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    Generalmajor Paul Conrath's forged RK documents

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    George Petersen is a well known American militaria expert, dealer and former collector. George at one time, had a large personal collection of Fallschirmjaeger items, was intensely interested in all aspects of the Hermann Goering Panzer Division.

    A German dealer offered George Petersen a document grouping said to have been presented to the commander of the Hermann Goering P.D., and Petersen bought the items. Later, he found there was a big problem: the Ritterkreuz documents had been forged and placed inside genuine cases original documents would have been in.

    Petersen eventually recovered most of his money back, but was intensely hurt by the experience. He knew the dealer well, or so he thought, and trusted what he was told. When the matter ended, Petersen stopped collecting anything. He wanted others to know the details of what happened, and sent faxes with a covering letter to all interested parties.

    What follows is two published photos of the group before they were discovered to be forged; a covering letter by Petersen that accompanied the faxed material also sent by Petersen to several people. He did not want rumors circulating about what people thought happened. The faxes were typed and circulated by Petersen, and he expressly states in the covering letter he has no objection to the contents being disseminated to other people.

    The recipient of the covering letter and faxes was at the top of these documents, but have been removed by me with the knowledge of the person who received them directly from Petersen, and in turn made them available to me.

    Two photos follow, and then the rest, is entirely in George Petersen's words, with no slanting or altering of the details in any way.

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    The point of this thread is to illustrate how a high-end fake was discovered, and Petersen's description as he says is his point of view, and people are free to ask any one he names, for their version of events.

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