward the proceedings in, and full particulars of, the case to the field officer commanding the wing in which such offender is serving.

      10. Upon any member of the force being charged with having committed any of the offenses in this proclamation mentioned, the charge, in case the offence shall not have been summarily dealt with under the last preceding section, shall be forthwith reported to the officer in command of the troop or detachment to which such offender is then attached, who shall thereupon forth with report the particulars of the case to the field officer of his wing of the force, who shall, having regard to the said particulars and the nature and magnitude of the offence, direct whether the offender shall be proceeded against before a Board of Officers as aforesaid, before the Court of Magistrate having jurisdiction in the case, or (as to offenses in the eighth section thereof mentioned) before a superior Court as aforesaid: Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the said officer or the field officer from ordering the discharge of any prisoner in case it appears to him that there are not sufficient grounds for putting such prisoner upon his trial; and if the proceedings are directed to be before a superior Court, or before a Court of Magistrate, they shall be the same in all respects as in the case of an ordinary offender or supposed offender against the law, and the said offender shall be in the same plight and condition as any other person charged with criminal offence.

      11. The Board of Officers hereinbefore mentioned shall consist of not less than three officers of the said force, of whom the field officer commanding the wing in which the accused is serving may be one; and the said officers shall be selected and summoned by the field officer. The said field officer, if present, and if not, the senior officer present, shall be the President of such Board, and the decision of the majority of the members of such Board shall be deemed to be the decision of such Board: Provided that, in case the members of the said Board shall be equally divided in opinion, the decision of the President shall be deemed to be the decision of the Board.

      12. The proceedings before and at any trial by a Board of Officers shall, except as otherwise herein mentioned, as near as may be, be the same as those prescribed for criminal proceedings before the Lower Courts; and all the evidence which maybe given before such Board shall be taken down in writing by the President or by order of the said President by a shorthand writer duly sworn by the said President, who shall extend the same in ordinary writing, and his testimony shall at some time thereafter be read over to the witness and signed by him; the said President shall also swear the witnesses, and any person so sworn who shall wilfully and corruptly give false evidence before any such Board shall be deemed to be guilty of the crime of perjury, and upon conviction thereof shall suffer any punishment by Law provided for that crime.

      13. Every person who may be required to give or produce evidence in any case pending before any such Board shall be summoned in writing, by any officer of the said force ; and all witnesses so duly summoned, who shall not attend, or attending shall refuse to be sworn, or being sworn shall refuse to give evidence, or not produce the documents under their power or control required to be produced by them, or to answer all such questions as the said Board may legally demand of them, shall be liable to be dealt with by such Board in like manner as if such witness had been a witness duly summoned to appear before a Magistrate in a criminal case pending in the Court of such Magistrate.

      14. When and as often as any such Board as aforesaid shall sentence any offender under this Proclamation to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any period exceeding fourteen days, or to pay a fine exceeding one pound, the President of such Board shall forthwith, after pronouncing such sentence, transmit the original proceedings in the case, together with such remarks, if any, as he may desire to append, to the Commandant-General.

      15. All offenders arrested for any offence under this Proclamation, and all offenders sentenced to imprisonment by any officer or Board of Officers as aforesaid, may be imprisoned in any building set apart as a guard room or police prison by order of the field officer commanding : Provided that, in case the sentence shall exceed fourteen days' imprisonment, with or without hard labour, the person convicted shall be removed to the nearest public gaol, there to undergo such sentence, and when so removed he shall be in the same plight and condition as if the sentence had been a sentence of one of the ordinary Courts of Law of the Transvaal or Orange River Colony : And provided also, that so long as any man shall be imprisoned in any guard-room or prison as aforesaid, the same shall as to such offender be deemed to be a public gaol, but every Board of Officers aforesaid and the Magistrate of the district shall have the like jurisdiction and powers as to offenses committed by any such prisoner while imprisoned in any such guardroom or prison as are given to the Magistrate of the district, as to the public goals within his district.

      16. No period during which any offender shall be imprisoned for any offence for which he shall be afterwards convicted, or during which he shall be imprisoned under a sentence of any Court or Board as aforesaid, shall be reckoned for any purpose as part of the period of service of such offender unless the Court or Board aforesaid ordering such imprisonment shall otherwise direct.

      17. Nothing in this Proclamation contained shall prevent any offender from being prosecuted otherwise than under the provisions of the Proclamation in all cases in which he would by law, without this Proclamation, be liable to such prosecution ; but no member of the said force acquitted or convicted of any crime or offence under the provisions of this Proclamation, shall be liable to be again tried for the same crime or offence : Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent a member of the said force who has been convicted from being dismissed from the said force or reduced in rank therein by an officer empowered to dismiss.

      18. It shall be lawful for the said field officers, respectively, to suspend, degrade, or dismiss from his employment any non-commissioned officer or private whom he shall think remiss or negligent in the execution of his duty, or otherwise unfit for the same; and when any such non-commissioned officer or private shall be so dismissed, or shall otherwise cease to belong to the said force, all powers and authorities vested in him by virtue of this Proclamation shall cease and determine: Provided, however, that no sentence of dismissal shall take effect unless and until the same be confirmed by the Inspector-General of the South African Constabulary or officer acting for the time being in that capacity.


      19. If any licensed or unlicensed dealer in wines and spirits, or any intoxicating liquors shall knowingly harbour or entertain any man belonging to the said force, or permit such man to abide or remain in his house, shop, room or other place, during any part of the time appointed for his being on duty elsewhere, every such dealer shall for a first offence, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding ten pounds, to be recovered in a summary way; and for a second or subsequent offence shall be liable, beside such penalty, to imprisonment for any period not exceeding one month, with or without hard labour.

      20. If any person shall, in consequence of any sale, pledge or other disposition made by any member of the said force, in contravention of paragraph No.17 of the schedule to this Proclamation, knowingly receive or have any animal, article, matter or thing in the said section mentioned, such person shall incur and be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, and in default of payment thereof, shall be liable to be kept imprisoned and kept at hard labour for any period not exceeding three months unless such fine be sooner paid.

      21. No animal, article, matter, or thing mentioned in paragraph seventeen in the schedule to this Proclamation, and therein forbidden to be sold pledges, or otherwise disposed of, shall be capable of being seized or attached by or under writ of execution which may be sued out against any member of the said force, nor shall the same pass by or under any order made for the sequestration of the estate of any such member.

      22. It shall be lawful for the Governor to award to any of the men belonging to the said force, such sum of money as to him shall seem meet, as a reward for extraordinary diligence or exertion, or as a compensation for wounds or severe injuries received in the performance of their duty, or as an allowance to such of them as shall be disabled by bodily injury received, or shall by worn out by length of service.

      23. For the protection of persons acting in the execution of this Proclamation, all actions and prosecutions to be commenced against any person for anything done in pursuance of the Proclamation shall be commenced within four calendar months after the cause of the action shall have arisen, or offence be committed, and not otherwise; and notice in writing of such action and of the cause thereof, shall be given to the defendant one calendar month, at least, before the commencement of the action; and if a verdict shall be given for the defendant, or the plaintiff be non-suited, or discontinue any such action after issue joined, or if, upon exception, or otherwise, judgment shall be given against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover his full costs and between attorney and client.

      24. Any Officer, Non-Commissioned Officer or Member of the South African Constabulary who, by his negligence, causes any loss or damage to Government property under his charge or control, shall be liable to make good such damage or loss, over and above any penalty imposed by this Proclamation, or by any regulation thereunder framed. If the loss amounts to five pounds, or less, the matter may be investigated by any officer commanding a troop or detachment, who may impose a fine to the amount of five pounds, or sentence him to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding fourteen days; but if the loss amounts to more than five pounds but less than twenty pounds it must be dealt with by a Magistrate or Board of Officers, who can impose a fine to the amount of the loss, or sentence him to a term of imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding six months; and if the loss be more than twenty pounds it must be dealt with by a Superior Court, which can impose a fine to the extent of the loss, or sentence him to a term of imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding one year.


      1. Beginning or inciting, causing or joining in any mutiny or sedition.

      2. Being present at any mutiny or sedition, and not using his utmost endeavour to suppress the same.

      3. Conspiring with any persons to cause mutiny or sedition.

      4. Knowing or any mutiny or sedition, and not without delay giving information thereof to his immediate commanding officer.

      5. Striking or offering violence, or using threatening or insubordinate language to a superior officer in the force, being in the execution of his duty.

      6. Disobeying the lawful command of a superior officer in the force.

      7. During the period for which he shall have engaged to serve in the said force deserting from the same or refusing to serve therein or advising or persuading any other member said force to desert from the same, or knowingly receiving or entertaining any deserter, and not immediately on discovery giving information to his commanding officer, or taking other means to cause such deserter to be apprehended.

      8. Misbehaving before the enemy, or shamefully abandoning or delivering up any fort, post, camp, station or guard committed to his charge, or which it was his duty to defend, or inciting any other person to do so.

      9. Discharging any fire-arms, making any signal, or by other means whatsoever, intentionally occasioning false alarm in action, camp or quarters.

      10. Casting away his arms in the presence of an enemy.

      11. Being, while a sentinel, found sleeping on his post, or leaving the same before being regularly relieved.

      12. Disclosing, verbally or in writing, the numbers, position or preparations of the force or forces to which he is attached and by such disclosure, producing effects injurious to the service to which he belongs.

      13. Being in the command of a guard, picquet or patrol, and without proper authority releasing any prisoner committed to his charge, or suffering him to escape.
      14. Drunkenness.
      15. Malingering, deigning or producing disease or infirmity or wilfully maiming or injuring himself or another member of the force, whether at the instance of such other member or not or causing himself to be maimed or injured by any other person, with intent thereby to render himself or such other member, unfit for service.

      16. Taking any bribe or gratuity whatever with reference to any duty, imposed upon him, or wilfully neglecting to execute any warrant entrusted to him.

      17. Selling, pledging or otherwise disposing of any horse, saddle, bridle, gun, clothing, ammunition or other article of equipment, which by the regulations of the said force for the time being he shall be required to keep and possess.

      18. Conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline

      Given under my Hand and Sea at Pretoria this Twenty-Second day of October, One Thousand Nine Hundred,


      Commanding-in-Chief, South Africa


      Enclosure B in No. 24 of 1900




      1. A permanent local Mounted Force will be formed for the maintenance of order and public security in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony.

      2. The Force will be styled the South African Constabulary.

      3. It will have its headquarters in Pretoria, and will act as District Mounted Police in times of peace, and as a Military Force in times of war. It will be available for service in any part of British South Africa. Candidates who are N.C.O.'s or men of the Imperial Regular Forces must have completed their Colours Service.

      4. The term or engagement on full pay will be for three years, with the possibility for N.C.O.'s and men of re-engaging on increased pay, or of retiring to the Constabulary Reserve at the end of that period. (for particulars see "Conditions of Service," etc).

      5. The rates of pay will be liberal, so that a superior class of men will find it worth while to engage.

      6. Promotion will be by merit. Commissions will be obtainable from the ranks.


      7. Engagement for not less than three years. Officers from the Imperial Army will be temporarily employed with the force on probation for three months, after which, if satisfactory, application will be made for them to be seconded from their regiment. Other candidates for Commissions will not be definitely appointed till they have served for three months to the satisfaction of the Inspector-General.


      8. Colonel Commanding Division............................1,200 per annum

      Lieutenant Colonel...............................................1,000 per annum

      Major (according to importance of post)...............750 to 900 per annum

      Captain (ditto-ditto)...............................................510 to 600 per annum

      Lieutenant.............................................................23s to 25s per diem

      2nd Lieutenant......................................................20s per diem

      9. Office and Contingent Allowances included in above rates. Travel allowances, 15s a day when on duty out of district.

      10. Officers will find their own uniform, arms and equipment. Medical attendance, rations, and forage will be provided by the Government. Officers below the rank of Field Officer will be entitled to one Government horse free. Other Officers may purchase Government horses by instalments.


      11. Officers will subscribe to the "Mess and Band Funds" on the principles laid down in Army Regulations.

      12. Promotion will be by selection. A knowledge of colloquial Dutch will count in an Officer's favour when he is being considered for promotion.


      13. Candidates must not be under 20 or over 35 years of age.

      PAY:- /s/d

      14. Superintendent Warrant officers...........15 0 per diem

      Sergeant-Major (Staff Sergt).................10 0 per diem

      Sergeant (1st Class Sergeant)............. 9 0 per diem

      2nd Class Sergeant.............................. 8 0 per diem

      Corporal................................................ 7 6 per diem

      1st Class Trooper.................................. 7 0 per diem

      2nd Class Trooper................................. 6 0 per diem

      3rd Class Trooper.................................. 5 0 per diem

      15. In addition to above rates, an allowance will be granted to compensate for extra high market prices to all N.C.O.'s and men while stationed north of the Vaal river, within a radius of 50 miles from Johannesburg. The amount of such allowance will be subject to revision every six months. It is provisionally fixed at two shillings per diem. In exceptional cases where rations cannot be supplied, a ration allowance will be made of 2s per diem. Travelling allowances from 5s a day when travelling on duty out of district.


      16. Pay as well as promotion, will be largely according to a man's efficiency and behaviour, troopers being divided into three classes, and N.C.O.'s into four, for this purpose. Promotion from one class to another among troopers depends on their qualifying in Constabulary duties, musketry, signalling, language, and other tests, and on their continuing, efficient in these subjects. Men of all grades will enter at the lowest pay for their grade. Promotion in the N.C.O.'s ranks will, as a general rule, only be granted to those who qualify in colloquial Dutch.


      17. A limited number of Army Reservists will be allowed to engage in the Corps. Such appointments will, by preference, be given to artificers, such as farriers, wheelers, armourers, saddlers, saddle-tree makers, pioneers, R.E. masons and carpenters, telegraphists, signallers, gunners, N.C.O.'s and others. Should they be on the married roll, their wives and families will be brought out free, but application for this privilege must be made within six weeks of engaging in the Corps. When a wife or family has thus been brought out, Government will not undertake to take them or the man home again.

      18. On completion of the first three year's service, a man if approved by the O.C. Division, re-engage for a further term at 3d. a day extra pay for two years. On completion of this (five years), he may re-engage for a further service by the year, if the O.C. Division approves, at 6d. a day for every additional year until the total increase of pay for re-engagement shall have reached 2s per diem.


      19. Rations, horse, forage, clothing, equipment, arms, quarters, medical attendance &c., are supplied free.

      20. A N.C.O. or man may be discharged at any time by order of the O.C. Division with or without gratuity. A discharge may be purchased with the consent of the O.C. Division at j 20 during the first year, or j 15 during the second year of service, j 10 during the third.


      21. Any N.C.O. Or trooper may, with the approval of his C.O., Be transferred to the Constabulary Reserve, providing that there is a vacancy for him at the end of his first engagement, or if he re-engages, at the end of any period or re-engagement up to the completion of five years from his first entry into the service. Every man transferred to the Constabulary Reserve shall remain in it, and have his permanent residence in the Orange River Colony or Transvaal, unless discharged, up to the end of seven years from the date of his first entry into the service. A man wishing to purchase his discharge from the Constabulary Reserve my do so on payment of 12 at any period of his service in the Reserve. He will receive, while in the Constabulary Reserve, pay at the rate of j 1 per month. He will be liable to be called out annually for a short period of training and will be liable to be called out for active service at any time, by proclamation of the Administrator, Governor, or Colony, declaring the existence of a state of war or of such serious menace to the peace as to render mobilization necessary. While in training, or on active service, he will receive full pat at the same rate which he was enjoying when transferred to the Constabulary Reserve.

      22. In addition to their pay, Constabulary Reservists, if they desire to settle on the land, will receive special consideration in any Government aided scheme of settlement. Proposals are at present under consideration whereby suitable settlers may be assisted to acquire land and be aided at starting by Government advances, the purchase price and capital advanced being re-payable by instalments on easy terms. If any plan of this kind is found practicable, a certain number of farms annually will be offered, in the first instance, to members of the South African Constabulary who, having borne a good character, may be desirous of being transferred to the Constabulary Reserve with a view to actually settling on the land as farmers.

      Similar privileges will be extended to N.C.O.'s and men who may quit the South African Constabulary after five or more years' continuous service, being a good character. Any man having served at least five years continuously in the South African Constabulary (not including Constabulary Reserve Service), with a good character, will be entitled on retiring to a gratuity of one months pay for every year of service.

      23. Men on the Constabulary Reserves may, with approval of Officer Commanding Division, be taken on to full pay again at any time for a term of two years at 3d a day extra pay.

      23A. Men desirous of marrying while in the South African Constabulary must first obtain the sanction of the O.C. Division to their doing so. They will then be entitled to an allowance to cover lodging and other expenses, such as fuel, light, rations &c., at the consolidated rate of 3s a day.

      24. Men must, as far as possible, be good riders and good shots, strictly sober, and actually recommended by their C.O.'s or Employers and medically fit.

      26. Where a number of men join from one corps or place, they will be squadded as far as possible together in the South African Constabulary.

      27. They will be engaged under Proclamation No. 24 of 22nd October, 1900 and the above condition of service.


      29. Leave of absence will, where possible, be granted to all ranks for one month in each year cumulative, on full pay; special conditions ruling shooting leave and leave to England or out of South Africa. After four years without leave, six months' full pay will be granted.


      Inspector-General South African Constabulary

      Pretoria, 20th October, 1901



      Captain P. Fall, Lord Strathcona's Horse, who was to be appointed to the Constabulary, was sent from South Africa to pass the men. It was the intention that Lieutenant-Colonel S. B. Steele, M.V.O., C.B., who commanded Lord Strathcona's Horse, and was also to receive an appointment in the Constabulary, should be in charge of all recruiting in Canada, and Captain Fall was to await Lieutenant-Colonel Steele's arrival before proceeding with the work. As Lieutenant-Colonel Steele did not leave South Africa until January 20, authority was given by the Colonial Office, on January 29, to proceed with the recruiting pending his arrival. This permission was received most opportunely as applications were by this time pouring in from all parts of the Dominion and even from the United States. Instructions were issued on February 8, the recruiting to commence in British Columbia, the North-west Territories, and Manitoba on February 21; in Ontario, March 4, and in Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, March 7 and 8. Candidates had already been informed, in the orders issued on January 15, that they were to make application for enlistment to the Adjutant General, Ottawa, using one of the printed forms provided for the purpose. In due time the applications were passed upon by Captain Fall, who arrived in Ottawa about February 1, the order of preference being, provided the candidate was eligible as regards age, standard, medical fitness, &c. as follows :—

      1. Men who had already served in South Africa.

      2. Men who had served in the mounted branches of the Permanent Corps or the North-west Mounted Police

      3. Men who had performed three consecutive years training in the Cavalry or Field Artillery of the Active Militia.

      4. Men who had served in the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry.

      5. Men who had served in the Infantry and Garrison Artillery of the Active Militia.

      6. Other applicants.


      I, do hereby contract, promise and agree to serve His Majesty King Edward VII., His Heirs and Successors, in the South African Constabulary, established and constituted under and by virtue of the proclamation of Field Marshal Lord Roberts, Commander-in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in South Africa, dated at Pretoria on the 22nd day of October, 1900, under the terms and conditions, and at the rates of pay and allowance mentioned and set out in the circular of the Inspector General of the said Constabulary dated at Pretoria, the 20 h day of October, 1900, for a term of three years or until sooner lawfully discharged there from, and I agree to place myself under and to be subject to the orders and direction of the officer or officers detailed to transport me from the place of enlistment to the enlistment depot of the corps in South Africa and do promise and undertake to obey the same. And I do further agree while enroute from my place of enlistment or attestation to South Africa to submit myself to and to be bound by the disciplinary clauses contained in the said proclamation of Lord Roberts before mentioned. In the event of my being adjudged guilty of any misbehaviour at any period or portion of the journey from the place of my enlistment to the depot -in South Africa, I acknowledge that I render myself liable at the option of the Inspector General not to be accepted for the corps, and I agree that no right or claim for compensation or for any transport or other expenses shall accrue to me if rejected in consequence of such misbehaviour.

      Witness:…………………………} Signature:……………………………..

      Dated………..........the…………..day of…………………….. A.D. 190 .



      I, ________________ do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Edward VII, His Heirs and Successors, as lawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, dependent on and belonging to the said Kingdom, and that I will defend Him to the utmost of my power against all traitorous conspiracies or attempts whatever which shall be made against His Person, Crown and Dignity, and that I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors all treasons and traitorous conspiracies and attempts which I shall know to be against Him or any of them, and all this I do swear without any equivocation, mental evasion or secret reservation. So help me God.

      Sworn before me at this………… day of…………….A.D. 190 .


      I, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully, diligently and impartially execute and perform the duties required of me as a member of the South African Constabulary and will well and truly obey and perform all lawful orders and instructions which I shall receive as such without fear, favour or affection of or towards any person or party whomsoever. So help me God.

      Sworn before me at this………… day of………….A.D. 190 .


      All men enlisted in Ottawa or at any point to the west thereof were concentrated at Ottawa. Men enlisted in or east of Montreal were concentrated at Halifax.


      The applications for Commissions in this force were submitted to His Excellency the Governor General, who personally selected the 30 successful applicants, at the request of the Imperial authorities. The names of the candidates selected were notified on March 18. They were as follows:—

      To be Captains:

      Capt. H. E. Burstall, R. C. A.

      Major C. C. Bennett, 6th Rifles.

      Capt. F. W. L. Moore, 4th Regt., C. A

      Capt. W. T. Lawless, The G.G.F.G.

      Capt. T. O. Critchley, 3rd Batt., R.C.R.

      Capt. A. H. Powell, RL.D.G.

      Inspector W. H. Scarth, N.W.M.P.

      Edward Reading, Sergt-Major R.C.D.

      Capt. H. R. Poussctte, 26th Rcgt

      Lieut. G. S. Beer, Rocky Mountain Rangers

      W. L. McGiverin, late Pte. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      *Captain A. E. Swift, 8th Royal Rifles.

      To be Lieutenants:

      Lieut. J. C. Oland, 63rd Regt.

      Lieut. A. B. Irvine, 90th "

      C. P. Ermatinger, late Pte. C.M.R.

      D. A. O'Meara, late Pte. 2nd Batt. R.C.R.

      J. French, late Pte. C.M.R.

      W. D. McCarthy, late Pte. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      Veterinary Capt. W. J. Morgan, 5th Field Battery.

      Capt. J. F. Foulkes, 5th Regt., C.A.

      H A. C. Machin, late Sergt. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      G. Hampson, 5th " Royal Scots."

      R. B. Eaton, late Corp. C.M.R.

      Cadet K. C. Folger, Cadet R.M.C.

      R. R. Thompson, late Pte. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      F. W. Burritt, late Pte. R.C.D.

      Cadet C. R. E. Willetts, Cadet R.M.C.

      F. T. St. George, D. of Y. R. C. Hussars.

      J. R L Atwater, late Pte. 2nd Batt., R.C.R.

      Lieut. G. R. Lightbound, 3rd Regt. Victoiia Rifles.

      *Sergeant A. W. R. Wilby, Lord Strathcona's Horse, was selected for a Captaincy, but being unable to join in time to proceed with the Contingent, Captain A. E. Swift, 8th Royal Rifles, was appointed in his place.



      On March 26 the force concentrated at Ottawa, consisting of Captain Fall, 21 officers and 903 other ranks, entrained for Halifax. The whole force embarked at Halifax on March 28, on the transport Montfort for Capetown, where it arrived on April 25. Lieutenant Colonel Steele did not arrive in Canada until March 8, and by the time Lord Strathcona's Horse had been paid off and disbanded, recruiting for the Constabulary was completed and the organization of the contingent well advanced. Lieutenant-Colonel Steele did not take over the command of the contingent, and it proceeded to South Africa under the command of Captain Fall, who was given the temporary rank of Major in the Militia.


      The greatest care was taken in recruiting for this force. Candidates, in the first place, were required to make application in writing, using an authorized form. This form embodied a medical certificate. If the application showed that the man was not up to the standard, or medically unfit, or if it was not accompanied by testimonials from two responsible persons and complete in information in other respects, it was rejected. The candidates whose applications appeared to be satisfactory were notified to present themselves to the recruiting officer at the nearest station, and their applications were forwarded from Headquarters to the Recruiting Officers concerned.

      There were forwarded, with the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph, a copy of Militia Order 32, containing orders governing the recruiting, also a copy of Field Marshal Lord Roberts' Proclamation for the organization of the Constabulary, dated October 22, 1900, and a copy of the conditions of service published by Major-General Baden Powell, dated October 20, 1900. When the candidates presented themselves at the recruiting station they were, if there appeared to be the slightest doubt as to their bring medically fit, required to undergo another medical examination, and were also tested in riding and shooting. If not at least fair riders and fair shots, or if they seemed unfit in any particular, they were not accepted. In addition to being subjected to these tests the enlistment was not complete until Captain Fall had passed upon the men after concentration. A force composed of men enlisted after such care had been taken in their selection might be expected to be a good one, and the following telegram from the High Commissioner for South Africa shows that the Canadian Contingent was such an one:-

      London, May 9, 1901.

      His Majesty's Government has received with much pleasure following message from High Commissioner for South Africa. Inspector General of South African Constabulary reports most favourably on Canadian recruits, average physique of men is splendid and they seem to be particularly well fitted for their duties. Regret that owing to my departure have not yet had time to see them myself.

      (Sgd.) Chamberlain

      2-3 EDWARD VII. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 35a A. 1903, p.7-20.


      PART I.

      Department of Militia and Defence,

      Ottawa, November 2, 1902.

      To the Honourable

      Sir Frederick Borden, K.C.M.G.,

      Minister of Militia and Defence.

      Sir,—I have the honour to submit a further supplementary report on the contingents organized in Canada for service in the late war in South Africa. The supplementary report issued in 1900 dealt, up to the date of its publication, with the organization, equipment, despatch and service in the field of Canadian contingents, save that of the South African constabulary. Recruiting in Canada for the last named force had been completed and the contingent had embarked for South Africa before the report of 1900 was sent to the printer, but as the constabulary is a permanent force for the purpose of maintaining order and public security in the Orange River colony and the Transvaal, to act as mounted police in time of peace and as a military force in time of war, it was considered that there was no necessity to refer to it in that report. As, however, owing to the continuation of the war to a period much beyond v/hat was then expected, the constabulary has acted as a military force for more than a year, advantage will be taken of the publication of this report to place on record particulars respecting the enrolment of the 1,200 men in Canada, the casualties sustained during the continuance of the war, and such other information as may be available.


      On November 30, 1900, the General Officer Commanding the Militia reported the receipt of numerous applications from men desirous of joining the South African Constabulary and inquired whether the Imperial Government would accept recruits for that force and provide transportation to South Africa. A communication was accordingly addressed to the Military Secretary to His Excellency the Governor General, with a view to His Excellency being moved to ascertain what were the wishes of the Imperial Government. His Excellency forwarded a despatch on December 4, and on December 20, the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies replied that Her Majesty’s Government learned with satisfaction that recruits were coming forward in Canada for the South African Constabulary, and would have much pleasure in accepting up to 1,000, if so many were available, and that in the event of that number being enrolled, 10 captaincies and 15 lieutenancies in the force would be given to Canadian officers on His Excellency’s recommendation.

      There were actually enrolled 1,208 men, which entitled His Excellency to nominate 12 captains and 18 lieutenants.

    7. The Canadian Press
      Published Wednesday, July 15, 2015 12:36PM EDT

      OTTAWA - A new official honour has been created to recognize Canadian volunteers.

      The Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers will be awarded to those who have made a significant, sustained, unpaid contribution to their community.
      The new honour incorporates and replaces the existing Governor General's Caring Canadian Award, established in 1995 by then-governor general Romeo LeBlanc.
      Gov. Gen. David Johnston announced the establishment of the new medal today, following its approval by Queen Elizabeth II.
      He says the medal will emphasize Canada's commitment to giving.
      The last federal budget gave the governor general an additional $2.8 million per year to update Canada's existing honours system in a bid to bring it more into the modern era.



      There is also talk that since the current government has cancelled the 150 Medal that this medal will have to suffice......



    8. 4 minutes ago, peter monahan said:

      I can see that, but the bars were quite common on early Victorian medals, as it wasn't yet the custom to sew them to the uniform.

      The interesting thing is that they are three separate mounting clasps instead of 3 together......  The most that I have ever seen is a mounting clasp that would hold 6 medals.......



    9. Medal on the left as looking at the picture is the Civilian Order of the Bath and the last one is India Mutiny with one of a possible 5 bars......

      • Delhi
      30 May - 14 September 1857. Awarded to troops participating in the recapture of Delhi.
      • Defence of Lucknow
      29 June - 22 November 1857. Awarded to original defenders and to the relief force commanded by Sir Henry Havelock - Particularly rare and sought after by collectors. This medal was also awarded to the principal, masters and schoolboys from La Martinière College in Lucknow[6]
      • Relief of Lucknow
      November 1857. Awarded to the relief force under the command of Sir Colin Campbell.
      • Lucknow
      November 1857 - March 1858. Awarded to troops under command of Sir Colin Campbell who were engaged in final operations leading to the surrender of Lucknow and the clearing of the surrounding areas.
      • Central India
      January - June 1858. Awarded to all those who served under Major-General Sir Hugh Rose in actions against Jhansi, Kalpi, and Gwalior. Also awarded to those who served with Major-General Roberts in the Rajputana Field Force and Major-General Whitlock of the Madras Column, between January and June 1858.


    10. 4 hours ago, Gunner 1 said:

      There is now a Type III British officially-issued Great War Victory Medal that has been discussed on the Great War Forum.  It was issued in May 1915 (along with a BWM) to the next-of-kin of a British soldier whose BWM and VM had been returned by his mother and never re-issued.  Unfortunately it appears as if the issued medals (see below) do not look any better than some of the current reproductions.

      27 Greer May 2015 reissue copy.jpg


      OK Gunner 1......

      You have me confused.....  You have stated that these medals were issued in 1915.....  Yet the war medal is dated 1914-1918.......   Or was that a typing error.....  Are these the modern issues and should read 2015.....


    11. About 2 years ago I purchased a Victory Medal that was in a bad condition due to verdigris and I accidentally left it in my pants pocket and she who must be obeyed put it through the wash.....  When it came out it was as clean and shinny as if it was brand new.....  I got in he** for putting through the wash but since then I have used a pair of old grey wool work socks and put some WW1 Victories and WW2 Stars one in the sock at a time and it has worked.....



    12. 1 hour ago, peter monahan said:

      I believe the bronze medals were also issued to Africans [blacks] in some of the labour corps and so on, but I haven't been looking at QSAs in several decades and my memroy is far from perfect.

      I did some research on the ones issued to Indian troops, which probably numbered several thousand in all, as many cavalry sowars arrived in SA with drafts of remounts for the Imperial troops, most of which came in from Australia via India.  To the best of my recollection, all I ever saw or heard of were nemed, so I suspect that if it is bronze and not named it is, as Mike says, an unissued specimen.

      Good Morning Peter.......

      I understand following the thread on the ABW Forum and the important decisions book that no medals of any kind were issued to Africans (blacks) for the Boer War..... 

      The estimated total of silver and bronze medals issued to Indian troops is 1800......


    13. 32 minutes ago, lambert said:

      Hi all.

      Again I ask for help in my search found another South African medal "QSA" with 3 claps. however it is in Bronze (did not know about the Bronze medal) the seller said she apparently has no inscription on the edge (!!!) this is common?



      Good Morning Lambert......

      The combination you state is impossible...... Or I should say Officially Impossible, maybe made up.....

      1.  The bronze medal was issued normally issued to Indian Troops......

      2.  The bronze medal was never issued with clasps / bars......

      3.  There are instances where the medal is un-named but this is very uncommon and is normally only on samples that have been given to museums by the mint......

      Take a look at the ABW forum site here:  http://www.angloboerwar.com/medals-and-awards/british/1875-queens-south-africa-medal




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