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    help with 1914-1915 star

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    please help me with this star,

    i found in the inet that the rang GNR = Gunner = private,

    but R.F.A is for Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

    Now is my question, why is the rang a gunner (like royal artillerie) and not a marine or seaman?

    regards trakkles

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    This version of the Star covered 1914 to 1915, when it was discontnued. The details on the reverse

    show that he was attached to the Royal Field Artillery.

    These were land based and therefore - nothing to do with the Fleet Auxilieries. WW2 though, saw Artillery

    gunners stationed on merchant ships to man the guns fitted against German submarines.

    One of our members may be able to help you with some further details. Mervyn

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