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    I will present you again the photo of Oblt. dR Otto Straßburger because in the old thread you couldn´t enlarge the photos to his whole size.

    Hope now that the photos will function here.

    Best wishes


    Guest Rick Research

    Yup-- and since he was holding Feldpolizei rank, that opens up questions I can't answer about Waffenfarbe and rank titles.

    His weird combination of medals in the other thread suggest a career enlistment NCO who left the army, joined the police, and had a very rapid rise to this level.

    And these same scans posted again here indicate that the THREAD is the problem with visible size-- NOT your scabs, not our computers.



    Thanks a lot. But is there really no chance to research him? What about Straßburger who served in "Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 17"?? Could it be him?

    Best wishes


    Guest Rick Research

    Oh I wouldn't say NO chance-- just not what we have right NOW.

    He wasn't the man by the same name in Pio Bn 17-- who had no awards in May 1914. Your Straßburger was an ex-career NCO with the XV "PrDA1," which would have shown in a Prussian Rank List.


    Then I have to be patient :catjava: Perhaps one day we will get some informations or the whole story of his mysterious life.

    Thanks a lot and

    Best wishes


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