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    Army tropical eagle

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    Finally I've got a tropical army breast eagle, out of the dealers wallet and into my hands a couple of weeks ago

    (and the right price when I see what is being asked for these!)

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    That is a particularly nice example - - thank you for sharing. A scarce piece in my opinion. It took me nearly twentyfive years before I found an example that I could afford to buy - - - it was in an general antique dealers cabinet here in York for a very modest ?18 - - - I was "over the moon" - - - since it was considerabley less than a specialist TR dealer would have charged me for such a piece.

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    Beat ya Dan, It took me longer (35years) and cost me more (?25)

    From what I have read on WA, the eagles with the straight stiching along the top of the eagle, indicates that it came from an earlier issue tunic.

    As apposed to the later zig-zag stiching style.



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    Beat ya Dan, It took me longer (35years) and cost me more (?25)

    From what I have read on WA, the eagles with the straight stiching along the top of the eagle, indicates that it came from an earlier issue tunic.

    As apposed to the later zig-zag stiching style.



    Gawd! :speechless1: and to think I threw mine away many years ago when I became a "Peace and Love Hippy" in the late 60's, (Afghan coats, head bands, and Bell Bottoms etc etc), together with I admit many, many other items which now appear to be, based on this and numerous other forums (Or is it Fora!) quite collectable and valuable, Oh well youth is wasted on the young. :banger:


    Alex K

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    Well fortunatly for me Alex, when I was a hippy (I still am in a way) I did not loose the collecting bug,

    and as I was one of the few workers in my circle of friends, I managed to pick up a few items from them.

    Pity you didn't live near me!


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    Rest easy Alex - - - I remain a "peace and love hippy" to this day - - - this is just my hobby for some fourty years now !

    Thanks for the re-assurances guys. I clearly remember in the late 50's and through the 60's swapping many items at school for a pack of Woodbine cigarettes, (They came in packs of 5 then, or was that Park Drive?) for numerous German badges, decorations and uniform bits.

    I actually badgered my old Geography teacher to let me have some of his bits and pieces from his wartime experience, (He was a bomber pilot who flew Halifax bombers during the war and was shot down.), he eventually gave me his flight blouse, complete with insignia, including pilots wings, a spare set of pilots wings in one pocket, his side cap, and his post war Caterpillar club tie and little caterpillar badge.

    I truly wish now that I had kept them and asked him about his wartime experiences, unfortunately by that time the lure of girls, and flowers had overtaken me!!



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