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    Posts posted by QSAMIKE

    1. Hello Mariner......

      I have two that I think could fall into the category that you are thinking about.......

      One person a Colonel was accused of being a homosexual by an officer that he had been promoted over, there was a trial, he was found not guilty but due to the publicity he resigned and served in WW1 as a private......


      The second one was an officer who was a whistle blower about conditions that he had observed and because he had brought disrespect to the army he was forced to resign......

      In both cases I would pay a premium for them BUT......................... as I always say and believe we are looking at the man and his life not just the value of the medals.......





    2. Good Morning Everyone.....

      Thank you Paul and Mervyn........

      I have been asked by PM if the DSO and MC are copies as the medals look to good.......  Well I can tell you that they are not......  I am a cleaner and replace ribbon, but keep old ribbon with the medals.....  The reason that I clean is that a Sergeant Major would never allow you on parade with dirty medals......  I know there has been many long and complicated and even emotional arguments about this subject.....  Clean or Not To Clean, What do you use to clean etc.......

      But again no none of the medals are copies.......





    3. Good Morning Bernhard.....

      Thankyou for your kind comment...... It can be addictive......  The British have always used fancy boxes for their higher awards and yet simple boxes and envelopes for their campaign medals.....

      The  only exception at one time was the highest award the Victoria Cross was given out in a rather plain box as it was stated that they did not want the box to take away anything from its contents.....

      Not to take anything away from this forum take a look at :   http://www.angloboerwar.com





    4. Good Afternoon Everyone......

      I have not posted anything in a while so I thought that I would post this as one of my latest additions........
      Will post some pictures and the write up that came with the medals, more to follow as I dig into this fantastic man.....



      Distinguished Service Order GV, Military Cross GV, Queen’s South Africa Medal clasps Cape Colony, Paardeburg, Driefontein, 1914/15 Star, British War & Victory Medals with Mentioned in Despatches Oakleaf to Major Edison Franklin Lynn Canadian Engineers late Royal Canadian Regiment. Lynn was born in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada a Civil Engineer by profession, his diary for the Boer War 1899 to 1901 (103 pages) was published by Belleville, Ontario shortly after the War. Awarded the Military Cross for the defence of Gravenstafel Ridge Ypres 22nd to 23rd April 1915 and the DSO for the attack on Hill 70 on 15th August 1917, he was also twice Mentioned in Despatches. His personal diary and papers covering his service on the Western Front 1916 to 1919 are deposited in the Imperial War Museum Archives, he died in Hampstead, London in 1960.

      Distinguished Service Order GV - Major E F Lynn Hill 70 August 15th, 1917
      Military Cross GV - Major E F Lynn Ypres April 1915
      Q.S.A. - 7509 Pte F Lynn Rl Candn Regt - Cape Colony, Paardeburg, Driefontein
      1914/15 Star - Lieut E F Lynn Can Eng
      British War & Victory Medals with MID Oakleaf - Major E F Lynn

      Edison Franklin Lynn was born 17th June 1881 in Sidney Township, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada a Civil Engineer he served in the Boer War and published his diary (130 pages). He enlisted at Valcartier, Quebec 24th September 1914.

      Lynn is mentioned in ‘Shoestring Soldiers’ the 1st Canadian Division at War as taking part in the defence of Gravenstafel Ridge 22nd to 23rd April 1915, awarded the Military Cross London Gazette 14th January 1916. No published citation but an award for Ypres April, 1915.

      Mentioned in Despatches London Gazette 1st January 1916 (FM Sir John French) and London Gazette 28th December 1917 (FM Sir Douglas Haig).

      Toronto Star – 10 February 1916:

      WINNER OF MC IS MODEST  -  Lieut. Lynn, M.C., Praises Sappers Instead of Self

      “I did appreciate the cable of congratulations from the Hydro on my ‘Mention in Despatches’ of F.M. Sir John French, and my being awarded the Military Cross,” writes Lieut. E. Frank Lynn to Major W. W. Pope, secretary of the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission. All came as a real surprise, and when I wear my new decoration I will wear it for my sappers, for to them all honor is due. At all times, under most trying circumstances, they have been keen and steadfast, ready for anything in any place. The country is mostly flat, and when it is flat, it is very flat indeed. We have tried many new ways of getting rid of the water, but making it run down into the enemy trenches gives us most enjoyment. The enemy came out one night and dammed our big ditch which took care of the water from four square miles. This backed the water up in our trenches. Then with a party of fifty men with shovels, we made the ditch deeper between the dam and the enemy’s front line. We were protected by men with bombs.  When all the men were in we set guncotton in the dam and fired it. The rush of water was music to our ears. Fritz had wet trenches and much pumping for days after”.

      Distinguished Service Order London Gazette 1st January 1918.
      No published citation but an award for Hill 70 15th August 1917.

      The attack on Hill 70

      Haig ordered Sir Arthur Currie, who in June had been placed in command of the Canadian Corps, to launch a frontal assault on the city of Lens. Instead of attacking the heavily fortified city directly, Currie, after studying the ground, convinced his British superiors that a better plan would be to capture Hill 70, directly to the north. If this dominating hill could be taken, the Germans would have no choice but to counterattack. Currie planned for artillery and machine-guns to smash these German concentrations, thereby weakening their hold on the entire sector.

      The Canadians attacked on 15 August and captured many of their objectives, including the high ground. They then held their positions against 21 determined German counterattacks over the next four days. Canadian probing attacks against Lens on 21 and 23 August were unsuccessful, but Currie’s forces had inflicted severe casualties on the enemy and gained the high ground overlooking the city. The Canadians lost more than 9,000 soldiers at Hill 70, but killed or wounded an estimated 25,000 Germans. Currie proved an able and innovative commander. His Canadian Corps would soon move north to help Haig and his faltering Passchendaele campaign.

      Major Lynn’s Diaries and private papers are held by the Imperial War Museum

      Diaries containing miscellaneous entries for 1916 – 1918 (376pp, 377pp and 380pp including addenda), together with five notebooks (196pp, 147pp, 151pp, 151pp and 113pp) containing additional, mostly more detailed, ms descriptions, for the periods 1 April – 30 August 1917, 15 September – 31 December 1917 and 11 January – 31 December 1918, written during his service on the Western Front with the Canadian Expeditionary Force, initially as a junior officer in the 1st Field Company Royal Engineers, 1st Canadian Division (March – November 1916), as an Assistant Field Engineer on Corps duties (November 1916 – February 1917), in the 2nd Field Company RE (January – March 1916 and, as commanding officer, February 1917 – May 1918) and in the 2nd Battalion Canadian Engineers (as second in command, May – December 1918) covering the Battles of Second Ypres (April – May 1915 see Vol 2 pp75 – 91 for vivid reminiscences), Mont Sorrel (June 1916), Flers Courcelette (September 1916 including brief references to tanks), Arras (April – May 1917), Third Ypres (October – November 1917), Amiens (August 1918) and the Canal du Nord (September 1918) and his Battalion’s subsequent progress through Belgium after the Armistice as well as service in Cologne as part of the Army of Occupation.


      E. F. LYNN, MAJOR 025.JPG

      E. F. LYNN, MAJOR 007.JPG

      E. F. LYNN, MAJOR 009.JPG

      E. F. LYNN, MAJOR 015.JPG

    5. Good Morning Rob.....

      Finding information on WW2 Canadian Military is very hard to do unless you are a member of the family due to the new access to in formation regulations.......

      The exception being if you can prove the man has been dead for 25 years or more......

      The thing that you can possibly do is contact Library and Archives Canada with the number but due to staff cutbacks you can wait a long time.......







    6. Mike what a wonderfull find  - and two bars covering both periods..............

      Your historical outline was fascinating and I greatly enjoyed reading  it  -  the Fenians (or, todays I.R.A.) were not

      trained soldiers and stood little chance against the Canadian and British Forces.

      I must be honest and say that I have a great interest in the British Fenians - and have shown previously the carriage

      door I own from a horse drawn Police "Black Maria" that was attacked and a Police Sgt. murdered in order to effect the

      release of the two Fenian leaders , who then escaped to the US and set up thre organisation that attacked Canada.

      However my knowledge of individual battles in the two attacks is sadly lacking and you have helped to remedy that.  Thankyou.



      Good Evening Mervyn........

      Have just been able to get back on the forum and saw your comments, thank you......

      The Fenians units in this case were made up of from civilians and a large number of trained Union soldiers after the civil war......

      They were outlaws in Canada and the US.......    See Below



      Fenians Gather on the Huntingdon Border

      Fenians Gather on the Huntingdon Border--Skirmish at Trout River--The Enemy Routed by the Canadian Troops.

      Simultaneous with Gen. O'Neil's raid into Canada at Eccles' Hill on May 25th, an invasion took place on the Huntingdon border, when a strong force of Fenians under command of Generals Starr and Gleason advanced about a mile and a half into the Province of Quebec, on the line of the Trout River. On arrival at a chosen position which possessed great advantages for a successful defence, they began throwing up entrenchments, and prepared to make a determined stand. A whole day was spent in the work of constructing rifle pits and breastworks, but being no doubt discouraged by the news of O'Neil's defeat at Eccles' Hill, they abandoned their position on the 26th and returned to their camp on the American side of the line. While there they evidently received some encouragement and reinforcements, as they returned to their entrenchments in Canada early on the morning of Friday, the 27th of May, and re-occupied their works, which they busily began to strengthen. Their rifle pits were dug in front of some hop-fields, defended by stockades, with a stout barricade across the road. The line of entrenchments rested on the river on one side and a dense wood on the other, while their centre was strongly protected by a forest of hop-poles, through which their retreat, in case of necessity, would be comparatively safe. The whole position was chosen with considerable skill, and was so strong that 500 men could easily have held off several thousands for a considerable length of time, had they been properly directed.

      The Canadian force chosen to operate against this column of the enemy was composed of H. M. 69th Regiment, the 50th Battalion (Huntingdon Borderers), and the Montreal Garrison Artillery, the whole under command of Col. Bagot. At 3 o'clock in the morning of the 27th, the Montreal Garrison Artillery and the Huntingdon Borderers were ordered on the march from Huntingdon Village, where they had arrived the previous night. In less than two hours the whole force was on the move along the road leading to Holbrook's Corners. At 8 o'clock the entire column had reached Hendersonville, which is two miles from Holbrook's, and there one company of the Montreal Garrison Artillery (under Capt. Rose) was ordered to proceed along the concession road to the west in order to flank the enemy, whose glittering bayonets were plainly visible in the sunlight as they were drilling in a field about a mile and a half distant.

      The advance guard of the Fenians were posted behind a very strong entrenchment, with their right flank resting on the river and their left covered by the woods. Their skirmishers were about 150 in number, and their supports and reserves (amounting to about 300 or 400 more) were stationed a short distance in the rear.

      The Huntingdon Borderers formed the Canadian advance guard, and as soon as they had approached within about 300 yards of the Fenian position, were deployed in skirmishing order, and advanced with great gallantry. The centre support was composed of one company of the 69th Regiment, under Capt. Mansfield and Lieut. Atcheson. The remainder of the 69th, under Major Smythe, was drawn up in quarter distance column as a reserve. One company of the Montreal Garrison Artillery (under Capt. Doucet) marched across the bridge and along the road on the left, and afterwards took part in the engagement with those who had been sent in the opposite direction further back, to prevent a flanking movement from either side. The remainder of the Artillery and Engineers, under Capt. Hall, marched to the front as a reserve, but afterwards returned to Holbrook Bridge, which it was feared the Fenians might attempt to capture, and advance along the south side of the river. The skirmish line advanced with great steadiness against the enemy behind the entrenchments. The Fenians fired three volleys as they advanced, the fire being promptly returned by our men as they gallantly moved forward. When the Canadians came within 100 yards of the entrenchments, the Fenians fell back through the hop-field, firing as they retreated, and when they got beyond its protection, ran for the buildings further back, where it was thought they would make a stand. Col. Bagot then ordered Capt. Mansfield's company of the 69th to fix bayonets and charge, which was done in grand style, amid loud cheering, and resulted in the complete rout of the Fenians. Capt. Hall's Battery of the Montreal Garrison Artillery, directed by Lieut. Fitzgeorge, cleared the wood on the left in a very thorough manner, and soon the whole Fenian army were in a helter-skelter race out of Canada and back to American territory. When the Canadian troops reached the boundary Col. Bagot had great difficulty in restraining them from crossing into the United States after the fugitives, so eager were they to effect the capture of the marauders. The Fenians were so swift in their retreat that only one was captured, but three men were killed and several wounded during the fight. No losses occurred among the Canadians.

      The Fenians were utterly dispirited and completely demoralized, and when their commanders (Gen. Starr and Gen. Gleason) were arrested at St. Albans by the United States authorities on the following day, they abandoned all further thoughts of invading Canada, and left for their homes thoroughly sick of their experience on their excursion to Trout River.

      At Buffalo, Detroit, Ogdensburg, and other points where Fenians had gathered for the purpose of invading Canada, the news of the fizzles at Eccles' Hill and Trout River caused consternation and depression among their ranks, and the fact that Gen. O'Neil and several others of their military leaders were in jail on serious charges, served to put an end to all thoughts of continuing the movement, and they hastily dispersed and returned to their homes.

      Gen. O'Neil was brought to trial some time after by the United States Government, on a charge of violation of the Neutrality Laws, and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. This was a hard blow to the Fenian organization, and it gradually went to pieces.

      But the warlike spirit had not died out in O'Neil, and he began to plan new ideas. His hatred of British institutions appears to have been so deep-seated that he was willing to sacrifice not only his liberty, but life itself, to undertake any scheme that had for its object their overthrow, and it was not long before he was again implicated in a plot against the Dominion of Canada.

      Shortly after his release from prison in 1870, he entered into a conspiracy with emissaries of the rebel Louis Riel to assist in a great uprising in the Canadian Northwest, in which the Indians and half-breeds were to be utilized. O'Neil was ready for anything, and consented to invoke Fenian aid in conjunction with Riel's rebellious plans, by participating in an invasion of Manitoba. He managed to obtain a few hundred stands of breech-loading rifles and a quantity of ammunition that had escaped seizure by the United States authorities at the time of the Fenian Raid of 1870, and with the assistance of Gen. J. J. Donnelly, he fitted out an expedition on the Minnesota frontier. He started from Port Pembina, Minn., on October 5th, 1871, to invade Manitoba and raise his standard, but had barely crossed over the boundary line when he was arrested, with his troops. All of their armament was seized and they were marched back as prisoners to Pembina and handed over to the United States authorities. They were indicted on charges of breach of the Neutrality Laws, but at the trial were acquitted on some slight technicality.

      This ended Gen. O'Neil's career as a filibuster, and becoming disheartened and discouraged by his failures, he began drinking heavily, and soon became a wreck, subsequently dying alone and miserable as the result of his excesses, "unwept, unhonored and unsung."

      FROM:  Troublous Times in Canada, A History of the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870


    7. Good Morning Everyone......


      The following is my latest find for your viewing pleasure.....









      Fenian Raid 1866 - Capt. F. Whyte, Huntingdon Infantry Company
      Fenian Raid 1870 - Major F. Whyte, 50th Battalion, Huntingdon Borderers


      2nd in Command of the 50th at the Battle of Trout River who lead the initial attack.

      Both bars have been verified by Library and Archives Canada.




      The Battle of Trout River was a military conflict that occurred on 27 May 1870. It was a part of the Fenian Raids. This battle occurred outside of Huntington, Quebec near the international border about 20 kilometres (12 mi) north of Malone, New York.


      Before the battle:


      The Fenians, an extremist group of Irish Republicans, were under the command of General John O'Neill and General Owen Starr, and the Canadians were under Col. George Bagot of the British 69th Regiment of Foot. The day before, the Fenians had crossed the border to build several positions, which were apparently well chosen and built. However, due to lack of reinforcements, they crossed back onto American soil. At 7:00 in the morning of May 27, Starr initiated the conflict after receiving more troops, by crossing the Trout River and establishing a position on "the right and left roads, with his extreme right resting on the Trout River." His force rested behind a post and rail fence which he added to the existing works. To this was added a very reliable route for retreat.


      Canadian troops advance:


      Three units of Canadian infantry were ordered to march from Huntingdon Village where they were stationed. These three units were the H. M. 69th Regiment, the 50th Battalion and the Montreal Garrison Artillery. The entire force marched along the road towards Holbrook's Corners in order to meet the Fenians. At Hendersonville, part of the Montreal Garrison Artillery was sent to flank the Fenian positions. The rest of the force proceeded towards a frontal engagement.


      Engagement at Holbrook's Corners


      The 50th Battalion formed an advance guard for the Canadian forces and advanced within 300 yards of the Fenians when they deployed to assault. The Fenian advance guard had a very strong position which they held for several minutes. The British and Canadian troops advanced out of the woods by the river, firing as they moved. Said one observer, "It was not an intermittent fire, but one continuous fusillade". Starr told his own men to fire for 10 minutes. They held the advance for several minutes until Canadian forces moved to flank the Fenian position.


      At this, Starr formed up and retreated in order to the United States border where they broke and ran. The Sydney Mail notes that the Fenians continued to "deny the truth of the reported defeat." At this time it is also mentioned that up to 1,000 Fenians were in New York and more were expected.


      (From Wikipedia)


      Trout River Battle Honour


      The oldest Canadian battle honour commemorates the Second Fenian Raid of 1870. The Regimental Colour for the 50th Battalion Huntingdon Borderers, presented by His Royal Highness Prince Arthur in 1920, bore the words "Trout River" commemorating an action that occurred on 24 May 1870. The Victoria Rifles of Canada received the battle honour "Eccles Hill" on 5 December 1879, commemorating an action from 25 May 1870. Both of these regiments have since been disbanded.





    8. I have to concur with Odulk, looks like a Souvenir of some sort.....


      The only Cap Tally that I have that has something different in my collection is a Royal Yacht which has a crown between the Royal and Yacht......





      This is hard to say. These fancy letters are not regular for RN ribbons.

      The name H.M.S. NILE was carried through the 19th Century by three different units.

      The earliest RN cap tallies (first half of the 19th Century) had the name painted in yellow or gold on the ribbon, all later ribbons were standard Navy issue with the name woven in the silk.

      But we do see these fancy letters often on cap tallies worn by little boys and girls on their sailor's hat or sennet hat which were fashionable from about the mid 19th century until the Great War.

      So to my opinion this tally was never worn officially by a RN rating.

    9. This helmet was worn and is still worn by some units......  This is the home service pattern......


      The helmet should have a ball and not a spike as it is artillery.....






      I think the first is the Victorian period home service helmet, is it not?  With a King's Crown plate.  Pity the spike is missing.  I agree that both are very likely pre-WWI.

    10. Good Morning.......


      Here is some information for you......  Sorry I do not do values as they can be very subjective........


      1)  South Africa Service Medal with 1901 Bar - #1679 Pte H. Plows. York. L.I.


      is actually:   The Kings South Africa Medal with South Africa 1901 bar, Missing the 1902 Bar and never issued without the Queen's South Africa Medal 


      2)  Afghanistan Service Medal with 1919 Bar - #2773 Soward Runmust Kahn. 28/Cavy.

      3)  Afghanistan Service Medal with 1919 Bar – #87 W.E.E. McKinley. Rlwys (a very low number)


      is actually:  India General Service Medal  1908 - 1935 see below


      4) Group of 2

      ??? - #3258 Sepoy Nilkha Singa 1-69 Pjbis

      Afghanistan Service Medal with 1919 Bar - #3258 1-69 Pjbis


      is actually:  India General Service Medal  1908 - 1935 see below and a British First World War - War Medal named to same man.


      5)  ??? with Malaya Bar - Afghanistan Service Medal with 1919 - #774 Loh Kum Wah S. Pore Pc L


      is actually:  General Service Medal 1918-1962 with bar for service in Malaya  (Malaya - For service in Malaya and Singapore against communist guerrilla forces. The qualifying dates for service were between 16 June 1948 and 31 July 1960. For the Colony of Singapore, the date period was between 16 June 1948 to 31 January 1959.)



      Hope this is of some help......











      There are three issues of this medal, the first bearing the head of King Edward VII and the legend 'EDWARDVS VII KAISAR-I-HIND on the obverse.

      The second issue has the crowned bust of King George V and the legend 'GEORGEIVS V KAISAR-I-HIND.

      The obverse of the third issue bears the crowned head of King George V with the legend 'GEORGIVS. V. D. G. BRITT. OMN. REX. ET. INDAE. IMP.'.

      The reverse of all three issues depicts the fortress at Jamrud commanding the entrance into Afghanistan at the Khyber Pass with the word 'INDIA' in the lower centre. The suspender is a swivelling ornate scroll type with a claw mount (several types) sweated to the medal.




      'NORTH WEST FRONTIER', 'ABOR', AFGHANISTAN N.W.F. 1919', MAHSUD 1919-1920', 'WAZIRISTAN 1919-1921', 'MALABAR 1921-1922', 'WAZIRISTAN 1925', 'NORTH WEST FRONTIER 1930-31', 'BURMA 1930-32', 'MOHMAND 1933' and ' NORTH WEST FRONTIER 1935'.




      The ribbon is dark green with a central dark blue stripe and 1.25" in width.




      Naming varied enormously for this medal but is usually engraved in running script for the first two clasps and then impressed in thin small capitals on later clasps.




      This medal was struck at both the Royal Mint and the Calcutta Mint in India. Those struck in India had a different claw mount and is of slightly lower quality.

      The first clasp was awarded with the Edward VII issue, the next seven with the second issue with the bust King George V and the last four with the third issue also with the bust of George V.


      Clasps are often encountered with poor quality rivets due to them being attached to the medal while the soldier was on active service in India.






      In helping clear out my friend's collection I came across the below 6 medals. Some I know what they are and others I don't. They are all named and numbers. Would someone fill in the blanks? Also since I will be selling these for his mom, any suggestion on value. Thank you.



      South Africa Service Medal with 1901 Bar - #1679 Pte H. Plows. York. L.I.


      Afghanistan Service Medal with 1919 Bar - #2773 Soward Runmust Kahn. 28/Cavy.  


      Afghanistan Service Medal with 1919 Bar – #87 W.E.E. McKinley. Rlwys (a very low number)


      Group of 2

      ??? - #3258 Sepoy Nilkha Singa 1-69 Pjbis

      Afghanistan Service Medal with 1919 Bar - #3258 1-69 Pjbis


      ??? with Malaya Bar - Afghanistan Service Medal with 1919 - #774 Loh Kum Wah S. Pore Pc L

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