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    St John Ambulance Brigade King's Commendation

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    I'm uncertain if I'm posting this in the correct area, so please bear with me if I haven't.

    I am attempting to research an award of a King's Commendation to a Member of St John Ambulance.

    I have a pair of medals consisting of a Defence Medal with a silver King's Commendation device attached and a St John Service medal named to "30934 Sgt. N.H. Coombe. London S.J.A.B. 1944."

    If anybody can help with information about this award to Sgt. Coombe, or can steer me in the right direction for research, it would be very much appreciated.



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    David - you are in exactly the right place to show this pair - and we would like to see a picture.

    The date would indicate the 'Flying Bombs' or, V1 rockets that bombarded London and he must have performed

    an act of Gallantry. I am sure one of our researchers will be interested in helping - I would think this makes

    a fairly rare pair. Mervyn

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    Had a quick scan through the London Gazette, name doesn't help as there are lots of Coombe roads etc but nothing.

    I think the best bet would be to contact the Order of St John Museum, St John’s Gate, St John St, London EC1M 4DA

    They would be most likely to have details and for a small donation I am sure they could be of help.


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    Thanks Mervyn and Paul,

    I'll try and up load a picture at some stage but I'm not very good at doing this, so bear with me.

    Paul, thanks for the Address for the St John Museum I will certainly follow this up.

    All the best to you both,



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    • 3 weeks later...

    David - if you click on my name on the side bar , it will take you to a panel . Click on profile and somewhere you will find my email address. Send the pictures to me and I will repost on the forum. This may take a few days as I am having problems myself with

    posting pictures. Mervyn

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