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    Note the Croat armshield.

    Only real candidates for Croat troops in the Army are verst?rkten kroatischen Infanterie Regfiment 369 which is unlikely as a Regiment wouldn't have an integral Feldgendarmerie Trupp.

    The later 369, 373 and 392 (kr.) Infanterie Divisionen all had their own Feldgendarmerie units and all also had a sprinkling of German NCOs (and the chap in the centre is certainly German)

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    The German NCO has seen a bit of service. Note the Afrika cuffband. First ribbon on the ribbon bar (I think there are 5 in all) is most likely an EK, the second is I think a plain blue LS medal (possibly Police) then the ribbon for the Anschluss Medal, followed by the East Front medal and I think, the Italo German Campaign Medal for Afrika ?

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    The bespectacled chap again from another photo, this time from the other side showing his Feldgendarmerie insignia.

    All three Divisions fought on until May 1945 and survivors from all three Divisions fell into the hands of the Partisans, so unless he had a miraculous escape, he was probably murdered along with many of his fellow Croats.

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    Guest Rick Research

    German's ribbon bar is

    KVK2X (note little Xs device)

    Blue long service (so yup, career policeman from before the war)

    Austrian Anschluss 1938

    Sudeten Anschluss 1938

    Italian North Africa Medal

    He certainly got around!!!! :speechless1:

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    Well spotted Rick ! Eyes like a Hawk. I hadn't noticed that tiny light speck on the ribbon but it is indeed the crossed swords of a KVK.

    The Italo-German ribbon dates the photo to some time before March 1944 when the wear of Italian awards was prohibited and after whenever in 1943 the M43 cap was issued.

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