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    Guest Rick Research

    1910, actually. :catjava:

    Why must you make Sascha cry, Heiko? Why? :shame:

    This is one of his homeys again---

    Karl Nicolai (1864-1941)

    Major (27.01.10 Gg) Artillerie Prüfungskommission, Berlin.

    In 1911 to Baden Feldart Rgt 50, with BMV4 he got as a going away present end of 1910.

    Last medal is Baden 1902 Jubilee Medal.

    During the war he received

    BZ3aX 01.10.14 as Abteilungs Kommandeur in FAR 50 and

    Militär Karl Friedrich Verdinest Orden (BV3) 23.07.15 as Kommandeur, Feldart Rgt 233.

    Reired as char. Generalmajor (22.11.19) aD, last job during the war ArtKdr 59.


    Guest Rick Research

    PS Sorry this took me longer than usual in real time, but my pen is skipping ink and that made it difficult to read my own scribbles and re-type them after running up and down the stairs of the South Tower. :whistle:


    :speechless1: You ARE unbelievable !!! Only 5 hundred years before you would have been burned to hell at the stake because of your magic witchcraft power............ I know , I know.... not magic , just knowledge and books.... but tell this the boys with the burning torch behind you :catjava: It´s YOUR kind of magic :beer:

    Guest Rick Research

    No, it is decades and decades of looking at Rank Lists...

    they told me when I was young I'd go blind if I looked at girlie magazines so...

    here I am all these years later with one eye and all I can see are Rank List pages. :whistle::cheeky:

    SecLt 14.02.85

    PremLt 14.09.93 and already detached to the ArtPrüfKom in the late 1890s, temporarily

    Hptm 18.08.99 N (in 1902 Feldart Rgt 51) and as Hauptmann to ArtPrüfKom for years

    Maj as above

    OTL 27.01.15 P2p

    Oberst 27.01.18 M

    char. GenMaj aD as above


    Hmm, very nice one! Thought initially this faces looks familiar...

    Why must you make Sascha cry, Heiko? Why? :shame:

    This is one of his homeys again---

    Now did you know my father has his (paper) group, well, at least parts of it? :rolleyes:

    Guest Rick Research

    "...it's a small, smalllll world...." :catjava:

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