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    Lastest heart Sgt Raymond f Weaver from Northampton co PA lost b-24d BLACK Mariah II MACR 16472

    Target Maleme crete lost due to heavy flak as member of 1st Provisional bomb group attached to 376th BG 513th BS


    crew of black mariah II lost on crete mission

    John W Kidd 1st lt (silver star winner HALPRO mission)

    Martin Smith 2nd lt

    Kenneth W Baker 2nd lt

    Bernard Silbowitz 2nd lt

    Hoyle E Majors SSGT

    Raymond F Weaver SGT

    Paul R Venegas SGT

    William S Glaab sgt

    All crew recieved Air medals for Halpro mission to ploesti HALPRO mission pilot recieve SS medal

    a brave crew lost bombing Rommels supply routes on crete

    MACR # 16472 B24d 41-11593 black miariah II lost to Heavy ACK ACK over target/bad weather over ?Med ocean

    Search instituted immediatly but no avail. Searching personnel not given. Other crews on mission report seeing light on the water near the Island of Kane.

    Weather Bad and ACK-Ack fire over Target heavy and accurate.

    There are two planes liste with this same # black mariah and black Mariah II ???? was 1st plane fixed and turned into II later this # shows up as scraped jan 1943 My ? is did they find wreck or is it same # diffrent planes???? If found wreck why are the crew still MIA /FOD bodies never recovered?

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