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    After discussing the Boer attack on the Jagersfontein garrison the “Times History” Vol V, p25 continues:
    “At Fauresmith there stood a smaller garrison, consisting of 117 Seaforth Highlanders, 20 Imperial Yeomanry and a Town Guard of 17 men, the whole under Capt A B A Stewart. Closely encircled on 3 sides by hills, which are themselves commanded by higher hills, Fauresmith was a difficult place to defend with such a weak force.


    Stewart wisely kept his Highlanders together on a kopje south of the town, while the Yeomanry under Lt Richardson held a fort built of stones and sandbags on a low ridge to the north.


    At 4.15am on October 19 a determined attack was made, mainly against the H’landers. All the troops held firm, and by 8:30, having inflicted nine casualties, the Boers drew off.”

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