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    Polish Mounted Pair

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    Guess you didn't see the apology I extended. Oh well. No big loss. If you are comfortable with this pair then by all means that's the most important thing. You spent your hard earned money on them and in the end it's you that has to be happy. I personally would not have them in my collection but that's me.

    My apology still stands from the above post. I bear no ill will towards you. You have your opinion and I have mine. Let's agree to disagree.



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    I in no way personally attacked him. I just stated thathis book has errors and is out of date. Sorry to say but it's 20+ years old. Most reference works published then have since been noted as full of errors. That goes if you're collecting German medals, Polish medals, teacups, spoons or anything else. As I said he did his best at the time and I applaud him for it.

    Warmest Regards,


    Edited by GregK
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    Can I remind you all to act like Gentlemen. There is no need for accusations and incivility from EITHER party.

    Greg you are entitled to your opinion on this matter, but it has to be said that when a new member turns up and within eight posts starts to cast aspertions on the credibility of internationally known leading collector (and I am leaving Doc out of the equation) it makes me wonder at your motives ?

    I am sure that you have your own credentials, but come on let us all establish them before you go in at the deep end.

    I am glad that you have tried to support your statement, but you give no mention on the provenance of your own posted award, which as far as I know could have been made yesterday ! We need some objectivity here and before peoples names are tarnished with sweeping statements we need a lot more proof than you are offering.

    It is nice to see someone who says he has got knowledge of these awards join the forum, but I think you seriously need to establish some credibility with the other members here before you challenge what you perceive to be a bad group, when everyone else so far thinks its good.

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    Hallo Gentlemen, :beer:

    I would like to add pictures of my un-numbered piece (on the wrong ribbon) and then ask both Greg and Doc to take a look and offer opinions, I obtained it about 8 years ago while living in Germany, at a flea-market.

    Kevin in Deva. :beer:

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    Hallo Gentlemen, :beer:


    I would like to add pictures of my un-numbered piece (on the wrong ribbon) and then ask both Greg and Doc to take a look and offer opinions, I obtained it about 8 years ago while living in Germany, at a flea-market.

    Kevin in Deva. :beer:


    This thread is dead as far as I'm concerned. I've deleted all of my posts and pics over the mess this morning. But for you, my friend, I'll look at it tomorrow.

    :beer: Doc

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    Mr. Chairman,

    I would like to reply to your post if I may.

    "Greg you are entitled to your opinion on this matter, but it has to be said that when a new member turns up and within eight posts starts to cast aspertions on the credibility of internationally known leading collector (and I am leaving Doc out of the equation) it makes me wonder at your motives ?"

    I have no ulterior motives. I in no way attacked the Professor's or Doc's credibility. All I said was that Wesolowski's book is more than 20 years old and needs to be updated. In fact I praised him for writing it as it was groundbreaking at the time. Do you remember when Angolia wrote his books on awards back in the 70's? People praised them as being the "Bible" for collectors of that material but in the years since much of the information and and examples he pictured have been deemed false. Others have taken the reigns to write new and more modern books based on new information.

    "I am sure that you have your own credentials, but come on let us all establish them before you go in at the deep end".

    All I did (or thought I was doing) was offering another point of view. I have made posts in many other forums and have shared knowledge gained from years of study in the field. If I should have posted more before jumping in with an opinion then my apologies for doing things out of turn. Any opinion I expressed was backed up with detailed photo evidence pointing out some differences. It was not just a blanket statement or accusation.

    "I am glad that you have tried to support your statement, but you give no mention on the provenance of your own posted award, which as far as I know could have been made yesterday ! We need some objectivity here and before peoples names are tarnished with sweeping statements we need a lot more proof than you are offering."

    The award that I posted was given to me by a good family friend. It was his fathers cross. If need be I can post an identical example (albeit with a different number) that was my grandfathers.

    "It is nice to see someone who says he has got knowledge of these awards join the forum, but I think you seriously need to establish some credibility with the other members here before you challenge what you perceive to be a bad group, when everyone else so far thinks its good."

    I have done much study on these. In fact the statement that they were made in Italy is false and I have documentation to prove it. I read the other members' statements and not one claimed that this group was 100%. As I mentioned above if my coming here and offering a differing opinion offended anyone then I am sorry.

    After all is said and done though I thought I handled myself very well given the situation. I didn't resort to name calling even after many rude and hurtful things were said to me. I offered the olive branch as I am a peace loving individual and life is far too short for confrontation. My offer of an apology to Mr. Riley still stands as I bear him no ill will. I can understand his viewpoint as it's never nice to hear something negative about something you're proud of. He was angry and he vented his rage. I do not apologize for my viewpoint as I do stand behind what I said but I do apologize if it offended him so.

    In the future I will refrain from posting if I see that it will turn into a "fistfight". I would hope Mr. Riley would see fit to replace his photos as I think they would be beneficial to all.



    Edited by GregK
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    Hi Doc, :cheers:

    sorry to hear that, I was hoping you Gentlemen, would see fit to bury the hatchet, and help with your expertise & knowledge what could be a very interesting thread.

    Kevin in Deva :beer: (Once a U.N. Peacekeeper, always a U.N. Peacekeeper :beer: )

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    Hi Doc, :cheers:

    sorry to hear that, I was hoping you Gentlemen, would see fit to bury the hatchet, and help with your expertise & knowledge what could be a very interesting thread.

    Kevin in Deva :beer: (Once a U.N. Peacekeeper, always a U.N. Peacekeeper :beer: )


    I'll still take a look at your cross and get back to Ya this evening.

    :beer: Doc

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    I'll still take a look at your cross and get back to Ya this evening.

    :beer: Doc


    Your Monte Cassino Commemorative Cross looks good to me. :love: It's a shame that it doesn't have a serial number to trace the recipient. This is one of only a few Polish ODMs that can be traced. The Polish government didn't care to keep records. So unlike Soviet and British ODMs it's only a few that can be researched.


    Nice Cross!!

    :beer: Doc

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