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    Black Painted Wehrmacht Belt Buckle

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    Hello there,

    I just got this ww2 German Army belt buckle in a group of souvenirs my grandpa brought back from Germany and had a question about the black paint. I haven't really seen any with the paint and was wondering if it denoted a specific branch of the Heer or Wehrmacht, as I am of the understanding that most of these were silver. My grandpa fought in 1944-45 so it would definitely be a late-war pick-up. Any info on this type of buckle is welcome and very helpful.



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    Thanks Dave,

    Maybe someone will be able to tell if it is Navy or not, too bad the leather was missing, we could have looked for the stamp! It is a neat buckle though, if only my grandpa could remember where (or more precisely, whom from) exactly he got this over there :blush:



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    Hi! Sorry to be late getting to this! What you have is considered by some collectors to be a late war issue Heer buckle. Other collectors tend to consider these types of dark buckles worn by members of the coastal artillery manning the Atlantic wall.

    I have one such example in my collection. It is dark with actually a tinge of blue in it. Mine is marked GB (gustav brehmer) and dated 1943.

    Hope this info helps!



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    Thanks Rob for that info,

    It does make sense as a Coastal Artillery buckle, but I know to avoid snipers some army buckles were painted dark as well. A great buckle that I am so happy my old gramps passed on to me, will be in my collection to the end!



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