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    Fire Safety and Rescue Section & Fire Safety and Rescue Squadron in Djibouti

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    Dear Gentlemen,


    The Fire Safety and Rescue Section* & Fire Safety and Rescue Squadron** in Djibouti.

    *Section de sécurité incendie et de sauvetage / SSIS

    **'Escadron de Sécurité Incendie et de Sauvetage / ESIS


    The Fire Safety and Rescue Section / Squadron is an operational unit located at an Air Base.

    This unit is mainly responsible for emergency rescue missions (rescues, firefighting, etc.).


    Operational missions:


    - Fire safety and rescue ("Crash Fire and Rescue" mission) for the benefit of the air base's aeronautical activity;

    - Protection of Airport Facilities ("PIAP" mission);

    - Rescue of people (in support of the army medical centre for most of the bases);

    - Nuclear safety, for the benefit of the French nuclear deterrent activity;

    - Specialized CBRN defence (nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical) and technological risks (RT);

    - Various operations: animal risks, natural risks (forest fires, floods, storms, etc.).


    The insignia:


    - SSIS DA 188 Y. Delsart 89100 Sens:









    The patches:


    - ESIS 1H188 :










    - ESIS 1H188 pompier de l'air / ALAT:




     ESIS 1H188 FR.- Fire & Rescue Camp Lemonnier Djibouti 2012:




    -  Pompiers FFDJ - CLDJ FD :




    Yours sincerely,

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