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    Posts posted by Duzig

    1. Hello,

      Just out of curiousity, I wonder if the idea of trying to remove water stains from flags is something that should be considered doing and what the outcome of doing it would be,making things worse or what? I usually try not to buy anything with damage to it but this item is something I just couldn't resist.

      I was just wondering if there is any safe way to remove water stains without damaging the item? I mostly ask this out of curiousity because I most likely will leave well enough alone but I would like to hear any ideas about should it be attempted or left alone and if I was to do it how would it be done? Thanks for any info or opinions


    2. Hello,

      Lorenzo, yes for sure it is completely original. It can't be seen in the photos I guess but there is some water staining on both sides of the DAF logo, not terrible and better on one side than the other, but not distracting, at least to me. Alex that flag you have is beautiful. I believe as stated in the link to your flag that it was given to companies that performed particularly well. Your item also looks pristine and as mentioned probably was displayed inside a building judging from the beautiful shape it's in. I usually try not to buy items that have any damage etc, but the enormity of this piece, and the sense of history that it conveys to me(huge mass rallies etc)I just couldn't resist buying it. And Alex, I agree that trying to lay an item out this big and get pictures of it wasn't easy, I was tired by the time I moved it all around and then folded it up again LOL. It is gigantic for sure. I hope at some point to be able to hang it and take pictures of it hanging. Thanks for your comments and again if anyone has pictures of large DAF banners hanging I'd love to see them. As to value anyone have any ideas what a piece this size would go for? I would imagine at least a few hundred dollars,particularly since it's got a DAF logo and not just the swaz. In any case I paid what I thought was a very fair price and am quite happy to have obtained it. Thanks again


    3. Hello all,

      Here's an item I picked up lately from a fellow collector. It is double sided and measures roughly 12ft wide by about 21 ft long and it has been shortened on the bottom. I wonder if anyone has pictures of large banners like this being used at rallies or anywhere for that matter. The DAF logo is multi piece and around 7ft wide. I have searched the net for pictures but other than one sent to me by someone else I have not found any. If anyone has pictures of DAF banners such as this in use I'd appreciate having a pic of it. Thanks again


    4. Hello all,

      Here's an item I picked up lately from a fellow collector. It measures roughly 12ft wide by about 21 ft long and it has been shortened on the bottom. I wonder if anyone has pictures of large banners like this being used at rallies or anywhere for that matter. The DAF logo is multi piece and around 7ft wide. I have searched the net for pictures but other than one sent to me by someone else I have not found any. If anyone has pictures of DAF banners such as this in use I'd appreciate having a pic of it. Thanks again


    5. Hello Rob and Brian,

      Thanks for the comments. I mention about posting on other forums because I wouldn't want anyone to think that what they have told me I doubted or anything like that. The more information the better I say. Being that the internet is usually sight unseen dealing with people I think it's important that people know exactly where each of us is coming from. For myself being a small time collector and not an attendee to many shows the internet and forums like this provides incredible amounts of information that could not be gained without input from other helpful and knowledgeable collectors like yourselves. Again it is appreciated. That's another thing I find odd, that those who give help and information are many times not acknowledged or thanked by the one who asks the question. The best to both of you and happy collecting!


    6. Hello all,

      I don't think I've posted this piece before & not sure if this is the correct forum for it. Basically I'd like to find out a rough value on this piece. I'm going thru my items and trying to get a handle of values etc, basically for my own knowledge and not for selling. I know people don't like to give values sometimes so that's why I tell you this is basically for my own knowledge. I have this badge, if memory serves me correct it's a Latvian officers candidate badge, worn before ww2 and during perhaps(?). In any case if someone can provide any more info and a rough value on the piece it would be appreciated. Again hope this is in the correct forum, if not please notify me or remove thread.



    7. Well, the new photos make it easier to determine and I'm afraid that both the full size and the mini are both 100% bad.

      Here is a shot of a genuine original. For one thing, note the position of the top of the mast relative to the chain surround on the original compared to the fake - on the real badge it is aligned with the centre of a link, on the fake at the joint between two links. There are many other small details that are close, but just not right - the bow waves are too large and heavy, the bow has a "double line", the anchor chain around the border is too large and heavy.

      Sorry, definitely bad.

      Hello again,

      I thank you all for your comments regarding this badge. I've had this item for about 20 years and not being a badge guy never really paid too much attention to it. I particularly appreciate that instead of saying only that "it's bad", that reasons where given for why it's bad. Again I thank you all for your comments and info, it is appreciated.


    8. Hello,

      I also have a few of these different olympic badges so I also do hope that at least a few of them turn out to be original,and they certainly seem to me to be of high quality and well made so while I do lean to these being mostly "fantasy" I don't plan on throwing them away any time soon. But I still think the preponderance of opinions about them is that they are mostly fake items. I have also been told by many that the HJ Nesselwang badges one sees, which are also very well made, are fantasy items, along with some of the enamelled NSFK badges and the Red Cross alpine rescue badge which I think the book is still open on. Another mark against them is that they often are seen on dubious dealers sites and all over the place at shows many times with the correct style pin plates but also many times with the oval shaped pin plates with clipped ends which I am told are strictly post war. Certainly no expert here just passing on information that I have read and been told so as with all things we each must decide whether we like or accept originality of an item.



    9. Hello,

      I also have had this same badge at least for twenty odd years but I do believe I have read on one of the forums that these badges and a few of the other olympic badges, in example the judges badges are fantasy items. I also remember reading somewhere that the use of the swastica on many olympic items was pretty much discouraged by the olympic committee because of all the foreigners who would be attending. These badges do seem to be of fairly high quality but as I mentioned I do believe the preponderance of thought on these is that they are fakes. They seem to be all over the place at militaria shows along with the HJ nesselwang & 50 year deutsche jaeger badges which also are considered bogus. I have enclosed a few pictures of a couple I bought quite a few years ago. I have also included a link to a site called "the regalia specialist" which sells some of these "olympic" badges. I'm sure that I have seen the exact badge shown at other repro dealer sites but as of this moment I can't find it. I will continue looking and try to post a link when I do find them. Here is the link to the site I mentioned: http://www.regaliaspecialist.com/search.php Here is also a link to the official olympics website for those interested: http://www.olympic.org/uk/games/past/index...2&OLGY=1936



    10. Hi Bill! Welcome to the forum!!

      Until you reach 50 posts, your photo size is restricted to 69kb or less. If you have trouble getting the image to post, please shoot me a PM and I can post it for you!




      Paul thank you for that information. I will try to post a picture of item again. I believe it is within size limits. I don't have any reference info available right now but does someone know which type of RLB plaque is earlier? The type with the swastica or the type with the actual RLB lettering? Offhand I would think that the one with letters RLB enamelled would be the later type? Again thanks for your help and info.


    11. Hello,

      These are indeed nice little items and relatively inexpensive,or at least they used to be. I have a RLB member plaque but don't seem to be able to insert it directly into the thread. Is there any way one can do this or does it have to be linked from a site or need url? These plaques are nice looking items and relatively inexpensive or at least they used to be. I have seen a plaque like the RLB plaque above on a dealers site, I forget which one,but it was about 8 inches in diameter, quite a bit larger than one's usually seen.


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