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    I have begun transcribing the EH5bX (Ernestine House Order Silver Medals with Swords date Bars) for Coburg and have completed 1914 through 1916, Unfortunately, except for January 1917 all of that year is missing from what I have, though it appears that 1918’s awards may be complete. This will take me the rest of 2010 to complete since it looks like there were more than 3,300 more for 1918.

    Have I ever mentioned how much I h-a-t-e typing?

    Needless to remark for those of you who have already got the Altenburg and Meiningen totals from the 2008 Ernestine volume, the “official price guide” prices for wartime Silver Ernestine Medals with Swords attachments from the three Duchies are… utterly upside-down irrational based on the vastly different numbers actually bestowed.

    Totals of the Silver Coburg Medals with Swords Devices for the two completed years are:

    1914 = 104 (remember: these required prior receipt of an EK2)

    1915 = 1,167 or 1,159 (cannot be sure if there is one double that MIGHT be two people/ same unit and there are 7 joint awards from Coburg AND Meiningen which do not specify which of the two Duchies actually gave its Medal to the recipients)

    1916 = 1,755 or 1,751 (4 are possibly “mit Jahreszahlen” rather than “mit Schwertern”)

    1917 = I only have 118 entries, alas

    Of the 3,144 awards 1914-17 transcribed, 2 went to Austrians and 241 to Bulgarians (almost all of them in Bulgarian Inf Rgt 22).

    NOTE: The numbers above will NOT repeat NOT equate to the various Swords Bar year dates found on these medals. At least one Coburg EH5bX awarded on 30 April 1915 is known to have had the Swords Bar “1914.” The Rolls give NO indication as to WHICH year bar was actually handed out with any medal. So while annual TOTALS are accurate, the specific Bars can only be approximated.

    Max Hans in his “Die Orden und Ehrenzeichen von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld und Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha 1689-1935” (Coburg, 1986) has

    1914 = 105

    1915 = 1,183

    1916 = 1,721

    1917 = 2,043

    1918/19 = 4,727

    so he obviously combined both the Master Roll and the Coburg List BUT did not deduct errors caused by duplicate entries not stricken on these.

    Those of you with the triple Ernestine Duchies 1914-1918 awards volume can pencil in these new additions so far from the Roll currently being transcribed:

    The following recipients of the CM2X got a Coburg EH5bX from 1914 through 1916—

    Becher, Hugo

    Berg, Erich von

    Cramer, Ernst

    Deubner, Friedrich

    Dusch, Alfred

    Fischer, Karl

    Grams, Kaspar

    Günsche, Karl

    ? Hofmann, Hermann ? (maybe)

    Hopf, Arno

    Hortmann, Hermann

    ? Kaiser, Kurt (maybe)

    Klug, Albert

    ? Köhler, Ernst (maybe)

    Kondziella, Peter

    Kranz, Wilhelm

    Muff, Johann

    Naumann, ? if Wilhelm (maybe)

    Reich, Franz

    Reissenweber, Hermann

    Schoder, Otto-- ? if Schöder

    Schreiber, Gustav

    Stichling, Otto (whose name was “Stiehling” per one roll)

    Tausendfreund—add first name Franz

    Wachtelborn, Albert (not Wachtelbern as published)

    Walther, Friedrich

    The following recipients of a CK got a Coburg EH5bX in 1914 or 1915—

    Alban, Willy

    Berg, Erich von

    Grams, Kaspar

    Hopf, Arno

    May, Hugo

    Reissenweber, Hermann

    Thanks to Paul for posting this update since I am not online. Rick Research

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