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    Following some military diplomas post WW2. These diplomas are very common, but text can be interesting.

    The first one was distributed during an official visit to Tunisia, on November, 21 1987, that is only 2 weels after Ben Ali replaced Bourguiba as head of the state 


    This one was distributed to the same military for his participation on Warsaw Pact maneuvers. This diploma was signed by Viktor Kulikov, Warsaw Pact commander-in-chief from 1977 to 1989.

    I will be very glad if someone could translate these 2 diplomas.



    This diploma waso delivered to captain Nicolas Nikolaevich  Smirnov for his participation to naval maneuvers OKEAN-75.

    OKEAN 75 was a three-week follow-up held in April–May 1975. At this occasion, Soviet Defense Minister Andrey Gretchko declared:

    "The Okean maneuvers were evidence of the increased naval might of our socialist state, an index of the fact our Navy has become so great and strong that it is capable of executing mission in defense of our state interests over the broad expanses of the World Oceans"

    For further details on the impact of these maneuvers, you can read article written at the time by the NYC times:




    Diploma issued in Kabul in 1987 to Miroslav Nikolaevich Chtogrin, "for exemplary execution of his military and patriotic duties in RDA for his help to the Afghan people for the defense of the April Revolution, for his active participation to the political and military training".



    Thanks to Babelfish.fr,  I get translotion of the diploma attributed to Korotkov in Tunisia :) :

    For the initiative and creative approach to the performance of official duties in the period of solving the tasks of the official visit


    Automatic translation of Warsaw Pact diploma :

    For the high-quality training of formations and ships for teaching, skillful guidance of actions in solving problems at sea and the initiative shown in this exercise in the fulfillment of military duty 


    And now a diploma related to Chernobyl:

    "The fulfillment of the task of the Soviet government in an unusually difficult situation, you surely passed the test of courage and resilience, showing high moral, political and psychological qualities

    A deep understanding of personal responsibility for the case received has helped you to make a worthy contribution to the cause of eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    We express our heartfelt gratitude for the exemplary fulfillment of patriotic duty to the motherland"


    • 3 months later...

    Diploma issued to colonel Bokatov Dmitri Mikhailovich, by Senior group of Soviet military specialists in Iraq

     In connection with the 30th anniversary of the victories of the Soviet people and their armed forces in the Great Patriotic War and for the conscientious fulfillment of mission tasks

    This diploma was signed by General mayor Davidov.

    I don't find anything on Internet regarding soviet specialists in Iraq before Iraq/Iran war. 

    Do you have informations regarding this group or the role plaid by General mayor Davidov?



    • 1 month later...

    Following 3 diplomas issued to Mikhail Anatolievich Bakanov for his role in Afghanistan.

    For success in combat and political training, exemplary discipline, shown in the performance of official and international duty in the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and in connection with the celebration of Victory Day.
    I am confident that you will continue to serve as an example of military service for the benefit of our beloved homeland.


    For high results in military and political training, exemplary discipline, high conscientiousness shown in the performance of international duty to assist the democratic republic of Afghanistan and in connection with the celebration of the 66th anniversary of the great October socialist revolution.
    I am confident that you will continue to serve as an example of military service for the benefit of our country. 


    For excellent achievements in combat and political training, exemplary discipline, impeccable service in the ranks of the armed forces of the Union of the USSR, in honor of the day of rocket troops and artillery.
    I express my faithfulness that you will continue to serve as an example of the conscientious fulfillment of your patriotic and internationalist duty to our great homeland, the union of Soviet socialist republics.



    A little different now.

    Diploma issued in 1991, June to Dibenko Nikola Kirilovich

    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR in the Republic of Mozambique
    For a great contribution to the development of the Council of Mozambican cooperation and active participation in the public political life of the Soviet collective in Mozambique.


    Some elements of Dibenko biography found on internet :


    1952—1955 — инженер, заместитель начальника цеха завода (Рыбинск,Новосибирск).

    1955 — на партийной, советской работе.

    1957—1958 — 2-й секретарь Октябрьского районного комитета КПСС (Новосибирск).

    1959—1962 — 1-й секретарь Октябрьского районного комитета КПСС (Новосибирск).

    1962—01.1963 — заведующий Отделом Новосибирского областного комитета КПСС.

    17.01.1963—22.12.1964 — 2-й секретарь Новосибирского промышленного областного комитета КПСС.

    12.1964—1966 — 1-й секретарь Новосибирского городского комитета КПСС.

    1966—1973 — секретарь Новосибирского областного комитета КПСС.

    1973—1978 — в ЦК КПСС.

    11.12.1978—17.09.1986 — 2-й секретарь ЦК КП Литвы.

    11.12.1978—17.09.1986 — член Бюро ЦК КП Литвы.

    03.03.1981—02.07.1990 — кандидат в члены ЦК КПСС.

    01.09.1986—18.03.1991 — чрезвычайный и полномочный посол СССР в Мозамбике.


    • 3 weeks later...

    Diploma issued to KORENEV, For diligence and reasonable initiative, shown in the performance of international duty in the democratic republic of Afghanistan, in honor of the 67th anniversary of the Soviet army and navy.
    This diploma was signed by Salmanov, Chief Military Advisor in the DRA



    Another diploma issued to KORENEV is worth noting.

    In 1967, he participated to the parade in Dresden, GDR.



    Following a letter he received from Cuban defense Ministry. 

    I was unable to translate it. Please' help me ?


    • 2 months later...

    Following diplomas were delivered in Luanda, capital of the People's Republic of Angola.

    First one:

    For achieving highest results in socialist competition, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kurakov is awarded
    For conscientious fulfillment of international duty and in honor of the day of the air fleet.
    This diploma was signed by Commander of a aviation unit АН-12 in NRA

    I suppose АН-12 refered to plane Antonov 12, so Kurakov was probably piloting or working on plane maintenance.

    This diploma was signed in 1988 when Cuba negotiated with South Africa to find a solution to the Angolan civil war.



    Another diploma Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kurakov received in 1988, "For the successful implementation of the government's mission to provide international assistance to the People's Republic of Angola."


    Besides soviet diplomas,  Kurakov received a diploma from the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of Angola.

    It's the only diploma delivered by the People's Republic of Angola  I ever see.




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