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    Guest Rick Research

    It would be easier if you post his name. If you don't know who the Generalmajor was, post his face.

    Those generic "war award" ribbons cannot be identified as to WHICH WW1 decoration they are from the ribbons, only by knowing who it is and checking his records.

    Such extreme mess seems to have been a characteristic of Austrian Luftwaffe generals and the awards are common enough not to be able to say what the decorations are without the face.

    The top single (bizarre) seems to be a WW2 KVK2X. Last on the 2nd row with all his WW1 decorations is the WW1 Troop Cross.

    Bottom row is Honor Cross X, Austrian WW1 Commemorative X, Tyrol WW1, Luftwaffe 2 long services (can tell which by name/face), a mystery (stripes too wide for 1908 Jubilee), and Hungarian WW1 Commemorative X.

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