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    Awards of Russian Federation 1991 - Present


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    It would appear that there is interest in these so here's some shots of my small collection.

    These awards are so new that it's very difficult finding them in the wild.

    This is my highest award, Medal for Merit to the Country 2nd class civilian division:

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    Here's an interesting one!

    This is the offically struck Medal of Nakhimov that was never approved by the government but was struck by the mint in anticipation of it being approved! The whole batch was ordered to be destroyed but a few pieces made it out the back door and there are a few dozen in the wild.

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    Although I don't collect any Russian stuff (yet), these are nice items with an interesting blend of Soviet and Imperial designs and motifs.

    Where do you find current Russian awards?


    I've been collecting these for as long as I've been collecting Soviet Union awards! and this is all I was able to find.

    They come-up on eBay once in a blue moon and from some good dealers.


    Edited by HuliganRS
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    It's more like a roadbuilder badge.

    Thanks for posting the other medals that I don't have scans for.

    There are a few more that I still need to post...


    Thanks for the clarification Rusty. I have a 850 years of Moscow and a 60th of GPW. That's it for RF medals. I've also a 60th partisan medal on hold from Ron which I will get this month. Will be looking for more this year that's for sure.

    Edited by Danny
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